Act 1, Chapter 2

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*F/N: First Name

F/C: Favourite Colour

E/C: Eye Colour

H/C: Hair Colour


I groaned as I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock buzzing, I tried turning to my side but the noise still persisted. The shuffling beside me, luckily, fully woke me up as I gazed at the person beside me.

Oh right. Roomate.

"Dick, wake up." I called out, but he just buried his head underneath the pillow.

I smiled, letting him sleep, since we were up pretty late last night.

Finally, I stood up and walked towards the damned bathroom.

"Shit." I mumbled as my lower region felt immidiately sore. Sighing, I took a look at myself in the bathroom's mirror.



How am I supposed to go to school with these hickeys? And I'm fully naked too!

"You're riled up early in the morning, (F/N)." Dick teased as he stood beside me, grabbing his toothbrush (and my toothpaste).

"Why the hell did you think of giving me hickeys in VISIBLE areas, Dick?" I replied as I stepped in the shower for a quick bath. "What am I supposed to wear?"

"Relax, (F/N), you could borrow my sweater." Richard joked as he lifted me up, but I still frowned at him. "Would you be happier if I drove you to College?"

"And break my chances of dating a hot guy? No way." I laughed as Dick put me down with an adorable frown.

I felt my (E/C) orbs roll as I walked back to the bedroom and finally to its closet. Dick followed shortly, while constantly yawning and ruffling his hair.

"Sweater's in the top drawer, why don't ya' borrow my pants too?"

"No thanks, oh and you better get ready too, I don't want the whole campus to see my half-naked roommate driving me to school."

"Thought you didn't want me to break your chances of dating some blockhead?" He replied in a mocking voice, as he pinned me down to the drawer.

Dick's lips greedily kissed mine as his hands traveled under my sweater. I tried my best to appear angry, but he has a way with his fingers.

"Do I look like someone who wants to settle down, Dick?" I whispered, kissing his lower lip. "These sort of things only hinder me from my goals, I prefer passion and lust over something so irrational."

Dick was quiet for a while but then he sent me one last kiss as he began dressing himself as well. He wore a white v-neck shirt with some washed out blue jeans, while I wore his black turtleneck sweater with my trusty brown skirt. After the morning ritual, we went downstairs together.

Outside, I was expecting a car, but there was only a sleek, black, motorbike.

Dangerous guys like dangerous toys, huh?

I smirked as he handed me one of the spare helmets kept under the seats, I didn't need it, but I accepted it nonetheless.

Dick made me sit in front of him, for some strange reason, but I was more than happy to oblige to his request. Once we were both comfortable, he revved up the engine, making me feel subtle vibrations tickling my vagina. Having him behind me made matters worse. And I was right. As soon as we hit the main road, Dick's left hand began wandering down to my skirt as he rubbed my clit through the already-soaked fabric. I let out a moan, making him push his hard-on to my butt.

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