Act 2

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Also, this is another early update, since I have an early flight tomorrow. Will go visit some relatives for a month, have a vacation in Korea, look for universities. Please forgive these two irregular updates. ☺️💕


I was almost finished putting on my modified assassin's attire as quietly as possible. I turned to my sleeping son, as I felt my heart wrench with what I was about to do.

"I'm so sorry, Razam." I whispered, placing a soft kiss on his small forehead and then finally putting my (F/C) mask on.

I closed the door, and there, outside, Talia was waiting for me. She was in her silk nightgown, arms crossed as her face seemed crestfallen.

"You don't have to do this, child." She pleaded, holding my hands. "You don't have to hurt him—them."

I laughed coldly through my mask.

"I won't hurt Bruce and my brother, mom, I haven't sunk that low." I replied walking away, and then muttering under my breath so she can't hear me. "Yet."

Taking a few turns, I walked to the octagonal meeting room, where I called for Penguin. Jason was also there, acting as my bodyguard. The moment I stepped foot inside the room, they all stood up and bowed their heads.

"Lady Ram'Ak Al-Ghul, My family and I are at your service."

"Sit down Cobblepot, and let's get down to business."


I snapped my fingers as twenty of the Al-Ghul servants entered with two suitcases in each of their hands. Fifty more holding two large wheeled suitcases filled with advanced arms that even Wayne Tech's weapons would look like toys. I smiled at Cobblepot, who had his mouth hanging down, that it looked like it was gonna reach the floor.

"I have a proposition, Penguin, that you would absolutely love." I ushered. "You can have all these, if you deal with Blüdhaven and that famed hero, Nightwing while I go destroy Gotham. I'd like you to distract them, in layman's term."

Penguin looked, so I snapped again, making ten more people holding suitcases filled with hundreds and thousands of dollars.

"Do you need more?" I asked, but he just shook his head and glared at Jason, who was probably asleep behind his Red Hood mask.

"The money you're giving me is much more than enough, but it's this bloke that I don't trust." Cobblepot fessed up. "I—"

"—Red Hood is with me." I cut him off, getting impatient. Time was running out. "All you have to do is plant this radioactive shadow bomb and wreak havoc in that shite town. Don't you hate that prettyboy birdbrain?"

After a few moments of silence, he finally gave up.

"Alright. When do we start?"

"Tonight, but I will brief your men on what they're to do. You'll go in Jail, but I have a man that will bust you out once their Chief Police Officer leaves after interrogating you."

"Why would ye wait until I get interrogated before ye bust me out?" He asked, visibly interested.

"Because that fucker needs to know that he messed with the wrong woman." I hissed. "Tell him what you think will get his panties in a twist."

"Ye really hate that pretty boy, don'cha?" Penguin shuddered, but then smirked. "Is there anything you want me to say to him for ye?"

"Just this." I growled, my (E/C) eyes piercing his. "I have seen what I had to see, and I felt what I was supposed to feel. You took the thing most precious to me, and now I am taking two of yours."

With that, I stood up and escorted him out of the meeting room and shook Jason awake.

"Cobblepot agreed, Jay." I muttered, feeling tired when he jolted and looked at me.

"Who wouldn't, princess?" He laughed through his mask. "But your name's ridiculous, Ram'ak? Where'd you get that?"

I snickered, as he lightly wrapped his arms around my waist. Tracing circles on his chest, I looked at him through my lashes.

"It's an anagram, and it bites like a huge bitch." With that, I pushed myself away from him and walked out of the room.

"Damn, (Y/N)."

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