Act 2, Chapter 6

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Dick's POV.

The target seemed to be moving, and as I followed it, I was back to Blüdhaven.

Back to my apartment.

Did Razam want to talk to me here--did he know that Barbara already left?


I'm sure he's planning something, but I just can't seem to put my finger on it.

I clicked my tongue, thinking of all the possible things that could happen if I move too carelessly. So, choosing the better option, I decided that I'll enter my house through my bathroom window. I smirked and then stretched my shoulders before I flawlessly jumped up to the window ledges until I reached my bathroom window.

It's open?

Now something's definitely up.

I slid in the gap created by the window as I rolled when I reached the ground. Once I was steady, I lifted my head up, only to see (Y/N) looking down at me.

"Hey, baby." She cooed venomously before I received a kick from her high heeled boot.

Your POV

Feeling the satisfaction, I allowed myself a small victorious smirk.

"This brings back memories." I smirked, before taking a gun from my holster and then pulling the slide. With a smirk, I aimed at him and then pulled the trigger.

"Yeah, but I liked it better when you were naked with a knife!" Dick replied, rushing towards me with every shot I made.

As expected, he was able to dodge the bullets in this spacious bathroom. With a hiss, I got my other handgun and then shot at him again, using it as a distraction to escape to the living room.

Dick was able to run after me, a gunshot wound on his shoulder visibly bleeding. I clicked my tongue, trying to reach for ammo to finish the task, but he kicked my hand, causing the guns to go out through the window. He gave me a wink, before kicking me and then pulling my hair to tame me down on the counter.

"I can't believe that you're still trying to kill me, babe." Dick sighed. "What are you trying to prove, I get it already!"

"Fuck you." I hissed, kicking backwards to hit his crotch, and when he let go of me, I removed my cape which exposed my suit and my utility belt. I went into a fighting stance, and began throwing calculated punches.

"You know, I'm beginning to get suspicious of you, baby." Dick laughed, before countering me on the stomach. "Just how much pent-up sexual frustration do you have with me, huh?"

I found myself slammed on the television set, the lamp, and then finally on the brick wall. My legs wrapped around his waist while he raised my arms up above my head.

He smirked at me, removing his domino mask to look at me with his tantalizing blue eyes. Dick then began running his fingers on my legs, sending electric tingles all over my body.

But I had to fight it.

I opened my hands to release a shadow flame, making him let go of me with a hiss. I took this as an opportunity to grab a knife and then throw it at him, effectively gashing his leg. I then began running upstairs, mentally scolding myself when I let myself get carried away by his touch.

Once upstairs, I hid on the ceiling. I heard him run after me, suit battered and torn, but so was I.

"Come on, (Y/N). Let's stop this." Dick begged, but still in his fighting form, so I engaged him, dropping down to pin him on the floor.

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