Act 1, Chapter 13

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Dick's POV.

First I get a call from my sobbing girlfriend, and then I find my brother harassing her?

What the hell is happening?

My mind goes to different places, as I thought of what could've happened if I came here a second or two late. I can't even bear to see my precious (Y/N) get smacked by Jason or any stupid person at that.

My brother looked at me, fury and hurt mixed in his eyes as the black flames dissipated from his face; it was the kind of fire that doesn't physically hurt you, but it makes you feel the sensation of burning.

Even though Jay's my little brother, I can't help but feel proud of (Y/N).

"Stay outta this, brother," Jason growled as he spat on the ground. "Or I'll blow your face off with a gun."

"You still have a lot of milk to drink before you can challenge me, Jay," I replied, clutching (Y/N)'s body closer to my chest.

At that moment, a small crowd of students gathered around us; noticing that he cannot do anything to us, Jay walked past me but not before purposely bumping his arm onto mine and muttering 'Give her back to me, or you'll regret ever meeting her'

When he was gone, I knelt down in front of (Y/N) who was staring blankly at the spot where I had slammed Jason into. I held her small hands in mine, kissing them. (Y/N) blinked and then gave me a weak smile.

"Why did my brother want you 'back'?" Upon hearing my question, she gave me a tired sigh-- but I knew what's up.

I just wanted some reassurance...

"Let's go home, I'll explain everything."


At the apartment,


I explained everything to him once we got settled down comfortably on the couch.

And he didn't take it too well.

Dick was so angry, his pacing back and forth was wearing down our wooden floor as he ran his fingers through his hair in exasperation.

"I honestly want to kill him, baby." He fumed, his electric-blue eyes dangerously glistening, as he finally sat beside me.

"Dick, stop." I cooed, trying to calm him down. "I should be the one who's angry, not you."

"He's so stupid, a good beating might shake his brain back to normal--"

"--Dick, you're scaring me." I whimpered.

Truthfully, I was scared of what would happen to him if he let his emotions drive him.

He'd turn fucked up, like Jason.

And I don't want him to be like that.

Not when I'm alive.

But now, Dick's angry beyond belief.

And he's angry at me.

Dick stared silently at the ceiling as I sat on his lap, my arms clinging on his neck. He looked at me and smiled weakly, his hands automatically finding my waist. Quiet anger, but most of all, worry, was oozing from him, as his hand cupped my cheek.

"What kind of man leaves a precious gem like you for something as short-lived and shallow like revenge?" He whispered, while his lips traced planted a kiss on my forehead--as if he wanted to erase Jason's memory from my head.

"Jason, that's w--"

"--Don't even say his name in front of me, (Y/N)." Dick cut me off, his lips leaving a trail of soft pecks from my forehead to my nose, and then to my neck. "Let me erase him from your body, mind, and heart."

I looked at him; my tears threatening to spill.

"Let me make love to you until you forget him."

I threw my head back, as I let my tears fall down.


Dick nodded, as he stood up; my legs automatically wrapped against his waist.

"You're mine, (Y/N)." He growled as he kissed me, as my fingers gripped his jet-black hair.

Yes, yours.


I'm sorry for the cliffhanger, guys!I'm not feeling well today, but at least I managed to write something!

Next chapter's gonna be emotional and fluffy and LEMONY.

Stay tuned! ^^

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