Act 2, Chapter 1

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Please keep in mind that Razam has accelerated growth due to demon genes.


Two years later, Your POV.

Just as I expected, Razam grew up to be a wonderful child. A fast learner and a handsome young boy, I couldn't honestly ask for more.

Although, seeing him grow up made my heart break piece by piece as he looks at me with his father's face. But I didn't let my pain with Dick shadow my love for him as his mother. Razam is innocent.

We're currently in the dining room with Jason, who's busy eating his flapjacks. The TV was turned on to the news while I tried to feed Razam, who was taken up with doodling.

I let out a soft yawn as I stretched my sore body, from the activities last night.

No, I didn't get it on with Jason.

But I attacked Gotham while I asked Cobblepot and his goons to fuck up Blüdhaven. At first, the latter was hesitant, but as soon as I gave him three hundred and five billion dollars' worth of state of the art weapons and some cash, he agreed.

I didn't want to deal with Blüdhaven personally, so I dealt with the larger fish.

I hoped to kill Batman, but then again, both my brother and my mother liked Bruce, so I had to digress.I was only after Dick's anguish, anyways.

I looked at Razam, feeling guilty about what I did to Blüdhaven, but I had to harden my heart.

I was doing this for us.

I smiled at my son, as I placed a fork with two pieces of flapjacks in front of him.

"Come on darling, eat your food." I cooed, making him look at me with his bright (E/C) eyes, briefly stopping his little masterpiece and then taking a bite of flapjacks. "That's my boy!"

"No, no, Razam's my boy, aren't you kiddo?" Jason said as he looked up from his plate, his blue eyes twinkling with mirth.

"Yep!" Razam nodded enthusiastically, raising his animal-head crayons like a dork.

I playfully held my chest in mock hurt.

"Ah! I guess mommy doesn't have a place in Razam's heart now, doesn't she?" I fake cried, making Jason choke on his flapjacks. I peeked at my kid with one eye open, as he looked like he's about to cry.

"No! I love you and daddy!" He began sobbing, as I quickly hugged him and ruffled his silky black hair.

"Breaking news: Superhero Nightwing saves Blüdhaven from a terrorist attack organized by the notorious criminal, Penguin. This is Amanda Kingsley reporting live."

"Okay Razam, stop crying now, look! Nightwing saved Blüdhaven!" I said, forcing a smile just to make my baby stop crying. "He's on TV."

Razam blinked as he wiped his tears and jumped on my lap, completely forgetting that his mom's not a chair. For a brief moment, I saw Jason send me a worried glance.

'I'm okay.' I mouthed, caressing his hand.

"Mommy, mommy! Look!" Razam pointed to the screen, making me look. "I like him so much! He's so cool!"

"You've outdone yourself again, Nightwing! Tell us, why are you so keen on saving this town?"

For a brief moment, Dick looked taken aback by the question, but laughed tiredly at the camera.

"I guess I don't want to lose something important again." He shrugged, rubbing the back of his neck, but his words shot my heart.

"Is this some sort of confession?" One reporter asked.

"A confession too late, I believe." Dick joked. "I have to hurry guys, I still need to make patrols around the city to make sure everybody's safe."

With that, he left the crowded area and the camera's focus returned to Amanda.

"This is Amanda Kingsley, live, back to you Darlene!" The perky blonde announced as my 8 year old began toddling back to me.

"Mommy! I wanna go to Blüdhaven and meet Nightwing!" He pleaded with his puppy dog eyes. "Please please please pleaseeeee?"

"Razam Al Ghul." Jason said in a warning tone, making him whine.

"But daaad!" He whined, his little arms clutching my sleeve. "You always tell me that I'm too young and it's dangerous for me! I can handle myself, I can even beat grandpa in an armwrestling competition!"

"Razam, you know that we aren't exactly in terms with Nightwing, right?" Jason sighed, putting down his fork. "Or Heroes like them, at that."

"But why, dad?" He asked as I pulled him up to my leg and smoothed his hair. "Are we bad guys?"

"No baby, of course not." I assured Razam, kissing his temple. "They just think we're evil because we do things our way and not theirs."

"But uncle Damian's working with Nightwing!" Razam protested. "Does uncle Damian think we're bad too?"

"Of course not, Damian's my brother, sweetheart." I laughed, as Jason did too. "He just chose to live with his dad, Bruce."

"Yes Razam, and besides, Nightwing hurt your mom a lot." Jason stated, his blue eyes serious.


"No, (Y/N), we have to tell him at least this much." Jason raised his hand to cut me off. "Razam, Nightwing's the reason why you can't go to uncle Damian during the weekends, or even visit Blüdhaven. He hurt your mom, and your uncle and I dislike him a lot. Well, I hate him a lot—"

I coughed and glared at Jason, making him shut up.

"Okay dad, I'll stop asking about Nightwing." Razam mumbled sadly, picking at his flapjacks. "I'm sorry mommy, I didn't know."

"It's alright darling, you didn't know anyways." I chuckled kissing his soft little cheeks. "Why don't we go training, since daddy has to go to Gotham to beat up some bad guys."

"Speaking of Gotham, Razam." Jason laughed, ruffling his hair. "Where did you put daddy's helmet?"

"Oh! Wait a minute daddy." Razam jumped off of my legs and disappeared for a few minutes, only to return with Jason's red helmet filled with stickers and doodles. "I made it look cooler daddy!"

I burst out laughing when I say Jason's shocked state, as he saw the poorly drawn face on his Red Hood helmet along with the mis-matched Spongebob stickers.

"Hey, (Y/N), it looks cool right?" Jason laughed. "Good job buddy, I'm sure mommy would like you to make her Assassin suit pretty too."

Oh my god, even though I love my kid, he can't draw for the love of all things good and holy.

My eyes widened at Jason's suggestion, but luckily, Razam shook his head.

"No daddy, her dress is all shiny and stuff! My colours won't stick to them." He pouted. "Luckily mommy told me that we had colour pens then I realized that I wanted to make your helmet cooler!"

Jason glared at me, making me laugh even harder.

"Anyways, good job buddy." Jason said, ruffling Razam's hair again and kissing my cheek. "I have to go now, I'll be back in a few weeks."

"Alright daddy, take care!" Razam waved, jumping up and down like a little rabbit, "Bring me more candy okay?"

"Will do, kiddo." Jason laughed, sending me a quick wink before he left through the door.

I stood up from my chair as the maids began clearing up the table.

"Let's go work on your shadow flames, Razam." I said as his small hands held mine.

"Okay mommy."

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