Act 2, Chapter 4.2

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Razam's POV

I stood there, frozen, as my mom turned to me with a petrified look on her face.

Was she doing this... For our sake?

I looked at them, back and forth, feeling a plethora of unexplained emotions swirl around my being.

"Nightwing, y-you're my real dad?" I asked him, my voice breaking, as tears started falling down from my eyes. "How fucking dare you show yourself to me, after all you've done to my mother?!"

But my sorrow didn't last too long, when I finally realized that he cheated on my mom even though he was set up by my other dad, Jason Todd.

"Razam, I—"

"How could you." I seethed, running towards him and then grabbing his collar. "How could you do this to my mother—to US?! We could've had a beautiful family and you chose to use your dick to make decisions."

"You think I wanted to hurt you both?" Nightwing snapped, but he made no move to free himself.

And I took the initiative to slam my fist on his face.

Again. And again. And again.

I wanted to smash his face in.

I chuckled bitterly, Fate is such an ironic bitch.

"Razam! Stop!" Mom cried, pulling me back to reality as I let go of my 'dad' and rushed towards her. I felt my chest tighten; I looked at her, guilt overwhelming me.

Mom looked terrified, as if something's wrong with my face.

"What's wrong mom? Isn't this why we initiated the attack? Because of him?!" I screamed, pointing towards my dad who was sprawled on the ground, coughing up blood.

"No, it's because I wanted to protect you from knowing the truth?"

"And the truth that I have this bastard's genes?!"

"He is still your father, Razam!" Mom exclaimed, her hands firmly gripping my shoulders as she looked at me with worry in her eyes. "We have to go, your powers are unstable."

"I'm perfectly fine, mom!" I shouted, moving away from her grasp. "Now I know why you cry every night, why you look at me as if your heart's breaking. It's my face, I remind you of my father!"

She smiled at me sadly, her arms wrapping around me, I felt hot tears run down my cheeks.

"Your father's sins are not yours, my darling boy." My mom whispered softly. "Even though you look like him and act like him, you are my flesh and blood, and I love you more than anything I could ask for."

With my mother's words, my heartbreak quickly began healing, but I just cannot forgive Nightwing.

I shot Nightwing a venomous look, and he looked back at me with dead and empty eyes.

"(Y/N), Razam!" A voice called out from afar, and I saw the man who I grew up calling dad.

My real dad, Jason Todd.

He rushed towards us, wrapping his arms around me and my mom. Dad raised his mask as he placed a soft kiss on my mom's forehead, asking her briefly is she were okay, but she just shook her head. Dad lowered his mask and looked at me.

"I arrived just in time; thought my darling boy would've killed my brother over there." Dad joked, but his mask his facial expression fairly well. "I communicated with Zhang and Valdez, asked them to stop the bombs in time."

"What about the criminal scum?" My mom asked, pulling away from dad and then casting a cautious look at Nightwing.

"Old Jay here and Bats took care of them, oh, short-stuff too." Dad replied, as mom teleported us back home.


Dick's POV

Before Razam and (Y/N) could fully disappear, I clicked my gauntlet to get a nano tracking device. With the remaining strength I had, I threw it towards my son's direction; successfully latching on to his back and then blending in with his suit's colour.

I felt my vision blur and slowly fade, as my head began feeling like it was being split into two.

And then darkness.

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