It's the start of you're journey at the Click House. You're a well known Youtuber/Vloger. You have feelings towards another member in the crew. Maybe there's more to this story? Tons of drama and love triangles. Keep reading to find out. The story i...
I wake up early in the morning and head straight to my restroom. I brush my teeth then shower. Once I'm out I've decided to straighten my hair. I am up early might as well. When choosing my outfit for the day I take into consideration that we'd be filming. Since I'm being introduced to the click family I need to choose something that I look good in. I don't want to be too overdressed so something casual but decent looking. I ended up choosing a Tommy Hilfiger set I had gotten as a gift from my mother last year. I paired it with my white forces.
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As I'm done getting dressed I've decided to edit some of my videos. Halfway through I get a notification from Instagram. I see Bazz and Kath started following me. I scroll more down and I see Lannan who also started following me. He's following me and we haven't met yet. That must mean something? No I'm over thinking agian. I get lost in his profile. Here I am looking at a picture from 2015. I'm a dork I know thinking to myself. I look up at my laptop pausing the video. I look back down and noticed I liked the picture accidentally. Holy crap I unliked it quickly then thinking, "what if he got the notification already". Nahhh it's too early maybe he's asleep keeping it unliked. I heard talking downstairs so I headed to the kitchen. I am greeted by Elliot and Liv. Elliot is watching tv while Liv cooks up something. She's Elliot's girlfriend. I walk up to the bar and have a seat.
Liv: g'd morning you must be (y/n) Y/N: hi nice to meet you! Liv: so how are ya liking it so far? Y/N: I'm enjoying it. I'm liking the way my setup is coming along. I still need to set up my systems. Back home I'm a bit more spoiled my brother usually does it for me. (I giggled) Liv: I would help but I dont know much about that. (She laughed)
We continue to small talk for a bit more. We are joined by Cray, Bazz and Marcus. They all have on exercise clothes on. I'm assuming there going to the gym. Cray comes into the kitchen and grabs 3 water bottles and gives Marcus and Bazz one each. They start heading out saying good bye. Kath runs downstairs yelling "be back by 3 for filming!" Cray replies "yeah yeah yeah" and closes the door.
Kath: these boys I swear! Liv: tell me about it! (I laughed) Kath: hey do you need any help with unpacking? (She turns to me) Y/N: yes I do actually. Can you help me set up my systems? Kath: of course!
We head to my room and begin to set everything up. "It's a sea of wires" I say to Kath. She replies with "the one thing I absolutely hate about streaming." Once were finished I immediately thank her! She leaves the room and I begin to put away more boxes. As time passes I head back into the living room and sit down with Kath and Liv. We decided to play just dance. We dance like dorks. I can get use to this I enjoy their company so much. The door flies open and in come the boys. Liv and Kath continue to dance not paying much attention to them. I stopped dancing as hard as I was. I was kinda embarrassed actually.
Bazz: C'mon don't stop (Cray mocks our dance moves) Y/N: I literally have 2 left feet Bazz: still lookin good though! Y/N: awee thanks! Cray: ohhhh bazz get your hand out your pants. (We all laugh)
He looked a bit embarrassed after Cray said that comment. I didnt take it as flirting he's just trying to be nice. We eventually stopped the game and began to set up for filming. Bazz, Cray and Marcus went up to go and shower to get ready for the video. Once finished they joined us in the filming room to help set up. I'm working on the lights Kath and Marcus work on setting up the Tripods. The rest of the crew is just kind of messing around. There's a knock on the door. Cray runs to the door and opens it up. I glanced up quickly and I see Lannan. I focus back on what I am doing. Still feeling embarrassed about the Instagram picture I accidentally liked. There's a tap on my shoulder. Assuming it's Kath I say "almost done." I stand up and look up. Holy crap it's Lannan!
Lannan: g'd day! I'm Lannan. Y/N: ohhhh I know who you are. (Feeling embarrassed that I just said that out loud I laughed and corrected myself) What I mean to sayisI'm Y/N. Lannan: ohhhh do you now! (He has a smirk on his face) I'm sorryIwasn't able to meet you yesterday. I really wanted to be here to welcome you, but ya know something came up. Y/N: you must be in demand then. Haha Lannan: you know how YouTube can be.
"Lannan!" Elliot screams. "C'me here please" he adds.
Lannan rolls his eye's and says "be right back. Don't go anywhere." I reply and say "okayyyyy."
Kath asked for my help on setting up the last camera. While setting up she laughes.
Kath: sowhat was thatabout? Y/N: what was what about? (Saying confused) Kath: thatflirtingIseen with Lannan. Y/N: ohhhh gosh did you see that train wreck. Kath: so you like him? Y/N: I mean hes cute or whatevea (We laugh) Kath: you should go for it! Y/N:negative. I'm sure he's going to consider me family now. (I say laughing) Kath: well you never know until you try! (Lannan joins) Lannan: try what? Y/N: ooooo nothing. Girl stuff. (Kath and I look to eachother and laugh)
I look at Lannan while he chats away with Kath making her laugh. He's so handsome! The way his hair is pushed to the side. Mannnnnn he looks good. I snap out of it and do a fake laugh pretending I heard his joke.