Act 1, Chapter 14

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(A/N): Here you go lovelies! Part 14 fresh outta the oven! ^^


(Y/N): Your Name


"Say my name, (Y/N)." Dick growled as he kissed my neck, as we gently on our bed. "Say it and I'm all yours."

"R-Richard." I answered shakily.

Our eyes met, and as if his name was a magic word, he planted a wanton kiss on my lips. Our heavy breaths and sloppy kissing noises filled the room, but it was nothing compared to the sensation I felt—WE, felt.

He bit my lower lip and tugged it gently, causing me to part my lips. With that, he pushed his tongue inside my mouth as his hand pulled the back of my neck closer to him. Giving him a happy sigh, I found myself roughly tugging his silky hair. Dick pulled away, resting his forehead against my own.

"You're mine, (Y/N)." He whispered, before pushing me down the bed.

Dick looked at me as he began taking off his shirt, his electric blue eyes gazing at me like a predator who's about to eat his prey.Literally.I smiled at him, licking my lips while I slid my hands up and down his toned abs, and he gave me a cheeky wink. Dick pushed himself down as he slid his fingers down my shorts. I felt him dip his finger on my core.

"Someone's fucking excited." He teased as he pushed my panties away and rubbed me up and down.

I moaned, feeling electricity surge through my body as he applied pressure to my slit before sliding two fingers in.

"AH, DICK." I cried, gyrating my hips along with his fingers.When I felt myself about to cum, he pulled his fingers out. Dick looked at me, as he licked his fingers and gave me an erotic groan.

"You wanna taste yourself, baby?" Dick asked, his lustful eyes boring into mine.

I nodded as he pushed himself down, his hand tearing my shirt off my body as he pushed my bra up making my breasts spring free. He lowered his lips and with one look, he put my left breast into his mouth. I moaned, wrapping my legs around his waist as he put his fingers in my mouth, effectively silencing me.

I felt his tongue swirl around my bud as he tugged on it slowly. The pleasure sent ripples down my vagina as I began grinding on his hard-on.

Deciding that he was done with my tits, he unbuckled his belt and pulled down his pants and boxers. Dick smirked, pulling his hand away from my mouth as he took off my shorts and threw it behind him.

Dick smiled at me.

"What do you want, baby?" He asked, as he teasingly rubbed his huge cock's head on my slick vagina. "Do you want this, huh?"

"All of it." I managed to croak out.

With that, he roughly pushed in me. Thrusting deeply four times before pulling out and pushing his cock in me again.

"Oh my fucking lord!" He grunted through his teeth as his movements became sloppy, almost desperate for immediate release. "I love you. I FUCKING LOVE YOU."

"Ah! Yes! YES." I answered as I met his every thrust.

Dick pushed my legs up, as he drove himself deeper in my pussy.

"THERE. RIGHT THERE!" I cried as he hit my g-spot. Feeling as if I'm about to cum, I looked at him and he nodded.

"Let's cum together baby.

"With that, he drilled himself faster and harder. I could barely catch my breath as I felt my orgasm drawing near. As if I was struck by thunder, I cried out to the heavens as I came. Dick followed shortly as he shot his hot load in me and finally collapsing on top of me after he pulled out.

"I love you, (Y/N)." He whispered, kissing my lips.

"I love you more." I replied, stroking his hair as he rested his cheek on my breasts. "I wish we could be like this everyday."

"If I weren't so busy with three jobs, you'd have me to yourself you selfish woman." Dick teased, rolling onto my side as he pulled me to him. I sat on top of him, so now, I'm the one straddling him.

"No, baby, if you weren't Nightwing, then I wouldn't have met you." I replied, looking at him jokingly.

"Thank God, then." He laughed, tucking a lock of hair behind my ear. "You know I'd always love, protect and watch over you, right, (Y/N)?"

"And I to you, Dick." I replied, as I sat up. "Just don't betray me."

"That's the last thing I'd do, baby." He replied, sitting up as well. He wrapped his arms around my waist and rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Good, no—"

Ring ring ring!

"What the hell? It's already 10 P.M.!" Dick whined like a little lost boy as I plopped down beside him.

"Maybe it's important, Dick?"

He looked at me, in fake shock.

"More important than my baby?!" Dick held his chest and nodded his head in the negative. "That's impossible."

"But it's annoying—"

Ring ring ring!

"See, Dick?!" I laughed. "Get up lazy butt, answer it already."


Ring ring ring!

"God fucking damn it alright, alright you stupid phone!" Dick shouted, agitated.

He stood up, pulling his trousers up as he walked out of the door and down to the living room. When I heard his footsteps get softer, I rushed from my bed and eavesdropped from the door (since the kitchen wasn't that far away).

'Yeah hello? Grayson speaking.'

'What, Barb?' Dick asked, clearly shocked. 'Do you have any idea what the time is?'


I felt jealousy rush all over my being as I continued to listen.

'Okay. Huh what?!'

'Alright, I'll be there at 10 tomorrow. Gotham square, right?'

'Yeah, okay, okay. Bye.'

Fearing that he might see me pressed against the door, I teleported to the bed and pretended to check my phone.

The door creaked open, as Dick went inside and returned by my side.

"Who was it?" I asked nonchalantly, looking up from my phone.

"It was Barbara." He replied, embracing me with one arm as I slid down to the bed and faced him. "She just called in to check on us since Bruce found out that Jason returned to Gotham."

"Oh, that's nice of her." I smiled, pecking his lips. "Anything else?"

"Nada." He replied, offering me his megawatt smile. "Let's sleep?"

I felt my heart break a little, as I heard him lie to me face to face. Forcing a smile, I nodded.


"Alright, goodnight baby. ''I love you."

Do you expect me to believe that, after what I've heard?

"I love you too."

And I did.

A few moments later, I heard Dick snore while I was still awake, thinking about what I should do. I really feel like something bad is about to happen.

Why don't you follow them, then, (Y/N)? And kill that crippled bitch on the spot.I disregarded the second idea.

She's his friend, after all....


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