Happy Holloween 4

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This night has been amazing filled with laughter and all around good vibes. As we're all just chatting around and taking what seems to be several shots of alcohol. I feel a hand glide from my thigh to my upper back. I get turned on by it. Assuming it was Lannan I look behind me biting my lip. Instead of seeing Lannan I catch the back of Lachlan passing by briefly. I immediately look around trying to find Lannan. I'm confused as he's not near me but across the patio talking to Cray. We catch eyes and he throws me a wink with kiss. I smile and send him one back. Seconds after that Lachlan sits next to Lannan he's giving me a smirk. He stopped after Lannan started talking to him. Well that was wired. That hand glide wasn't a "excuse me, I need to pass by" but more of a slow somewhat sexual type. Fuck maybe I'm overthinking it. Of course as I always do.
Lannan has been bringing me drinks most of the night so I decided to step away so I could make him and myself one. I step into the bar area grabbing two red cups. Putting light ice in them both. I grab a shot glass and pour a shot of vodka in each cup. As I'm making these drinks I pay attention to my surrounding and evaluate myself in the mirror in front of me. I still look decent and I'm pacing myself between every drink. I don't want to get too intoxicated. In the distance I see Bazz is with somebody. I haven't met her yet or at least I don't remember her. This is the first of the night that I've put any attention towards Bazz. She's literally sitting on his lap. I think I'll go introduce myself later on. Or would that be messy? I argue to myself. Shit this jealousy is growing on me. I'm joined by Lachlan while mixing the drinks

Lachlan: hey beautiful. I love your costume by the way.

Y/N: thank you. I like yours too
(I say trying not to blush)

Lachlan: I haven't heard from you in a while what happened? We use to talk every night.

Y/N: nothing in particular I just know we were getting a little to close for my liking.

Lachlan: and what's wrong with that?
But that's the past.

His eyes were like bullets piercing me. Not once did he take them off of me. I just put all my attention into mixing these drinks. There was definitely some tension between us.

Lachlan: so Lannan huh?

Y/N: yes, what about him?

Lachlan: oh nothing, I'm just surprised that's all.

Y/N: and why's that?
(I say stopping mixing the drinks)

Before he could even answer Lannan sneaks behind me biting my neck.

Lannan: hey love? Is that for me?

Y/N: of course babe
( I say handing him the drink)

Lannan: thank you! So what are you 2 talking about?

Before I could say anything Lachlan let's out a cough answering for me.

Lachlan: oh nothing just about the new Fortnite update that's to come Thursday.

Lannan: oh yeah that's going to be Epic!

Lachlan: listen Lannan there's a blondie over there I want to see if you could introduce me to?

Lannan: oh yeah definitely she's your type.

Lannan turns to me kissing my cheek.

Lannan: thank you for the drink baby let me hook up my mate with someone real quick I'll meet back up with you.

Y/N: yeah go ahead babe.
(I say looking back down)

Lachlan passes right behind Lannan. Gliding his hand behind me. He turns back around giving me a smile. I look quickly back down. Fuck, Lachlan still has those feelings towards me. If Lannan were to ever find out he would go crazy! I don't want to start anymore drama. I'll just keep this to myself. Taking a sip of my drink I head over to Bazza.

Y/N: hey!

Bazz: hey! (Bazz sits up straight)
where have you been I haven't seen you much around.

Y/N: I've been here mostly with the girls.

Bazz: this is my friend Kim. She's a twitch streamer herself.

Y/N: hi Kim I'm Y/N.

Kim: nice to meet you. I've seen some of your content it's really good!

Kim had a thick Australian accent. She was a brunette and was a very curvy girl. I guess that's what Bazz is into? I could say I'ma curvy girl too but she definitely had me beat. She seems sweet though. After talking for a little bit people started leaving saying their goodbyes. The main people stayed. We're all just in a circle and with a fire going on in the middle. I'm sitting down next to Bazz and Kim. On the other side of me is Cray. Lannan comes up behind me putting his arm around my neck. I guess the "blondie" Lachlan was talking about is ilsa as I see them two on the other side of the fire. Through the flames occasionally catching eyes with Lachlan. Lannan is way more drunk then I. He's trying to find his balance as he whispers into my ear.

Lannan: let's go have some fun?

I look back biting my lip. He grabs my hand leading me into the house. As soon as the door in the living room closes he puts his drink down. Giving me a hot kiss.

Y/N: not here hon!

I take his hand and lead him into my bedroom upstairs. After about a good 20 minutes after of "having fun" we finished. Hey what can I say? we both have had too many drinks to continue on. He falls into a deep sleep. I take off his shoes and tuck him in. I change into something more comfortable and take off some of my make up. I head back outside letting everyone know Lannan's asleep. I sit back down at this everyone is pretty much coupled up. I see Tanner and Cray are also getting comfortable around each other. Looking around I see Lachlan kissing ilsa.
  I started feeling a bit uncomfortable. So I decided to head inside and call it a night. I tell everyone good night. Before I step inside I take one look behind me and catch Lachlan starring at me while Ilsa kissing his neck. It was really wired. As if he was trying to make me jealous?

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