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Months later, Your POV.

I stared at my hand, my eyes focusing on the large chunk of gold and diamonds wrapped around my ring finger.

"Mrs. Grayson, do I still have your attention?" Mr. Marsh, Razam's Chemistry professor, asked me. "Listen, I appreciate Mr. Grayson picking up your son from school, but his presence combined with your son's, it just sends the female students and faculty into a wild frenzy!"

"Mr. Marsh, I--"


Mr. Marsh and I looked at each other as a female screeched like a dying goat. We turned our attention towards the commotion outside.

"The Grayson men are here."

"Sound the alarms ladies, watch out because your panties are about to get wet!"

"They really look like siblings, though, isn't Chief Grayson just in his late twenties?"

"Who cares? I'd fuck them both-- AT THE SAME TIME!"

Mr. Marsh turned towards me as he gave me the 'see-what-I-mean?' look, so I gave him an apologetic smile.

We continued listening on to the conversation."I heard Razam's mom is really attractive though, she's like, sexier than all of us."

"Maybe she's not human, and she bewitched Chief Grayson."

The last comment made me laugh before I stood up.

"Look, Mr. Marsh, I can't control my son's and my husband's pheromones, if you'd like, I'd just pull out Razam from this school because you can't handle the attention he's getting."

"B-but Mrs. Grayson! Razam's our school's model, Martial Arts club captain AND our junior Descartes! You can't simply--"

"Well then, please DEAL with it, Mr. Marsh." I smiled, before standing up and making my way towards the door. "Now, if there isn't anything else, let me collect my husband and my child since the comments ARE getting out of hand. Good day."

With that, I went outside of Mr. Marsh's office knowing full well that the reason he really wanted me to pick up Razam myself is that he (and the rest of the male faculty and students) had the hots for me. When Dick found out, he stepped in and picked up Razam himself after he checks up on the BCPD. Although, that proved to be even more distracting.

"Jesus is that (Y/N) Grayson? Razam's mom?"

"Isn't she a socialite? I remember her from magazines, you should see her figure, man, she's so hot!"

"Bro, she's married. And we don't have a chance against her husband, I saw him once at the gym, he's ripped as FUUUU--"

"--dude I don't care, don't make me look down on my own masculinity! Listen, when we play League later let me see that magazine."

I quietly laughed at their comments, as my phone began ringing.

"Ram'Ak Al-Ghul" I answered the phone without checking the caller ID.

"Lady Ram'Ak, it's me, we've word that the Joker's escaped and is headed to Gotham again. He's also brought a few criminals with him."

"Alright, thank you Gale, send me the report and information later. The bounty must be good this time."

"Yes ma'am, I'll send it now."

With that, I ended the call and then made my way outside, where Dick and Razam were waiting for me near the huge oak tree outside campus.

"Hey baby, what's with the grim look?" Dick asked, greeting me with a kiss on the lips while Razam shuddered.

I heard a few groans of jealousy from the people around us as the crowd dissipated. Once we three were alone, I began talking.

"Gale's got some intel on the Joker's escape, he's headed towards Gotham now with a few of his goons."

Dick and Razam looked at each other and then smirked.

"Finally! I get to fight alongside dad, uncle and grandpa Bruce!" Razam beamed, fist-pumping his dad. "This is gonna be so cool!"

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