Act 1, Chapter 9

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Here it is!

(Y/N): Your Name

(E/C): Eye Color

(H/C): Hair Color


???'s POV

I sat down on the light grass, as its small leaves brushed against my palm, I reminisced about you.

My sweet, sweet, (Y/N).

I wonder why I ever let you escape my grasp? I wonder why I even allowed myself to let you leave me?

But you walked away, not because the sparks were gone-- oh no.

It was because I can't let go of my dreams of revenge.

"Leaving for a whole year, without a trace?" I muttered as I looked at the night sky. "Why can't you come back home, with me?"

Where are you, my beautiful (Y/N)?

I adore you.

I felt tears sting my eyes, as I clutched my hair tightly.

I miss your beautiful hair and your sparkling (E/C) eyes. You. Everything about you.

Why must you do this to me?

Where are you?

All those memories, of laughter and love-- gone as quickly as it began.


I looked down, my lips curling into a smile as I let go of my hands. I stopped myself from crying over spilled milk. I laughed hard like a madman.

I'll find you, my sweet.

I'll find you.


Your POV

I jerked awake, as I found myself back in our apartment. I clutched my chest, trying to stabilize my breathing.

"You okay, (N/N)?" A very groggy and hung-over Dick asked me with a hideous yawn. My thrashing must've woken him up.

"I had a bad dream, that's all," I replied weakly. "I'll get up first, you go and sleep some more."

"Are you sure you're gonna be okay though?" He asked, his bright blue eyes piercing our dim room.

"Yeah, I'll just clear my mind in the living room." I answered and then quickly ushered him to go back to sleep.

As I stepped outside, the cold January air hit me. I frowned. So I walked to the fireplace and lit it up, then plopped down on the comfortable leather couch.

The events last night were... Fun, albeit the part I passed out in the bathroom due to being a lightweight.

Which reminds me, I need to take the plan B. So I walked to the bathroom and to the medicine cabinet to get it, then back to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

Still, my mind was occupied by one man.

Why the hell was he trying to find me? Wasn't he the one who pushed me away? He that he wants to fulfill his plan of revenge and I was pulling him down.

He was the reason why I left my family's legacy and joined him as a paid-vigilante. I thought that my presence with him meant something, but I was just a pawn in his game.

I was his queen.

The queen did everything to protect the king.

But the queen doesn't take abuse from a little piece of shit, even though the sex was great.

I heaved a sigh.

I was the one who pleaded to Talia to let him live as soon as he was found in the hospital, on the brink of death. I was the one who accompanied him when my mom advised him to go and determine if his death was avenged; to confront his mentor.

Being resurrected, he was angrier than the usual man-- hell, he was always angry.

He was angry when he trained too, and that made him all the more powerful.

Until one night, in Gotham City, I decided to run away to the south. And I ended up running all over the place for a few years, and that's how I found Blüdhaven.

Surprisingly, Talia was forgiving about this incident. She said that she expected the man to destroy him and his mentor both emotionally and mentally. Although she wasn't very forgiving of her son, she loved me more than she loved Damien. I WAS the one who had powers, after all.

But look at me now, stuck in a cage where I can't even be with my family.

I know I promised Dick that I'd stay and be a good girl, but what about my mom? She's left alone after Grandfather and Slade had a clash, with the former dead and the latter popping up everywhere.

I want to go back, but I have to talk to Dick about this.

I stood up, trudging slowly towards our room, as I heard Dick's soft snoring. I opened the door as quietly as possible then entered. I laid down beside him, my head on his chest.

"(Y/N)?" He asked quietly as our eyes met. He offered me a soft smile, as his fingers tucked a lock of my (H/C) hair behind my ear. "Are you feeling better?"

I can only smile back at him, as he kissed my forehead softly. He kissed me as if he wanted to take my problems away.

"I'm sure we could figure this out, baby." He mumbled as he turned to his side, his arms snaking around me. Dick pulled me closer; his warmth, inviting. "But first, we sleep."

I laughed.

I want to stay like this the whole morning, to feel protected and loved. Especially with Dick holding me like he'd take a bullet for me.

I looked up to examine his sleeping face, his long eyelashes touching his cheeks. His plump lips parted slightly as he snored gently. I giggled, making him open his eyes slightly.

"What's so funny?" Dick asked, as a smile graced his beautiful face.

"I was wondering why you still look good to me even if you have eye boogers and snore like an ogre." I laughed, kissing his chin.

"Because I'm naturally sexy." He joked, his drowsiness slowly going away.

"If you saw your hair, Grayson," I replied, as I ran my hand through his jet-black hair. "It's like a bird's nest."

"Ah, you should have seen me in a mullet."

"God, I'd regret my decision staying with you." I smiled, making him feign hurt.

Yes, I want to be with him.



(A/N): HEY GUYS! Here it is! What do you think of this fluffy chapter? I loved writing it because this dork spent the whole night thinking of a plot that will involve another character from that Batman franchise. I was honestly terrified of how this will come out, but it ended up GREAT! ^^

Do you know who the EX is?

Do you think he's creepy?

He's supposed to be since he's CRAZY!I know you guys will figure it out before I release part 10 next week.

You guys are smart cookies. 💕🍪

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