Too Bad to Be Good (Preview)

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Please note that this is not a complete chapter!~ it's just a preview! Enjoy!


Jason's POV

Leaving was the best choice to make, because obviously, I overstayed my fucking welcome.

For four fucking years.

Now look at me, on top of some huge mega corporation's roof looking at the stars like a fucking broken-hearted teenager.

Back to the point in my miserable fucking life wherein it's just me and my past.

That's right, my fucking past that I can't seem to run away from.

What's worse is that I have nothing now, because I had to be the bigger person. I had to let go.

"Fucking hell, note to self: don't be nice anymore." I sighed and kept looking at the dimly lit sky above me. "Every fucking time I try to be a nice guy, I always get shit. Fuck this. I'm out."

I groaned loudly, out of frustration. It's not like anyone would hear--

Click Clack Click Clack

Grabbing my pistols, I sat up and aimed my gun at the back without looking.

"I suggest you go down before I blow your eyes off their sockets." I hissed, before I finally stood up and eyed the person who've just arrived.

In front of me, was a woman dressed in a white doctor's coat, her eyes a bright hue of (E/C) and her flowing (H/C) shining underneath the moonlight. She just gave me a small smile and then shook her head in the negative.

Great, another woman who might fuck me up again—but goddamn is she beautiful.

My gaze didn't waver but I put my gun down and turned my back towards her.

"I won't stay long, just let me be." I gave up, walking towards the ledge of the roof and sat on it, by chest tightening as I remembered what I said to Razam. "Please."

The woman, obviously, didn't heed my request and surprisingly, she sat beside me and then gave my back a few gentle pats."I would've told the guards about your recurring visits here, sir, but unfortunately, they just fired me today." She laughed, watching the cars on the bustling streets a hundred feet below us. "You're not the only one who's got a bad day, buddy."

"I'm not your buddy." I dead-panned, but then I turned to her. Once again, I was mesmerized by her beautiful face. I grunted and took a pack of cigarettes from my inner coat pocket, and began lighting it. I took a large puff and then let out a breath of smoke. "But, I'm pretty sure my day's far worse than yours."

"Well then!" She chuckled, eyeing my freshly lit cigarette. She pointed and then smiled, her (E/C) eyes twinkling. "May I?"

"Help yourself." I shrugged, handing her the stick of cigarette as I watched her lips envelop the tip of it with her beautiful lips. I felt my lower regions stir, but I ignored it.

She took a puff and then let out a beautiful stream of white smoke as she handed it back to me.

"Are you just gonna sit there like a moron?" I asked, when I noticed that she was just staring blankly at the scenery below her.

Out of the blue, she laughed.

"This 'moron' has a name, you know? It's (Y/N)." (Y/N) offered to shake my hand but I just stared at it. If I held her hand, she won't be able to walk for days.

"Pleasure." I replied, taking another huff of smoke. "Jason."

"Just Jason? No last names? No nothing?" She pressed on, making me grunt.

"Can you stop being so fucking annoying?" I murmured.

"Only if you stop being a grumpy kid." She replied, clearly mocking me, I just rolled my eyes and then took another huff.

After a few moments of silence, she looked at me, her previous cheerful expression now masked by an unreadable one.

"Have you ever felt so betrayed that revenge was your only driving will?" (Y/N) asked, making my eyes widen, as I lost my grip to my cigarette. She started screaming profanities at me, like how could I waste such a perfect cigarette and some other shit.

After her liveliness died down a bit, I stood up and dusted myself off before I started walking away from her. I looked back before leaving, and saw that she was frozen to her spot she's probably crying.

"You asked me if I ever felt so betrayed right?" I asked, turning my back on her again.

"Yeah." She managed to reply, trying so hard to not sound like she was sobbing her ass off.

"Then the answer to your question is yes." I laughed cruelly before I began walking away from her, knowing now that I'm not the only one who's fucked-up in this shitty little world.

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