Act 1 Chapter 17

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(Y/N): Your Name
(E/C): Eye Color
(H/C): Hair Color

6 months later, Dick's POV

I miss (Y/N).

Her voice.

Her beautiful (E/C) eyes and her (H/C) hair.

Her playfulness.

Her everything.

I tried to look for her these past few months on my own, and I failed over and over and over again.

I eventually swallowed my stupid pride to ask Damian and Tim to help me, but they both turned their backs at me after I confessed to them.

Apparently, Jason already told them about my little fuck-up and how (Y/N) escaped with him to an undisclosed location.

And you know what?

I fucking regret meeting up with Barbara.

I regret ever meeting her.

I regret her person taking a hold of my weak little heart for a brief moment.

When we kissed, I felt nothing.

She wasn't (Y/N), who made me feel all kinds of emotions.

My love for her isn't the same as my love for (Y/N), which is, the love that would eventually turn someone mad.

Barbara, I see her nothing more than just a sister now—a sister and an ally. Her name, which made my heart throb by just hearing it in the past, now just makes me feel disgust towards myself and bitterness towards her. That's how much (Y/N) changed me, but I suppose we're just tangents lines.

I heaved a sigh.With all these thoughts consuming my head, I laid still on my apartment's floor. My apartment, in general, was unorganized, empty and cold—

just like how my world without (Y/N) is:


Taking a sip from my whisky bottle, I felt hot tears sting my eyes as I clumsily wiped it off with my sleeve.

"Heh. Even after all these months, I'm still crying over her like a kid." I mumbled, feeling my chest tighten as I began sobbing uncontrollably.

They say real men don't cry, right?


You know why?

Because of the things they value more than themselves.

Because of the things they're afraid to lose.

Because of something they love, to the moon and back.

I lost the person I valued and loved, and now I don't know how to pick up the pieces of my heart when (Y/N) took it all with her.

And you know what's even more stupid?

I still love her. Very much.

"Come back, (Y/N)." I sobbed. "I regret my choices."

I took a large gulp of whiskey, savoring the bitter taste.

"Please come back." Feeling the alcohol kick in, I found myself lying on the floor, bawling my eyes out. "I love you."

A few minutes passed, as I quietly stared at the ceiling, dazed. Just letting time pass by, as it mocks me. Time wouldn't heal my wounds. Nobody can.

I only need (Y/N).

My disease and cure.


I sharply turned my head towards the main door, as I weakly stood up and opened it. I was greeted by a punch from my visitor as I got pinned down and got pummeled by their fist over and over again.

"YOU." My assailant growled shakily, clearly full of anger. "YOU DID THIS TO MY SISTER."


"Damian?" I slurred calmly as I looked up at him, his cold blue eyes piercing me. "What did I do now?"

"A lot of things, Grayson." He seethed as sat beside me, looked like he's trying his best not to cry. "But I wouldn't tell you; (Y/N) doesn't want you to know."

"Know what?" I asked worried as I clutched his suit and pulled him towards me. "What happened to her?!"

"Why do you care?" Damian spat vehemently, pushing me away from him. "Just go with your crippled bitch and give my sister some peace of mind."

"She finally made contact with you?" I asked quietly, feeling excitement rush all over my body.

"So what if she did? What are you gonna do? Beg for her to come back?" Damian laughed spitefully. "It's a little too late for that, Dick."

"Let me see her, Damian." I pleaded, desperate. "Please."

As if my bloodied face wasn't enough."And what, let you have your ways with her again?" Damian shouted, as he began roughly poking my chest. "I'd rather you suffer than see (Y/N) get hurt more because of you."

"Damien, I—"

"No. Shut up." Damien raised his hand. "To think that what you confessed before is already bad, but now—no, nevermind."

I pursed my lips into a thin line as Damian began walking over to the front door to leave.

"—touch her..."

"What?" Damian asked, moving to a complete halt as he looked at me; he had a little bit of pity in his eyes, but his love for his sister overpowered any mercy he had for me.

"I-I said, I won't touch her, I won't even think of approaching her." I begged Damian again. "Just let me see her one last time."

Sighing, he scratched his tiny head and glared at me.

"Fine. In a few weeks' time, but remember this:" he muttered. "I'll be coming with you, and I'll prevent any direct contact you'll attempt to do."

"Thank you—thank you so much, Damian." I replied weakly, feeling my throat tighten up as I fell to my knees, crying.

He simply nodded at me as he left my apartment, slamming the door shut.

I may be crying, but it was tears of joy, for Damian's response made my heart beat with hope again.

I want to see her.

Even if it's the last time that I will, I'll take that chance.

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