Final Chapter

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Yes guys, I know, I updated late.

I'm so sorry! And to make it up to you all patient dearies of mine, I made this chapter extra long.

This is the last chapter of RwB. I am eternally grateful to you wonderful readers who supported me through thick and thin even though my updates were inconsistent due to my busy schedule. But still, I want to thank each and every single one of you from the bottom of my heart.

I wouldn't have done this without your support, I love you all.

And to those asking about the guy I met, he's Korean. And noooo, I didn't forget about you all because of that dork. Nu-Uh.

I was actually busy studying for SATs ; u ;

Alright without any more delays, I present to you,

The last chapter.


Razam's POV

I jolted awake; my eyes stinging the moment I opened them due to the bright ray of light which flowed through the large window adjacent to my bed.

Where the fuck am I?

I looked around, immediately slapping my forehead as last night's escapades flashed through my mind.

Torn clothes, bottles of Romanée-Conti and Chateau Margaux scattered on the floor, and a broken couch.

I let out an irritated sigh and then ran my fingers through my thick black locks, plopping back down onto the bed as I used the back of my arm to cover my eyes.

Who would've thought that I'd be a train-wreck when I get piss-drunk?

Let's see, how did I even end up in this ordeal?

Well, I told my mom that I'd be training in the Northern Al-Ghul temple as a pretense instead of telling her that: 'Mom, I'm feel hurt because my childhood hero was my dad all along and you didn't even bother telling me, so I'll run away from home but not really just to cool off.'

And now here I am, wasting my assassination money on expensive wine and expensive whores.

I then let out another sigh.

Is there anything that I can do to fix my family or maybe there's something they're still telling me?

Like why the fuck my Grandfather's gone the Bahamas-- or Maldives-- or wherever that was JUST when I needed that old fart's advice?

As if a lightbulb went off in my head, I quickly stood up to collect my weapons and get clothed.

Why didn't I think of him before?

Uncle Damian.


I ended up in front of Wayne Manor, mask and all, as I used my demon vision to scope out the area. Three people were in the Manor.

Wait... Just--- three?!

There weren't any other servants, and if I deduced it correctly, it's just Alfred.

It's always been just Alfred.

The other two, I'm sure, are Uncle Damian and Mr. Wayne.

Or should I say, Granddad?

I shook my head and then chuckled as I ran to the side of the mansion and went up the window, where I saw Uncle Damian's (midget) silhouette. Using my telekinesis, I quietly opened the window and jumped inside.

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