Act 2, Chapter 2

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2 years later, Dick's POV

I woke up to the sun's rays hitting my eyes, as I rolled off to my side.

Fuck, my body hurts from kicking ass last night. Good thing I was able to defuse the bomb and catch Penguin in time, or else thousands of lives would've been gone in mere seconds.

I yawned, sitting up as I was welcomed by the sight of a familiar redhead. I smiled, stooping down to trail kisses on her shoulder.

"Mmh." Barb groaned turning towards me, her blue-green eyes twinkling with adoration. "Good morning, baby."

I chuckled, as I stood up and went to look for my boxers. When I finally found them (in a corner, mind you), I went back to Barb and carried her downstairs, helping her to her wheelchair before I quickly headed to the bathroom to take a shower.

I closed my eyes and sighed in contentment, as I let the hot water stream down my back.

Today marks the second year since the day that (Y/N) left me.

The second year since the day I betrayed her, with the same woman I'm with now.

I felt my throat tighten up, but I'm not gonna cry.

Not anymore.

I hissed, when I finally felt the pain of the large diagonal cut on my back. The hot water both soothes and stings me, but I silently thank it for throwing my distracting thoughts about (Y/N) out of the window.

I quickly turned off the shower and wrapped a soft, white towel around my waist. I then proceeded to walk back to our room, where I got my police uniform. Once I finished dressing up, I hurriedly went back down to the kitchen, where I saw Barb putting a plate of eggs and bacon on the table.

I smiled at her.

"Let me help you with that, Barb." I offered, taking the french toast from the counter and walking it towards the table. "Although I'm afraid I can't sit down and eat breakfast with you."

Barbara stopped wheeling herself, her face twisting into a sad frown.

"But you should eat something, at least!" She said, clearly worried. "You've been wearing yourself down lately, with your police job and your bartending job; Dick, you go to work early in the morning, and return early in the morning as well. Do you even sleep now?"

I grabbed a piece of toast then took my police jacket, not really listening to what she was saying.

"I'll try to be home early this time, okay?" I walked towards her and gave her a quick kiss, as I quickly left the apartment and went to Blüdhaven's police department.

"Good morning, Chief!" Officer Zhang, a cheerful young lad, a half-Chinese with an intellectual air about him, greeted as I finally entered BPD. "There was a call from Commissioner Gordon, he said that the attack from last night was just staged to buy some time for an even BIGGER attack on Gotham. "

"Thank you, Jaime, I'll call him now." I froze and then looked at him.

Two years ago, the largest attack held on Blüdhaven was caused by Slade, with the help of (Y/N). Now, it's just small robberies and attempted murders which I was able to deal with without the help of Nightwing. Of course, there were also drug cartels and weapon trafficking, which led to their masterminds, but nothing like the situation now.

Images of dead people and burning houses filled my head, as I tried to tell myself that I became a police officer to save this damned city. Part of the reason is that I wanted to immerse myself in work so that I'd have less time at home with Barbara, and so that I'd forget about (Y/N); the latter excuse was not really working, but I'm trying my best.

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