Act 1, Chapter 11

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(Y/N): Your Name.


Hallo guys, new chappie's up! Congrats to those who guessed right, you deserve a lotta candy! ::*::

Artworks not mine, it's Jiuge's from DA!


???'s POV

I arrived at Blüdhaven since my radar picked up a tremor in the south. It wasn't ordinary, as the quake came from deeper than the Earth's core.

It's probably her.

But I won't keep my hopes up; I just want to see her.

Be with her.

I smiled, walking around the city as I saw a huge university with at least five hundred students in the courtyard. I walked towards them, putting on a seductive face as I gave a group of whores a charming smile.

I'm sure they'd give any pretty boy answers.

"Hey, I'm Jason." I began, earning myself a couple of hungry glances from them. "I'm wondering if the University's still accepting admissions?"

"We are! We just started the semester and I'm sure the dean would LOVE having another new face around." The black-haired girl with fake braces answered. She wore a top a bit too short and a pair of black skinny jeans that looked more like flare pants because of her flatass.

"It's nice to meet such a beautiful face," I replied, giving her a sweet smile. "Would you mind leading me to the dean's office?"

"No problem." She purred, immediately hooking her nasty arm around mine. "I'm Karla by the way."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful girl." My answer made her laugh like a dying horse. I tried my best not to shoot her with the gun hidden in my jacket.

Disgusting wench.

As soon as I stepped foot inside the main building, an eruption of loud squeals filled my ears."Oh my gosh, it's Dick Grayson!"

"He's so hot!"

"Ugh, it's that whore of the month again."


I turned to Karla once again; her face, contorted into an ugly sneer. How befitting."Hm? What's the commotion outside about?" I asked, the mere sound of my voice making her smile.

"Oh, it's normal;" Karla began, her annoying nasal voice making me want to pull the trigger on her head, but I digress. "It always happens when the resident hottie, Dick Grayson, brings his girlfriend to campus."

I paled.

"I heard he's dating that one policeman's daughter?" I asked. "Is that her?"

"Oh no, she's the new girl in town," Karla answered, as she pulled my arm to her non-existent chest. "Why are you interested, anyways? You should only have your attention solely for me!"I smirked.

I finally found you, (Y/N).


Your POV

We've arrived at the campus, and as usual, the thirsty girls were eyeing MY superhero-slash-lover-slash-personal alarm clock. I groaned, tugging at Dick's favorite blue button-up shirt.

"Oh my gosh, it's Dick Grayson!"

"He's so hot!"

"Ugh it's that whore of the month again."

I rolled my eyes.

"Hey, it's okay, you only have three blocks today" He reassured me, pulling me towards him and his sexy motorcycle. "Be good okay? I might be home late, I still have a bartending job to go to."

"It's alright, I'll just cook some steak so you could eat something when you get back." I smiled, wrapping my arms around him.

"I'll pick you up at three, sounds good?" Dick asked, pecking my nose in the process.

"Very," I purred, kissing his lips quickly. "Now shoo, I'm running a bit late on schedule."

"Alright, I love you." With a smirk, he put on his jet-black helmet and sped off.

After a few minutes, I began walking towards the Science building as the crowd gathered for Dick's arrival dispersed. Inside the building, I rushed up the gigantic flight of stairs just to reach my room before my professor uses me as a live test subject for our experiment.

I frowned at the mere thought of having my own guts sliced by future mad scientists, though having another person disemboweled in front of me is no problem at all; imagining me as that stupid fool is terrifying and it's especially embarrassing to be captured like that when you're an Al-Ghul.

A few more steps and I entered room 2504. I breathed a sigh of relief as I realized that the professor has yet to arrive. So I took my usual seat by the window as I waited for the professor's arrival.

"I heard there's a cute new guy that arrived this morning."

"Dick Grayson? He's cute but he's nothing new."

Hearing Dick's name, my attention was caught by a group of girls sitting behind me.

"No!" A girl interjected. "I showed him to the dean's office and oh my god he's so dreamy! And-- He used to live in Gotham!"

"Oh please Karla, I'm sure he's not even close to Dick Grayson." Another girl replied.

"To see is to believe, Dana." Karla laughed smugly. "Thirty bucks that your jaw will drop when you see him."

I snickered, as I continued looking outside. I'm sure that guy's not even half as good as Dick is. These girls are so taken up by Dick's looks and social status that they forget that he's a functioning human being.

And that he's such a big sweetheart.


My train of thoughts were cut short by the sudden opening of out classroom's door. I frowned.

It was the dean, and next to him was Prof. Thompson, the head of the science department.

"Good morning, everyone." The Dean, Mr. Wecker, greeted. "Today we have a new transfer student, he came from Gotham City and back here in Blüdhaven to study and live here."

Professor then took over the mic, his hands on both sides of the podium as he looked at us sternly.

"I'd like to ask you guys to be very VERY nice to him, or else." Prof. Thompson warned, then, he looked at the opened door, motioning to someone. "Come on, we don't have all day."

The room was eerily quiet as the footsteps became louder, and then they stopped. I put my head down on the table, my eyes staring again at the beautiful scenery outside.

Suddenly, the classroom went crazy as the girls were screaming and the guys were grumbling."Hey guys, I'm Jason Todd." A deep and husky voice began.

My eyes widened as my head snapped at the voice's direction. There, in front of me, is Jason-Fucking-Todd, in all his sexy leather-jacketed glory. We made eye-contact, which made him give me a cocky smirk and I was left with a heart that wants it escape out of my ribcage.

I am so fucked.

So thoroughly fucked.

And that's just an understatement.

Because ladies and gentlemen, my batshit crazy ex, has entered the building.

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