Act 1, Chapter 7

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Hey guys!

First off, I want to sincerely apologize for not being able to update more frequently due to the fact that when I went home back from the trip, I was bombarded with school stuff. :(

Anyways, I'm here to surprise you with a fluffy chapter. <3

P.S. New Cover!

P.P.S  The last outfit on the pic is Dick's outfit

P.P.P.S The extreme smut shall be on part 8


(F/N): First Name
(N/N): Nickname
(F/C): Fave Color
*note: Nicknames may include: angel, baby, babe, hon/hun, fartface, vomit breath and other nicknames that you may think of. Yes, you could also use your name, but hey, Nightwing giving you a nickname is a once in a lifetime. Winky face.*


"Hey loser," Dick laughed, as I entered the living room; thankfully, he was wearing boxers. "Huh, me? I'm fine, Tim."

I raised my eyebrow at him, as I wrapped my arms around his shoulder. I tiptoed to kiss his neck, making him chuckle. Kissing and a little bit of eavesdropping will never hurt, right?

"You up for clubbing bro?" I heard the person on the other line ask him; the voice was young and velvety, I'd say he isn't that much older than me. "I've been dry these past few weeks, man-- I seriously need me some steamy hook-up and a good Gin and Tonic might lift my spirits up!"

"Hey kid, you're underage." He warned, his eyes boring into me after he briefly pecked my nose. I giggled, as I lightly ran my hands on his abs. "Mmh, can't we do this some other time?"

"Oh my god, you're about to get laid, aren't you?" Tim groaned, making Dick and I laugh. "Bro, you get all the girls! You wouldn't know my problem. What happened to the 'Bro Code', huh? Ya know? Bros before Hoes?"

"Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne, it's not my fault the girls complain that you're lousy in bed." He jokingly scolded Tim, as his free hand firmly grabbed my ass. "Alright, what time will I pick you up?"

"Aww!" I groaned as cutely and audible as possible, making Dick laugh at me. He then proceeded to lightly spank my ass like a brute. "Nu-uh, you're not touching me you wing-ding."

Dick pouted, as he pulled me near him. His arm was wrapped around my waist and his chin rested on my shoulder. Another side of Nightwing, how cute.

"Hey Tim, can I bring someone with me?" He asked, making me smile. Wow, he's really making an effort.

"I'm down for it! Having a hot chick by your arms will make the ladies back off, which means more for me!-- hehe!" Tim teased. "By any chance, are you guys dating? If you aren't can she and I maybe, you know hoo--"

"--We'll pick you up at eight, Tim."


I smirked at him, as I traced small circles on his muscular chest. Dick winked at me as he threw the phone on the couch.

"That was my younger brother, Tim." He chuckled, as he pulled me closer; his nose inhaling my scent. I moaned, pushing my ass on his now fully aroused penis. "Mm, nu-uh baby, we have to get ready."

"Can't we...? Just a little bit?" I asked, throwing my head back and fluttering my eyes at him as I bit my lip then pouted. I have to admit, though, that the atmosphere between us is very light and fun. I enjoyed this, thoroughly. Noticing that I wasn't paying him attention, Dick kissed my exposed neck.

"Later, (N/N). I promise it will be worth the wait." Dick whispered as he finally pulled away. "I'll be taking a shower, you go get ready."

With that, Dick went to the shower while I grudgingly walked to our room. I opened the mahogany closet and stared at the dresses neatly kept by hangers. Biting my lip, I chose between the sexy blue cocktail dress and the two-piece black dress. Picking the (cocktail dress/two-piece dress), I then got my trusty (F/C) stilettos, my favorite purse and went on to do my makeup. I decided to go for the sultry look since I wanted Dick on his knees. Hell, maybe I'd even get a treat if I played my cards well. Adding some final touches, which was my red lipstick, I heard Dick calling from downstairs.

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