Act 1, Chapter 10

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((Y/N): Your Name

(H/C): Hair Colour

(F/C): Favourite Colour


Dick's POV

My alarm woke me up at 9 am, since I had to drive (Y/N) to her university, and then go to the bartending job I had.

I looked at the sleeping angel beside me, remembering that she had a hard time sleeping again with all her tossing and turning, and I'm sure as hell that she doesn't want me to worry with whatever's troubling her mind.

But what kind of man would I be if I let her thoughts consume her?

I stooped down and placed a soft kiss on her forehead so I won't wake her up, but to my dismay, she groaned and slung her arm on my torso.

"Baby," I whispered. "We have to get up if you don't want to be late."

(Y/N) groaned again, but this time, she opened one eye to glare at me. I kid you not, I felt the ground shake.

"Well, someone's not a morning person." I joked, kissing her all over--from her shoulder to her neck.

"Richaaaaaarrrrddddd." She squealed playfully, as I pinned her down on this mess of a blue bed I have. I kissed her hard on the lips, her hands broke free from mine as they ran over my hair, giving it a soft tug.

"Baby, stop or you'll be late," I whispered, as I trace my fingers on her stomach and just above her (F/C) lace panties.

'Please don't get up.' I silently pray.

"You're so passive-aggressive, you know?" (Y/N) giggled. "Take a condom and make it quick, I'm on birth control."

Chuckling deeply, I scooted over to my side of the bed and opened the bedside drawer. I quickly removed one foil packet and took off my boxers.

Mornings are so wonderful.


Your POV

I was breathing heavily, as my heart began thumping like crazy. Mornings like this with Dick is the best because look at him.

Dick's hair is so damn sexy even without gel, although his face was contorted into a cute impatient one as he was rushing to the condom. With a smile, I sat in between his legs.

"Let me." I offered, seductively, as I snatched the condom away from him and tore it with my teeth. I smiled, putting a condom in between my lips as I lowered my head on his erect member.

Mmh, vanilla condoms are the best.

I heard Dick groan as he held my (H/C) hair away from my face, I looked at him. I started deep-throating him as my other hand stroked his shaft's base.

"That's enough, baby," He moaned, crouching forward to kiss my temple. "Now, be a good girl and lay on your back; yes, and then spread your legs.

"I complied, as my favorite (F/C) lace lingerie hid less of my slick vagina from his lustful eyes.

Dick moved in between my legs as he put them on either of his shoulders. He lowered himself, his lips licking and nipping on my inner thigh, effectively sending shivers down my spine.

"Now, let me make love to you," Dick stated, his voice lowering down a few tones as he ripped my lingerie from my legs as he began licking my clit.

"Ah, fuck!" I mewled, clutching his hair hard. I felt him smile as he ate me out. "Dick, there. RIGHT THERE. OH YES, BABY."

But he was far from over, oh no.

After he lapped my vagina a few more times, he then bit and sucked on my clit, granting me my first (loud) orgasm of the day. I looked at Dick, his eyes getting brighter as he slowly entered me. He pushed inside me deeply as he quickly pulled out; the process repeated again and again as his pace went faster---deeper.

I moaned, my mewling seemed to get higher every time he drove himself in me, as I dug my nails on his back. I heard Dick moan as he pressed his lips against mine, his teeth roughly biting on my lower lip as I opened my mouth to grant him access. Dick smiled during the kiss as his skilled tongue danced with mine; my juices mixing with the vanilla I just had a few moments ago.

I spread my legs harder, as he began thrusting harder than he was already going. I arched my back as I felt a knot build up in my stomach, while Dick was groping my tits. He broke away from the kiss, his sweaty forehead resting on the crook of my neck.

"Ah, GOD, (Y/N), what the hell are you doing to me!" Dick moaned lowly, his voice sending shivers down my spine. "Why are you still tight?!"

"I don't-- AH!" I cried, my orgasm coming as an explosive one as Dick came with me. He thrust a few more times as he rode out our orgasm, my nails still digging on his muscular back.

Dick pulled out, but before that, he left one chaste kiss on my lips."Go and take a shower baby; you have 10 minutes." He said, removing the condom then tying it into a knot. Dick then proceeded to throw it into our room's trash bin.

I laid down, my chest going up and down as I slung an arm on top of my forehead. I watched him put on his boxers and fumble around the room for a shirt.

Oh my god, his ass is so glorious.

"Give me a second." I breathe, sitting up on the bed.

"Come on, princess." Dick smiled, pulling me up with one gentle tug. "You're so gonna get in trouble"

"Alright, alright," I whined, trudging to the closet to get some clothes and then headed straight to the bathroom.

Agh, I wonder how I could manage to walk around the campus with my lower half sore from the activities that happened since last night? Dick's a fucking beast I swear to god.

I can only hope that the day's gonna run smoothly. 

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