Act 2, Chapter 5

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Wayne Manor, Damian's POV.

It was a beautiful day outside, birds were chirping, and the sun was shining brightly.

But here we are.

All beat up because of my darling sister, (Y/N).

It's also the second week since the attack and Dick's still not waking up. Everybody's on their toes, waiting patiently around his bed, praying to their gods for his awakening.

Today, though, was different.

I was the one in charge of looking after him today, while Bruce and Barbara decided to drop by and check on Dick's status.

"Still nothing?" Barbara asked, her face tired and etched with worry.

I shook my head in the negative, as I looked at Bruce, who was huddled over to Dick's side, head bent low. We all knew that he regretted not fixing his relationship with Dick, since it was obvious that he's not that close to him due to Dick leaving his side to become Nightwing. All's been forgiven, but Bruce's pain is still there; not that grave, but still there.

They stayed there for a few more hours, and left, Bruce with the excuse of patrolling Gotham, while Barbara, getting intel of who's responsible for her boyfriend's coma.

With a great sigh, I stood up and looked over the window, taking my phone in hand as I called (Y/N).

"Damian, how is he?" She asked, trying not to sound worried, but it's so obvious when she asks his status the moment I called her.

"Dick's okay, (Y/N). He's not dead." I replied in a monotone. "Listen, this idiot still loves the fuck out of you, and I suspect, that the moment he wakes up, he's gonna go looking for you."

"Alright, but, I have a favour to ask you." (Y/N) said, tone serious and all. "Razam might be arriving there in a few days, just to confront his father. I suggest that he wakes up ASAP, or he gets another stab in the stomach."

"He'll be waking up real soon, don't worry." I laughed. "Listen, I have to go, I'll call you later tonight if I'm not busy."

With an 'okay' from her, I ended the call and turned to Dick, who was still asleep.

I sat on the couch near the exit as I closed my eyes, exhaustion taking over my body as I slowly drifted to sleep.


Dick's POV.

I was running—running after (Y/N).

Her beautiful (H/C) locks flowing freely as she ran farther away from me. I followed her, but I was soon welcomed by rapids, and she was across it.

"Come back here, (Y/N)!" I shouted, but she just smiled at me, as she turned her back and began running again. "Wait!"

With a jolt, I opened my eyes, my breath was ragged while my stomach stung. I sat up, moving my legs to the side as I struggled to walk to a chair that held my things.

I quietly put on my suit as I checked my tracker for my son's location. Ignoring the pain, the weariness and my wound, I slowly opened the window.

(Y/N)... I have to find her. I have to fix this. Ask her for her side of the story and explain mine.

Just as I was about to put my foot out, a batarang smashed through the window. Making me freeze and roll to my side, going into a defensive stance.

"Where'd you think you're going, Dick?" My eyes widening at Damian who was throwing of his batarangs up and down from his hand and to mid-air. "One step outside and you'll be in a coma for good.

"You make me question your alliance kid."

"My sister's an exception, you know that." He laughed, sitting back on the plush couch that was a few meters away from my bed. "(Y/N)'s putty in your hands, I hope you know that."

"She tried to kill me." I replied, walking towards my bed and then sitting on its edge.

"Because you're an idiot, she's a girl, what's worse is that she's a demon. Girls like men who chase after them and swallow their pride just to gain their forgiveness." Damian answered with a laugh. "Aren't you a playboy? You're supposed to know better!"

"Ex playboy, Damian." I sighed, but then smiled softly. "Even my own son hates me too. But you know? He—Razam's grown into a strong individual. I'm sure you've seen him, he looks just like me!"

"I'm surprised that you're taking this well, I'm half-expecting you to punch me."

I chuckled.

"It's my karma, Damian."

With my response, I heard some shuffling at the back, some footsteps, and then finally, a hand on my shoulder.

"Listen, Dick, go get her." Damian muttered, his hand lightly gripping my shoulder. "I hate seeing you guys so depressed, it's like the twenty-first century bubonic plague and it's annoying the fuck out of me."

I laughed, standing up and then lightly smacking his upper arm.

"Thanks, Damian."

"Just this once, Dick." He turned his back on me. "Say, after all this, why don't we batkids hang out? You still owe me the bet from four years ago."

"I'd love that, kid." I replied, just before I jumped down the building and rushed to my motorbike to follow the tracking device and end this silly fight.

Once and for all.

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