Act 1, Chapter 12

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(Y/N): Your Name

(E/C): Eye Color

(H/C): Hair Colour


I basically sat there, stunned, as the professor told him to sit wherever he liked. I held my breath and thanked my lucky stars that there were no available seats near me.

How is he here?

How did he find me?

Why the hell does he look so damn good?

All these crazy thoughts ran through my head as I struggled to listen to the lecture, but my mind kept on returning to what Jason and I were before I ran away.


It was one of those days again when Jason was in a good mood and I pissed him off.

Hell, I always piss him off when I wanted to fuck him like an animal.

And now here I am, my back towards Jason as he just finished eating me out. I mewled his name.

"Yes bitch, beg," Jason grunted through clenched teeth, his calloused hand gripping my hair. "Tell me what you want."

"Agh! You!" I moaned, as he roughly thrust inside me, as he pulled my hair back. His lips met mine as I bit his. "Mnh!"

I held his neck, but he slapped it away, thrusting harder, making me lose my balance.

"No, no, baby." He whispered, breaking away from our kiss. "You can't touch me, unless you want to get hit on your ass."

I smirked, removing myself from him as I raised my ass even higher, my head resting on the pillow as I gave him a cheeky look.

"Then hit me with your best shot, Todd."

And so he did.

He penetrated my slick vagina, as he released guttural sounds of pleasure. He removed his hand from my hair as he raised his palm high. Jason looked at me, sick humor glinting in his beautiful eyes.

"Count." He hissed as his palm made contact with my ass cheek.

"Ah! One!" I moaned, the sudden contact sending shivers down my spine as he kept on thrusting in me.


"Two!" My nipples were hardening, as his other hand traced down my dripping pussy. His rough fingers circling my clit.

Smack. Smack. Smack.

"Ah! Jason! Please!" I pleaded to Jason, making him smirk at me.

"I just love how submissive you are, (Y/N)." He teased, pulling out again, his penis shooting some precum. He looked at me lustfully, his delectable lips apart.

I crawled towards him, my hand rubbing his shaft's base as I sucked his head. Jason held my hair as he pushed his wanton dick deeper into my mouth.

"It's already your fifth orgasm, baby, now let me have mine." Jason grunted, making me look at him as I sucked him harder. "Ngh! (Y/N), I'm close."

Heeding his warning, I removed him from my mouth as he shot his salty load on my face, his head thrown back from pleasure.

Once he was done, he turned to me as I let my fingers run through my beasts, scooping thick semen. I looked at Jason, as I licked my slick fingers.

"You ready for more, princess?" He challenged, as he pushed me down the bed, our lips making contact.


The sound of the bell ringing interrupted my thoughts, making me jump out of my seat.I quickly rushed towards the door, but a hand grabbed my arm.

I turned around, my (E/C) eyes meeting steely blue ones.

"You think I'd let you escape again, (Y/N)?" Jason smiled, his voice lowered in a threatening tone.

"I'm late for my next class." I hissed, snatching my arm from his iron grip, making him frown.

"Boo-fucking-hoo, I'm your classmate through all of your blocks." He smirked, pushing a plethora of my (H/C) hair away from my face.

"Jason, stop." I pleaded, as my voice trembled. "Weren't you the one who said that I held you down?"

"It was at the spur of the moment, (Y/N)!" He explained, desperate. "I'm not stupid to let the girl who tore down my walls away from me."

I shook my head, tears threatening to pour down my eyes.

"They say people say the truth when they're angry."


"--There's a difference between what your heart and what your mind says." I sobbed. "And frankly, you just THINK you love me because you're all caught up in your sick plot of revenge." With that, I began walking away.

I pulled my phone out and quickly called Dick as I ran down the huge flight of stairs, he picked up after three rings.

"Can you pick me up? I'm not feeling well." I whimpered.

"Baby?" Dick asked, clearly worried. "Alright, be there in 10."

My lips curled into as sad smile as I waited under the large tree in front of the campus. Right now, I just want to run in Dick's arms and cry my eyes out.

I just want peace.

But clearly, the gods weren't kind enough to grant me solitude as my trance was interrupted by loud footsteps and heavy panting.

"(Y/N)... Please..."

I turned to look at the voice's owner.

"Jason, just..." I trailed off, wiping my tears with my sleeve. "--Just leave me."

"No, (Y/N), you don't understand." He begged, his hands holding my wrists, that were threatening to shoot out shadow energy. "I love you because... Because..."

But nothing came out of his mouth.

"See?!" I cawed, my eyes glaring at him. "You can't even explain yourself!"

"Alright. Fine." Jason sighed, dejected, his eyes burning with anger and resentment. He was still holding my wrist. "But that doesn't mean that I'll let you go."

"Let go of me!" I screeched, as I felt irritation surge from my body as I opened my palms to let the shadow flames attack him, but he didn't budge.

Even if it burnt him.

Even if it hurt him.

He didn't budge.

"You think I'm scared of measly flames when I've been through death?" He growled, raising his hand to punch me.

I closed my eyes, waiting for his fist to hit my face.

But there was nothing.

The next thing I knew was that I was enclosed in between a strong pair of arms accompanied by a loud thud.

"Jeez, Jay. When a lady says let go, you let go." Opening my eyes at the familiar voice, I felt the weight of my problems disappear from my shoulders.

As I looked up, I saw Dick's face glaring angrily at Jason.

"I'm sorry I'm late, baby." He turned to look at me, his lips kissing my temple.



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