It's the start of you're journey at the Click House. You're a well known Youtuber/Vloger. You have feelings towards another member in the crew. Maybe there's more to this story? Tons of drama and love triangles. Keep reading to find out. The story i...
(Y/N's POV) I do a quick walk back to my room. I didn't want anyone to talk to me. I'm so upset but I don't know why. Why am I upset? Am I upset because Bazz has feelings towards me and he's just telling me? He said since the first day he met me. It's been weeks he's had so many chances. Wait, Do I like Bazz? I know we have an amazing connection but I didn't think it would be more than friends. I'm too invested in Lannan already. Lannan and I also have a strong connection that I see going somewhere. In the mist of all this commotion going inside my head I get a text that snaps me out of this daze I was in. It's Lannan and it reads "Hey I'm about 5 minutes away from the house". I take a deep breath and go to my mirror. I clean myself up a bit. I try and take the worry off of my face. I can't tell Lannan about this. Especially not on our first date. I will worry about this later. I cannot let this affect me. I grab my small backpack and my camera and I start heading downstairs. I pass by Bazz's room whose door is now closed. I see Lannan's car approaching. I wait until he is fully inside the driveway then I head out. (Lannan's POV) As soon as I see Y/N coming out the door I get out my car and greet her with a hug and a kiss. Wanting to make a good impression I open the door for her. I allow her to get fully in then closing it. Fuck she looks so damn good! I hope she'll like what we're going to do tonight. Lannan: Damn girl you look good Y/N: I better shit this took some time! Lannan: you look good regardless. Y/N: thanks hon! So what are we going to do? Lannan: that's for me to worry about and for you to find out. Y/N: okay! (She says sarcastically laughing) Lannan: so did you miss me? Y/N: I did honestly, and what was that comment you left me on my stream? Lannan: well you said it! He's watching right now so you ask him. (I mock her laughing) Y/N: well I didn't think you were actually going to do it Lannan: why you don't want your boyfriend too see? Y/N: ohhhh shutup (She laughs rolling her eyes) Shit when we are together it's like it's only her and I. She's so funny and she doesn't mind my humor at all! The car ride was filled with laughter and flirtation. She's funny herself but she doesn't see it. After several minutes we arrive. Y/N: A carnival! Yesssss I love this!(she says as were pulling up) I'm happy she likes it thats why I like this girl sooo bloody much! Simple things like this please her. She doesn't need some fancy restaurant or some shit. (Y/N's POV) We pulled up to the parking lot. I get my brown backpack off putting my camera and all my important things inside then putting it on. He runs to my side to open my door. Y/N: look at you being a gentleman. Lannan: of course always sunshine We start walking to the main entrance. He pays for mine and his ticket to get in. This place is huge and it smells so good. We're just walking around talking. I'm trying my hardest not to trip or fall on anything. He sees a balloon pop game and grabs my hand running to it. Lannan: since I'm not athletic for shit this game should do it. (He laughs nervously) Y/N: lets see what you got! He pays the carnie and gets three darts. If he makes all three darts he gets a large prize. If he only makes two darts he gets a medium prize and 1 dart means a small prize. He's so nervous I can tell by him biting his lower lip. It's so hot. Lannan: this is for you (He winks at me) He throws the 1st dart and gets it. Y/N: okay I see you! (I clap my hands) He gets ready to throw the 2nd dart but drops it on accident. Lannan: oh shit my fault (I laugh at him) He throws the dart and misses it. He's embarrassed by missing it but I think it's cute. He throws the last one and pops it. Lannan: I'm sorry I missed it. (He looks down) Y/N: I don't mind hon Lannan lets me pick out the prize. I picked out a pastel colored llama.
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Y/N: thank you for winning me this I absolutely love it. (giving him a soft kiss on the cheek) Lannan: let me take a picture ofyou with it you both look adorable! (I do a akward pose holding the llama next to my face) We walk around for a bit more and get on a couple of rides. I love the feeling I get when being on one the butterflies in my stomach excite me. Once we're done we go to a stand and get something to eat. After we've ordered we sat down on a small bench eating our food. Y/N: wellthisdate has beenamazing. Lannan: I'm glad. I was a little bit nervous you weren't going to like it Y/N: if I'm spending time with you then I'm just fine Lannan: so what is this? Y/N: What's what? Lannan: you and I? Y/N: I'm confused what do you mean? Lannan: I guess what I'm trying to say is do you want to be my girlfriend? (He looks down at his food) Y/N: I would really Like that (I say with a grin) Lannan: really? Well then I got a girlfriend now (Making fun of himself) It's official now. Lannan and I are dating. I knew we were going to be something but I didn't know he was actually going to ask me. My cheeks are hurting from smiling and laughing so much with him. The time that I'm spending with him is so perfect. After we are done eating we walked back to his car, and now that I'm his girlfriend we're holding hands. His hands are sweaty but I don't mind at all. The car ride home was hilarious. Listening to him making fun of himself due to missing that one dart. Once we pull up to the house he walks me to the door. He gives me a long kiss that I didn't want it to end. He holds my hand while walking backwards. Lannan: I'll call you as soon as I get home lovely. (He gives me a wink)