Act 1, Chapter 19

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(Y/N): Your Name
(E/C): Eye Colour

Dick's POV

The ride back home was quiet, only the chopper's noise brought me back and forth towards reality. My chest still hurts, as I still remember the scenario a while ago.

I felt so betrayed, but then again, I reap what I sow.

I deserve this, every single bit of this pain.

I sat back, covering my eyes with my hand, forcing myself not to think about it.

"You know, Dick, I haven't seen you this weak." Damian mused, as I looked at him. "Just move on and be happy with your life, it's not that hard."

"You know, Damian, in the future, you'll find a girl, love her, and if you break up you'll just find yourself in my shoes." I laughed bitterly. "So shut the fuck up."

"If Alfred were here he'd scold you again." He replied grumpily. "I don't understand this, how can you still love her after she left?"

"I don't know, kid." I answered honestly. "But I'll try following your advice; I'll forget about your sister."

"Psh, as if you can." Damian grunted. "The way you reacted with her being pregnant, if you saw it in another person's point of view; you honestly looked like you wanted to break Jason's bones."

"I do, kid." I replied. "But then again, I have no right to anymore."

"Then it seems like moving on is gonna prove to be a difficult task for you, Dick." He teased, as I realized that we were landing. "Why don't we make a bet?"

Interested by this, I looked at him, so he continued speaking:

"If you move on, you have the courtesy of bossing Tim and I around." Damian continued. "But if you don't, well, Tim and I are entitled to make you do whatever we want to do with you."

"How long do you intend to give me."

"As four years, that's enough time for you to forget about my sister, Dick." He shrugged, as he turned off the engine and the blades. "Maybe that's more time than you need, but, I'd love to NOT see you act like a little wimp."

I just glared at him through my domino mask and went out of my seat after unbuckling my seatbelt. I briefly thanked him, saying that I'll win the bet, and then left to change out of my Nightwing suit and go back home.

Once I returned to my apartment, I quickly rushed to go to the bathroom. So, I took off my clothes and went straight in to the shower. I let the warm water flow down my back, but my thoughts immediately went back to (Y/N).

She looked so beautiful.Picking up my soap, I found myself thinking about the first time we met.I remembered barging in the bathroom window, and to my surprise, she was taking a bath. She quickly got out of the shower and pushed me down the floor, with a knife steadied near my throat.

I remember her (E/C) glaring at me, and how cheeky she was when she realized that I was Dick Grayson. She didn't fawn over me, but instead, I was the one who got seduced by her.

That vixen.

Smiling at the memory, a quick flash of her and Jason embracing came into my mind as I felt my chest tighten up.


I snapped my head to my side as I quickly got my towel and wrapped it around my waist.


"Wait a sec!" I shouted, as I rushed towards the front door and opened it.

I suddenly felt anger rush around my body, when I found out who was ringing my doorbell.

"Babs." I greeted stoically, moving a bit so she could get in. "What do you want?"

"H-hi, Dick." She stuttered, clearly distracted by my half-naked form. "I just w-wanted to talk to you."

"Funny." I laughed sarcastically. "The last time we talked, my girlfriend broke up with me because of your stupid antics."

She looked up at me through her thick framed glasses, her eyes teary and red.

"I-I was wondering if I could do anything to make you feel better." She offered.

"I don't need this right now, Babs." I replied, clearly tired and uninterested.

"I really feel bad about this, Dick, let me make it up to you." She whispered, as she removed her glasses.

"I know what you're trying to do, Babs, and if you're trying to have sex with me, you're not turning me on." I growled. "Leave."

"But Dick—"

"I SAID LEAVE!" I shouted angrily, making her wince. "The only thing I regret in my life right now is agreeing to meet you up that day. Don't you get it? Your whole being annoys, Barbara!"

With that I saw her sob, and wheel away slowly to the door. Feeling a bit guilty, I called her out:

"Hey, Babs, wait—"

"—No, it's fine." Babs cut it shakily. "I get it, you hate me."

"I'm sorry." I sighed, finally giving in. "It's just that, (Y/N)'s the one that made me feel alive again and you had to—"

"—Don't you understand Dick?!" She cried, sharply turning towards me. "We had something better, something beautiful! She— She's just an Al Ghul bastard!"

"I don't like your tone, Barb." I warned.

"But it's true, don't even think of denying it." She shot back. "She's just a pathetic orphan with issues that you thought that you could fix! I'm much more important than (Y/N)."

"Can't you see, Babs?" I replied. "This is the reason why I broke it off with you. You make your own issues and think that the world revolves around you. I have Blüdhaven to think about, and you made it more difficult for me!"

"You don't have time for me, Dick, that's why I had issues."

"Time, that was your problem?!" I growled. "I had time for you, and I even tried to listen to your issues. WE both agreed that we're pulling each other down."

"I'm a changed woman, can't you see?" She pleaded, sounding almost desperate."You only wanted me back because you saw me happy, Babs." I sighed. "That's how fucked up you are."

"Dick, can't you give me another chance?" She started crying as she buried her face on her hands. "I-I could help you forget about her, I'll change, please!"

She was right, Damian was right.

I have to move on and forget.

At least, I could try.

"Alright." I gave up.

"W-what?" She asked in between sobs.

"I have to at least try to move on anyways, it's been six months." I replied. "But for now, please leave, I need to collect my thoughts and get changed."

"A-alright, thank you Dick! I love you."

I didn't reply, as I returned to my room and flopped on the bed.

Am I making the right choice?

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