Act 1, Chapter 16

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(Y/N): Your name

6 months later, Your POV.

Months later, I found myself back at the Al Ghul temple. I came back with Jason, who apparently had been the one who set up Dick and Barbara together.

But I wasn't mad at him, but instead at the fact that Dick kissed Barabara back when she forced him into it. And to meet up with your EX, and lie about it face to face with your lover? For a woman, it's one of the worst kinds of betrayal.

I have all but forgotten about their sins against me, yet I have not forgiven.

With a knock, I saw Talia enter my room, with a tray of tea. She looked at me fondly, as she sat on the chair in front of me. I acknowledge her presence, but kept my eyes on the scenery outside my room.

"How is the baby, darling?" Talia asked while pouring me a cup of tea. "Is he still proving to his mother that he's a fighter?"

"Very much, mother." I chuckled, as I ran my hand gently on my stomach.

"You could always put him in a special chamber, like what I did with your brother, Damien." She offered, handing me a cup of tea. "You look as if you want to give birth to him soon and kill his father."

"The sin of the father is not the sin of the child." I replied calmly, as I took a sip from the cup. "I will love this child, and train him to become the strongest and fiercest warrior."

"Have you decided on a name for him, (Y/N)?" Talia asked, taking a sip from her own cup.

"Yasmeen would've been great if it were a girl."

"Like this tea?" I laughed. "I don't think so."

"Then what?" At my mother's question, I felt my baby kick my womb.

"Razam." I replied, holding my belly. "My little lion, my beautiful child— Yes, Razam Al Ghul."

Talia nodded her head in satisfaction as she drank on her cup again.

A few moments later, one of the assassins began ringing he training grounds' antique bell, signaling the start of their afternoon training. Talia stood up, looking disappointed.

"I'll see you at supper, my child." Talia said, bending to kiss my forehead before she stood up completely and exited my room.With that, Razam and I are left alone together.

I stroked my belly, excited to see my child once he is born. I'm sure he will be as handsome as his father, and as powerful as I am. Letting out a sad sigh, I caressed my belly again, remembering how happy I was when I found out that I was pregnant.

It took us two months to return to the Al Ghul temple without being detected, and the journey was rough. It was something that Jason and I could take, though. When we returned to the temple, Talia was the first one to greet us, but I apparently collapsed due to fatigue.

When I woke up, I found out that I was pregnant when the Al Ghul doctor examined me. Of course, all was shocked and asked who impregnated me, but I didn't tell them who the child's father was, for I feared for the child's life. Jason and I were the only ones who knew that Dick is Razam's the father, and we both agreed to take this secret to our graves.

It surprised me though, that even after I used the morning pill, I still got pregnant. Razam may be a miracle child, and I'm sure he will be able to do great things.

Now, I am a Demoness, the child of the Nightmare king and Ra's Al Ghul's bastard daughter. I was approached by my father who wanted me to embrace my demonic side, which granted me powers and immortality. This means the child I'm carrying will have undeniable powers that could reshape the world. Razam will also have accelerated genes since he is half-demon; he will be four times the age of normal kids after a few years, which will probably be twelve or sixteen, if I count correctly. I will give him the freedom to embrace his dark side as my father did to me, and I will still love him unconditionally even if he chooses not to.

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