Act 1, Chapter 18

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(Y/N): Your Name
(E/C): Eye Color

3 weeks later, Dick's POV.

And true to his word, Damian brought me to the Al Ghul temple.

We're currently hiding behind tall groups of reed and grass, peering in (Y/N)'s garden which was adjacent to her large room.

I honestly never felt this excited; I felt like a kid brought to the amusement park for the first time.

And surely enough, she arrived.

But how she looked surprised me.

(Y/N) looked beautiful as always, her (E/C) eyes glimmering with life and her cheeks flushed pink—but her protruding belly is what got me.

She's pregnant?

With whom's baby?

All these questions and 'what-if's' circulated in my head, but the optimism soon died out when another person came in the room.

I didn't realize that I was about to blow our cover when Damian pulled me down with great force.

"Why is HE, here?" I asked, glaring at Jason, who I probably killed twenty times in my head.

"He—" But before Damian could finish his sentence, I heard (Y/N) squeal, making me look at them again.

"Jason! You're back!" She shouted, hugging him.

"Aren't you due today, princess?" Jason asked, twirling her around.

"Yeah, but, I wanted to greet you when you returned." (Y/N) pouted, as soon as Jason set her down. "Razam, daddy's here!"

I flinched, as her words made my world crash. Taking a few breaths, I let out a laugh, as I felt tears sting my eyes again.

"So, this is how karma works, huh Damian?" I asked bitterly. "It's my fault anyways."

Damian looked at me, his eyes showing a hint of remorse, but still cold nonetheless.

"I'll go ahead Damian, I'll wait for you in the chopper." With that, I walked away from the garden, my head down low as tears prickled my eyes.

I'm sorry, (Y/N).

I'm so sorry.


Damian's POV

I sighed, as I watched Dick disappear through the forest.I clicking my tongue, I pressed my earpiece.

"Did you get the result you wanted, sister?" I asked her quietly, as she quickly detached herself from Jason.

She's trying her best not to cry, amazing me with how much emotional strength she has.

"Yes, aren't you gonna go with him?" (Y/N) asked, her voice cracking a bit, "he might suspect something."

"Suspect something? That idiot thinks it's Jason's baby." I laughed bitterly. "He got what he deserves."

"But still, go back. I'll contact you once Razam's born." She replied, but before I could answer, she turned off her earpiece and closed off her rooms sliding wooden door.

I stood up, shaking my head, and took off to follow Dick.


Your POV

Once I closed the sliding door, I heard Jason burst out laughing. I tried to shoot him a glare, but his laugh is contagious.

"Daddy, huh?" He said in between "Man, I thought I was the only one who's gonna win the Oscars."

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