Act 2, Chapter 3

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Two years more, Razam's POV.

Sixteen in your eyes, four in my mom's. I love her to pieces, but God, she needs to stop treating me like a big bubble-blowing baby. I've already taken over my grandfather's throne, and am now commanding an army of nightmare hoards.

—But why the hell am I in school, listening to the lecture of the balding Mr.Garrison? The king of demons isn't supposed to be studying algebra! My mom and dad had already taught me shit way more advanced than this.

Oh wait, I know.

I have to 'blend' in.

I sighed as I patiently waited for the dismissal bell to ring, and when it did, I was the first one out of the room.

I know that I'll stop aging at twenty (in my real age, I'm just five, but thank god for demon genes), since my mother didn't want to let go of her 'baby' just yet. So even though I took over grandpa's throne, I haven't had my 'demonization' ritual just yet.

Walking down the hallway, I got a few hungry glances from the girls (and a few queers) but I shrugged it off.

I'm starting to wonder if something's wrong with my face that I have everyone staring at me every time I walk somewhere.

Once I arrived downstairs, I waited patiently since Mom promised to pick me up, since my baby Bu (a shiny Bugatti) is still in my workshop for upgrades. I popped my earbuds on so I looked like I was listening to something, but it was actually so that people wouldn't talk to me. Not long after, I heard a bunch of girls whispering a few meters behind me.

'Oh my god, is that Razam?'

'Oh my god, it is! I heard that he transferred from Harvard.'

'No wonder, he's so smart and cute and athletic; I wonder if all the guys from Harvard are THAT perfect?'

'It's just Razam, but you know, I was walking to the boys' locker room and I saw his ABS. I swear you could melt chocolate on them. Uuugh! I could lick melted chocolate on him anyday!'

'You dirty bitch!'

I turned to glare at them as I unconsciously touched my stomach. It's not like I wanted to be fit for attention; I had to be fit to beat the shit out of people.

I guess the blending in didn't work.

'Oh my god he's so hot when angry!'

'Do you think he likes being called daddy?'

I mentally slapped myself as a Ferrari stopped in front of me. My mom stepped out, her (E/C) eyes staring at me fondly and at the girls behind me questioningly.

"Razam, let's go, we have a meeting to discuss with the board." She smiled, giving me a quick hug as I pecked her cheek in greeting. "It would be rude to keep them waiting, isn't it, son?"

"Mom, those petty criminals are scared of you, I'm sure they can wait for a whole day." I whispered, making my mom laugh.

"Alright hotstuff, get in the car." And I did.

The car ride back home was filled with jokes and horrible radio karaoke. On the way home, we passed through Blüdhaven, and my thoughts went to my favourite superhero, Nightwing.

I don't know, I just admire him so much. I know I shouldn't, but I can't help it.

"Mom, we'll be attacking Blüdhaven, right?" I asked, my voice, sort of strained. "Do I have to hurt Nightwing?"

"N-no son, I'll deal with him" Mom smiled at me and shook her head in the negative. "It's not yet the right time for you, your admiration for him will hinder your true prowess in the battlefield. Just lead the group, and when you're done, return to me."

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