Act 1, Chapter 8

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Here is the long awaited lemon, guys!

As promised, it's voyeuristic. ;)


(F/N): First Name

(F/C): Favourite Color


After we escaped my little 'brother's' wrath, we quickly bid farewell and started heading to the nightclub Bruce Wayne owned.

I sat in the car, as Tim and Dick were singing their lungs out (horribly, if I might add) to Jason Derulo.

"Hey, (F/N), why the hell are you with this bird-brain right here?" Tim asked suddenly, out of the blue, making me choke on my own saliva.

Dick worriedly looked at me as he gently patted my back. Once I recovered from the shocking question, I looked at him through the rear-view mirror.

"Well, he's really good company, that's one." I smiled. "He's really protective and caring and--"

Tim started pointing at his mouth and making vomiting noises making Dick laugh.

"--The sex is really, REALLY good too," I smirked, making Tim shut up and Dick cackle harder.

"Really? NO WAY." Tim urged on, warily looking at me because Dick was eyeing him. "THIS guy?"

"I WAS a playboy, Tim."

"Oh please, Grayson. You attract girls, gays and even turn lesbians straight." I rolled my eyes playfully. "I'm not buying your past-tense, boy."

"Hey, that's not what you said this morning." With a smirk, Dick gave me a side wink and then continued on looking at the road.

Shit. Good move.

"Wow you guys, way to make me feel like a third wheel." Tim jokingly groaned as he kicked Dick's seat.

"Hey, I just had the car washed!"

A few minutes and two more Jason Derulo songs later, we arrived at Club Mystica. The VIP's had special underground parking, which is mostly for other superheroes, well-known celebrities, and other powerful personas.

The building itself was a wide two-story building with the pool downstairs along with the nightclub. The second floor was strictly reserved for the higher people given that it was open-air, and the view was just spectacular.

Inside, the room was lit by purple and blue LED and strobe lights, with the DJ standing in the center stage, while the bar was on the left side of the club. There were also a few faux leather seats for the tired people who danced their brains out. On the right side, there was the bathroom and the elevator to the second floor.

"Ah, Mr.Grayson!" A tall brunette cheekily smiled at him, her electric blue eyes undressing him. "What brings you here?"

"Just to party, Sofie." He replied, his arms snaking around my waist. I smiled at him as I pulled him towards the bar.

It was a bit crowded, but the squeeze was intoxicating when mixed with the sweat and pheromones of the people dancing here.

"What can I get you, hot stuff?" A fairly-attractive bartender asked me, his sandy blonde hair almost looking purple.

"Jameson on the rocks, please." I smiled at him, making Dick's hand travel down from my waist and squeeze my ass.

I squeaked as I looked at him, flabbergasted.

"Franziskaner Hefe-Weisse for me." He stated, glaring at the bartender with his cold blue eyes.

The bartender complied as he quickly gave us our drinks, and mine with a free wink--which may or may not have irritated Dick.

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