Act 1, Chapter 4

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It was midday, and we just arrived upstairs after the long heart-to-heart talk with Dick's Ex-girlfr-- With Dick's friend. "You seem depressed." He started, pulling me down on the couch with him, hugging me like the big spoon he is. "Wanna tell ol' roomie here your problem?" I paled, there's now way in hell that I could tell him the truth, I'm sure he has his own questions, but I couldn't risk anything. Dick, I'm an al-Ghul-- no, too honest. Dick, I'm tasked with killing Nightwing, and I think you're-- no, he'd be shattered. Dick, I love fucking your brains out. I love the few days we've been playing around like rabbits. I love the spice you give. No, I can't. I'm already too attached, but I suppose I'll grant him a tiny bit of truth. "I'm just scared for you." I replied after a short while, as he turned my body to face him. "I have a feeling that every time you go and patrol around the city-- you won't come back." "Oh come on, (Y/N)." Dick smiled, kissing my neck as he wrapped his arms around me like a protective cocoon. "I'm not that careless... And stupid." But you are, Dick. I stood up, kissing him briefly on the lips as I went to gather our laundry basket to wash our clothes. I know that this may be the last time that we get to spend together before he completely hates me with a burning passion, but I should probably distance myself-- to lessen the casualties. As I enter our laundry room, I can't help but shed tears. Separating the whites from the coloured articles of clothing, I then began adding soap to the washing machine, along with a small bit of fabric softener (which smelled rather manly, but I had to make due). After that, I turned the little knob to 20 as I began contemplating on the consequences of my actions. Will Dick hate me forever? Will he hate me because of what I am? Because of my beliefs? "(Y/N), what's wrong?" I turned towards the door, as I see him leaning on the doorframe, his lips cast on a deep frown. "I'm just-- it's nothing." I replied, turning my back on him, while pretending to be interested in his black trousers. But he was sharp, as he pulled me towards him, crouching so that he could meet me eye to eye. "That's the greatest bullshit you've fed me." He replied softly, but Dick was barely controlling his anger as he noticed the tears that started falling down my (E/C) eyes. "Dick, don't ask questions." I sobbed on his shoulder, while gripping his shirt tightly. "What do I do to make you happy, (Y/N)?" Dick asked, wrapping his arms around me once more. He whispered sweet nothings in my ear, hushing me like a sweet angel. "What do I do?" "Fuck me till I forget, Fuck me till I can't stand-- Fuck me till I can only say your name over and over again." My voice quivered, but that was what I wanted, him. Everything he can offer, with nothing holding him back. Dick hesitated, but agreed. He gently peeled off my borrowed shirt as I threw his own off into some unknown part of the room. His lips were gentle, but then he gradually showed his anger, while I replied with desperation. He licked the bottom part of my lips and then bit onto it, pushing me into the wall with fury. "I hate how you wrap me around your little finger." He growled, leaving trails of wet kisses from my chin, then to my neck, and just a but past my navel. I whimpered, gripping his jet-black hair and succumbing to his tongue. As Dick pulled my pants down, he left kisses on the skin that the denim cloth revealed. Along with my pants, my (F/C) lace underwear came off, leaving me exposed. "Open your legs, (F/N)." Dick commanded, to which I complied. As the cold air welcomed my dripping pussy, I felt his experienced tongue lick and suck my wet clit. I let out a moan, making him bite my clit. "Aah! Fuck, Dick!" I whimpered, as he pulled me up, wrapping my legs around his neck as he continued lapping my juices. When he was done, he placed me on the washing machine, which massaged my now-sensitive pussy. I gripped the edges as he took his sweet time removing his pants. I watched him hungrily, my legs spread out as I touched myself in front of him, rubbing my wet clitoris as I finger-fucked myself while my other hand massaged my breasts. Dick moved towards me like a predator as I removed my fingers from my vagina. "You naughty little vixen." He growled, as he began rubbing his hard penis on my shameful pussy. I licked my drenched finger, not breaking eye-contact with Dick. He pulled my hand, as he licked my fingers one by one. And then he entered me. Pummelling into me like a madman, filling my hole with his big member. I moaned. I cried. I screamed his name, telling him to go harder, faster, like the beast he really was. Dick complied, wrapping my legs around his waist as we brought us upstairs to our bedroom. He pushed me down the bed, as he withdrawn himself from my protesting vagina. "Dick, please--" SMACK! "Dick, fuck me. Fuck me till I can't stand." I moaned, as he quickly flipped my body, making my ass raise in the air, and then he swiftly entered me. Dick continuously penetrated me with such force that I had to grip the bedframe. "I will, aaah fuck, and I'll make sure that your body screams Richard Grayson!" He screamed, gripping my left butt-cheek as he raised my right leg so that I could feel him more. I met his thrusts midway, the wet sound of skin-to-skin contact was music to my ears. He pushed into me harder, as hand left my ass and found it's way to my breast. Dick began kneading it as he kissed my shoulder and pinched my nipple. "Dick-- Aah! I'm cumming!" I screamed, closing my eyes and desperately thrusting till I reach nirvana. "Oh no, you don't." Dick replied pulling out just before I came. I turned to him, desperate for release as I pushed him down, as I let his dick enter me. I let my upper body meet him as I kissed him, kissed him like I kissed no other man before. I let my tongue explore his mouth, every nook and crevice as he let out moans of pleasure. Dick met my thrusts, as wet sounds filled our room; he was close as well. He gripped my waist as he began pushing me harder towards him. Our loud moans filled the apartment, and we didn't care what the neighbours think, our desperate voices calling each other's names. With four more thrusts, An intense orgasm filled Dick and I; his hot semen filling my body as my own juices coated his penis. Dick didn't release me, though, as he savoured the feeling of warmth I provided. He panted, as we looked at each other, starry-eyed. "Wow..." He mumbled, pulling me down for a sweet kiss." I smiled, pulling myself away from him, and travelling downwards as I reached his semi-hard penis. Dick looked at me, as our eyes challenged each other. I pulled myself down to meet his big shaft as I licked his head, causing him to buck his hips and grip my (H/C) hair. "Mmnh, Grayson." I moaned in between sucks and licks as I began deep-throating him. He moaned, as he turned my body so that my ass was facing him. "Come on baby, lift your ass." He groaned, as I followed. Dick began tracing my slit while I tried my best to pleasure him without getting distracted. So I raked my teeth on his penis every time I raise my head, making him unconsciously thrust once more. Dick let out a velvety laugh as he began licking my dripping slit. His tongue marvelling inside my pussy, as he drew a pattern of licking and nipping. I was close again, so I took him inside me faster, and since I can't take it anymore, I pried myself away as I let his dick bury inside of me as I continuously pumped him in and out. In and out until he gripped the sheets for support. "Dick, I--" "Me too." He replied through clenched teeth, as he came gloriously, his sperm shooting through my body like bullets. I came after him, as I pulled myself away from him, letting our juices drip from my vagina. I laid down on top of him, my cheek on his fast-beating heart, while his hand was petting my (H/L) (H/C) hair. "I love you, roomie." "I love you too." He muttered, as I fell asleep, feeling at peace

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