Act 1, Chapter 15

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(Y/N): Your Name
(F/C): Favourite Colour
(WoC): Weapon of Choice

Your POV

As expected, Dick woke up at 8.

And sneakily at that.

I sat up and rubbed my eyes, giving him a lazy yawn.

"Going already, baby?" I asked quietly, making him turn to me.

Dick stopped whatever he was doing and walked towards my bed. He sat down and kissed me.

"I'll be back soon, don't worry." He replied, caressing my cheek with his hand. "It's just something really important."

"More important than what little time you can spend with me?" I asked again, making him frown.

"Come on baby, don't be like this." Dick sighed, and stood up. "I'll be back later, okay? I love you."

With that, he stood up and left the room quietly.

When I heard the front door close, I quickly rushed to the bathroom to take a shower and got dressed in my Assassin suit. Gathering my weapons, along with my mask and my (F/C) robe, I opened our apartment window and jumped out, grabbing on the adjacent apartment's balcony. I climbed up to its rooftop and assessed my surroundings.

"Damn." I hissed as I saw him already past the intersection, so I ran through the roofs and quickly made my way towards Gotham Square.


Jason's POV

I warned him.

I warned him that he'll regret being with her.

I've been watching Dick and (Y/N)'s residence since 7 as I found myself drinking coffee from the cafe in front of their apartment. It's now 8:30 A.M. and so far, I've witnessed (Y/N) quietly jump out of their window and climb up to the roof of some shady looking apartment. Of course, nobody noticed her antics since everybody was busy doing their own thing.

I stood up, ran my fingers through my hair and chuckled.

"If I'm correct, they'll be over once Dick meets Babs." I mused to myself as I got on my motorcycle and quickly drove my way to Gotham Square while keeping my eye on (Y/N).

After arriving at the square, I quickly parked my motorcycle and rushed to one of the rooftops. As expected, (Y/N) was there, her eyes never leaving the scene unfolding before her.

What's happening, you ask?

Well, I just did a little bit of voice modification to sound like Dick when I called Babs, telling her that 'I' still love her and 'I' want to meet her here. Of course, that stupid woman agreed on the spot and said that she still loved Dick and it hurt when she saw 'me' and (Y/N) together.

With Dick, I did the same thing, but I had Scarlet pretend as Babs. I didn't care much about the details, but she just said that 'she' wanted to meet up with him and catch up on old times.

Which led to this scenario right here: Babs hugging Dick while (F/N) was trying not to kill her.

I looked down and spotted Scarlet, who just finished planting small microphones around the two idiots. She smirked at me and gave me the go signal as I turned on my earpiece and began to listen:

"Dick! I didn't expect you to arrive! I—" Barbara gushed, wrapping her arms around Dick's neck as she gave him a sickeningly sweet and desperate smile.

"Well, I'm here, uh—"

"—Oh Dick, I knew it! You still love me!" She cried, making Dick shoot her a confused glance.

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