Act 2, Chapter 7

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I'm also really sorry for the super late update since I'm busy with studying Mandarin, and... Good News!I met a guy!But y'all don't probably wanna know the details, so without further delay... Here's a new chapter! <3


Your POV, the next day.

I woke up on the floor with Dick sprawled beside me, his jet black locks covering his face while his muscular arm slung around my waist.

Today's such a wonderful day; the weight I carried on my shoulders were gone and I found yourself next to the man that I've always loved.

And not to mention the hot and animalistic make-up sex we had, nothing could possibly---


--and there it is.

"Open up, this is the police!" A man cried.

This apparently woke Dick up, making him groan and turn his body to me. He blinked his eyes, his piercing electric blue eyes staring at my (E/C) ones before he gave me a sexy morning smirk.

"Good morning baby." He greeted, retracting his hand from my waist and then touching my cheek.


"This is your last call, open this door or we will break it down by force!" The man cried again.

With a huge sigh, Dick helped me up before taking his boxers from the floor and then wrapping a blanket around me. We rushed down to open the door for the police man, and then greeted them with a knowing smile.

"Ah, Berty, is something wrong?" Dick asked, his arm snaking around my shoulders before I looked up and realized that almost all of our neighbors were there, with worried faces that turned into bashful ones.

"C-chief!" Berty cried, his face reddening as he quietly eyed me like candy.

"Eyes up here, kid." Dick laughed, before tapping the man on the shoulder. "Did we do something wrong?"

"The tenants were complaining about gunshots and things breaking, so they called BCPD." He replied, scratching the back of his neck.

"Ah, there were things that broke, while we were..." I mused, giving Berty a small chuckle. "Occupied."

I glanced at Dick, who was trying his best to hold in his laughter before he closed the door at the open-mouthed group of people.

"So... Breakfast?" Dick finally said before bursting into laughter.

"Sure." I laughed, shrugging my shoulders as Dick fired up the stove and got eggs and bacon from the fridge.

I sat on the counter, grabbing an apple as I stared at his bare back filled with claw marks.

"Why did you kiss her back?" I asked him quietly. "Wasn't I enough?"

"You were enough, but I guess it was a reaction." He replied, before turning towards me with a sad smile. "I was so used to being with you that I always kiss back, but that doesn't excuse my actions."

"I may have overreacted."

"No shit baby, but I understand." He laughed flipping the bacon. "You were traumatized by your relationship with Jay, but isn't it ironic? You're back with him."

"He offered help, and I needed a father figure for my son."

"He's OUR son, (Y/N)." Dick corrected, making me roll my eyes. "I know you're rolling your eyes at me, do it again and I'll take you in between the legs."

"Please do." I teased, making him laugh.

"After breakfast."

I felt my cheeks redden, as I covered my face with the blanket I had wrapped around me.

"Razam looked up to you, ever since he was a kid." I confessed. "He wanted to be like you, fate's so cruel."

"And now he hates me because of a small mistake I made." Dick laughed, turning off the stove before serving me a plate of eggs and bacon.

"Hey, don't give me a guilt trip here." I frowned, taking another bite out of the apple. "After breakfast why don't we return to the Al-Ghul temple? I'm sure he'd love to have a talk with you."

Dick stopped eating, and then turned to me.

"Why don't we go to a neutral territory?" He suggested. "A restaurant or a park?"

"They won't kill you, Richard." I laughed, taking a spoonful of eggs. "Even if Razam's a temperamental teen, he HAS your way of thinking."

"I don't know if I should be happy or terrified." Dick replied with a blithe sense of humour. "Temperamental and Genius do NOT match. Not to mention that my son's a half-demon."

"Actually, he's a full demon now. He took over the throne because my dad wanted to retire to Maldives." I explained. "Five hundred thousand years of ruling and you get tired, you know?"

"Wait-- does that mean my son would be sixteen forever?!" Dick asked even more baffled. "You guys are basically immortal, while I'm stuck in this aging body."

"Hey, we have the Lazarus pit and NO, Razam will stop aging at twenty-one" I retorted, finishing my plate of food. "I could turn you into a demon, you know--you just have to give me your soul."

Dick blinked, as he seemed to process all the information.

"Nah, I think I'd rather die a human." He muttered, before sending me a laugh.

"Well the offer still stands, hun." I laughed getting up and then letting myself down the kitchen counter. "They do say that men age like fine wine."

"If the time comes, you could just pretend to have married a sugar daddy." Dick laughed, smacking my ass. "I'd be a fine as fuck sugar daddy, then."

I snorted, turning towards him and then wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Is that a marriage proposal I hear, Grayson?" I laughed pecking his nose.

"I was supposed to ask you four years ago, but then you ran away with a massive mood swing." Dick replied, tracing his lips on my neck before letting the blanket covering me fall.

He pulled me up and then placed me on top of the kitchen counter, before he pulled away and trapped me in between his arms. I looked at Dick and then gave him a cheeky smile, making him lock his lips with mine.

"I love you, (Y/N)." Dick whispered in between kisses. "Every. Part. Of. You."

I let a satisfied groan escape my lips, but before I could kiss him deeper, the phone began ringing.

"Dick." I moaned, pulling myself away from him before I rested my forehead on his. "Phone."

"Can't it wait?" He whined, before finally sighing and then answering the call. "Hello?"


Dick's POV


"It's me, Master Dick." Alfred greeted, with a little sigh. "I'm afraid Master Damian and Master Razam got into a little brawl."

"What?!" I croaked, before rubbing the back of my neck and then looking at (Y/N). "Alright, please tend to them Al, we'll be there in a few"

"We, young Master?" He asked, with a small hint of amusement in his voice. "I'm afraid that I do not follow."

"I'll go there with (Y/N), Alfred, I'm sure you remember her."

"Hm, quite, I've actually taken a liking towards the young Miss, Master Dick." Alfred replied, before I heard the sound of fine china breaking and a few gunshots.

Well--Isn't this deja-vu or what?

"We'll be there, Alfred."

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