Act 1, Chapter 5

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(H/L): Hair Color
(H/C): Hair Length
(E/C): Eye Color
(F/N): First Name
(F/C): Favourite Color
(WoC): Weapon of Choice


Apartment 5

It was already 5 PM, I was downstairs munching on some crisps while Dick was upstairs getting ready for his nightly patrol. Earlier, he was having a heated conversation with Barb regarding a veiled threat broadcasted in Gotham by none other than my uncle Slade, and that he'd be there shortly after he's finished doing his one of his nightly patrols in Blüdhaven.

I still hadn't removed my suspicion of him being Nightwing, since he perfectly fit the description-- but if it's REALLY him, I'd have no choice but to move carefully and use my magic on him.

Literal magic.

See, my mother was Talia al-Ghul's bastard sister who fell in love and had a child with a demon who had the power over dreams and illusions. And when I was barely a month old, my mom went missing after a mission regarding some LoA members going rogue-- but that doesn't mean that my father, a traitor to the lord, neglected me. Every night, in my younger years, I saw him in my dreams, sitting on his throne made of steel and blue flames. He talks to me, guides me, loved me more than my mom ever did. My father is a handsome man, of tallness and purely masculine structure. His long, silver hair was neatly kept and his gorgeous face hidden behind a carved skull of a legendary monster, which only lets his eyes show.

I sighed and flipped my body so that my belly was flat against our couch. I miss dad, maybe I'll visit him after all this madness.

"I'm wondering why you're still sexy even when you pig out on MY chips," Dick asked, suddenly appearing in his superhero outfit, with his domino mask in hand.

I laughed, flicking a chip towards his direction.

"Oh, didn't you know?" I smirked, as he plopped down beside me, his lips curled up in a Cheshire-like grin. "I've been getting a lot of exercises."

Dick just chuckled at me, his hands finding my waist. He pulled me towards him, his lips on my neck.

"Listen, (F/N)" He mumbled, nuzzling his nose on the crook of my neck. "I want you to stay here, lock the doors and the windows and if someone breaks in, hide."

"I could defend myself, Dick, I think everyone in this town knows how to take care of themselves," I responded, pulling away from him. "Is something bothering you."

He took a few moments before responding, as he put on his mask, his lips in a frown.

"Just... Don't do anything reckless while I'm dealing with the things in the city alright?" I didn't answer, so he pulled me towards him. His kiss, just as electrifying and passionate as it had always been, but there was something else. "I have to go, I'll see you tonight."

I nodded, giving him one last peck on his lips before he turned his back and left.

The spacious apartment suddenly felt cold and quiet, but I needed to at least buy some time for my client.

Because I...

I can't kill Nightwing.

I rushed upstairs, changing in my leather suit, which is similar to my aunt Talia's (only sexier), and my (F/C) hooded robe which was held together by a golden medallion. I sighed, as I grabbed my skull mask (which was similar to my father's), the earpiece delivered sent by my client and my weapons specially designed for speed and damage. I looked at my dresser and found that my work laptop was neatly placed on top of my clothes. I felt my eyebrows furrow as I remember specifically placing them on my shoe cabinet.

Did he...?

With a heavy heart, I headed downstairs, giving one last took to my-- our apartment as I left through the window, but before leaving, I left behind a letter, in which I poured all my tears and affection for Dick.


I jumped from the window and ran up the wall, scanning the area. The siege was about to begin.

'I don't know if you'll read this, but I wanted to apologize. For what is about to happen tonight.'

I sprinted and leaped from rooftop to rooftop, following the coordinates given to me.

'I moved here to Blüdhaven for an assignment, since I'm a mercenary, a sellsword. But I didn't expect to find passion, and most of all-- love.'

The explosions started, as thousands of innocent civilians screamed in fear and agony. I closed my eyes, trying to feign blindness. I was about to destroy the city Dick wanted to protect. I felt tears threatening to spill from my eyes as I reached the roof of a chemical factory.

There were multiple bodies lying on the ground, passed out, I'm sure, as there were no signs of blood and splatters, and a figure dressed in black with his back turned to me. As I stepped down on the cemented roof, he turned to me. His movements were cautious.

'I'm so sorry, Dick, but you fell for the enemy. And she loved you too.'

"Are you the back-up sent by Barb?" He asked as he took out his escrima sticks. "If you're not, then stand aside."

"I'm afraid that I can't let you hinder my boss, Nightwing." I purred, taking out my (WoC) as I rushed towards him and kicked him off the building.

He blocked it, though, his arms crossed in front of him as they wrapped my leg and flipped me over. I laughed and flew up, sending shadow spears flying towards his direction as he barely evaded most of them, with one spear hitting his arm.

"What are you?!" He shouted, throwing one of his shiny wing-dings as he took the opportunity as the projectile surprised me. He cornered me to a chimney, his hand clutching my neck. "Maybe we should remove that mask?"

My eyes widened as I kicked his stomach, preparing to stab him with my (WoC), when he was in a good enough distance, I removed my cloak, as it only hindered my movements.

He was a force to be reckoned with;

The force that I didn't want to fight.'

He spits a bit of blood on the ground, as he grabbed the escrima sticks from his back, going into his fight stance. With a shout, I ran towards him, preparing to clash with his weapons, but instead, his clashed with my mask and broke it.

I felt my heart stop for a moment as Dick weakly stepped back. His electric blue eyes, angry and confused. But part of it looked like he was ready for this.

"(F/N)... I... Didn't I tell you to stay?" He asked, his voice pained and betrayed.

I opened my mouth to answer, to explain, to apologize.

But it was my job, and I won't let any man take it from me.

Even if I loved him.

An explosion beneath us hindered my response as Dick furiously looked at me and at the now gaping hole beneath us.

"Were you here just to stall me? To buy them time?!" He shouted as he glared at me with tear-filled eyes. I knew he felt betrayed, and I gave him every right to kill me, but Dick didn't. "This isn't over, (F/N). Not yet."

With his last words, he jumped down to the flaming hole, where Slade probably was. With one last look, I left for our apartment, as I have lost the heart to fight.

Nightwing x Reader (Lemon) :: Roommates with Benefits :: ReuploadWhere stories live. Discover now