It's the start of you're journey at the Click House. You're a well known Youtuber/Vloger. You have feelings towards another member in the crew. Maybe there's more to this story? Tons of drama and love triangles. Keep reading to find out. The story i...
There's a knock on my door. Lannan gets up quickly and takes the blanket with him leaving me naked on the bed. I didn't mind at all. More for him to see and crave. I giggled as he walks up to the door. He had my white sheet wrapped around his waist. He looked so good from the back. I check him out biting my lip.
Lannan: yes? (He opens the door enough for his head to fit out of it)
Elliott: hey mate were all going to go grab brunch in a hour if y'all want to go? (Elliott says giggling)
Lannan: okay we will go. (Lannan attempts to close the door but Elliott holds it open)
Elliott: are you sure your not to busy bro? (He says hysterically laughing)
Lannan: we'll see dick head (He says laughing and closes the door)
Lannan comes to the edge of the bed. Looking at me up and down.
Lannan: if I didn't agree to go to brunch with everyone I'd so have you instead!
Y/N: oh yeah? You can still have both! (I say as I'm turning around)
Lannan gives me a huge smile and jumps on the bed coveringus both in the sheet. Soon after we start getting dressed to head out. I decided to go a little bit more girly then I usually do. I'm always in sneakers and a tshirt so I put on this little fit.
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I took way longer to get dressed then Lannan did. He just threw on a hoodie with joggers. My baby always looks good though. I walk downstairs and Lannan made me feel so gorgeous. He was eating a apple and stopped mid chew. He is forever snacking I swear.
Lannan: dammmmmnn my baby looks damn good!
Y/N: well thank you baby! (I give him a kiss on his cheek)
Kath: ouuuu girly I love this glow I'm seeing. We need to see this Y/N more often!
Lannan: yasss queen! (As he snaps his fingers)
I felt kinda akward. Like everyone was starring at me. I don't want to sound too cocky but everyone was looking at me. They aren't use to me dressing up this way. I should do this more often. I look around and noticed Lachlan and Ilsa were still here. They seemed really close. I'm guessing they stayed the night. Knowing the way Lachlan is I'm sure he showed her a good night. I mentally rolled my eyes. I need to find out his intentions because I was sure getting a wired vibe from him last night. It's wired because Lannan and him are really good friends. You would think he would respect that? I wouldn't be able to take it if I ruined this friendship. I'd feel terrible but that wont happened I remained postive. We sat around for like 20 minutes. We went back and forth trying to figure out where we should eat at. Tannar mentions this little Italian place that makes amazing mimosas plus it wasn't to far from the house. Lannan and I go on our own taking his car. Everyone else went in their own vehicles too. Once we arrived we found a table to fit all of us. The girls and I ordered some mimosas right off the bat. They definitely were super tasty! Our conversations were mostly about last night and how epic the night was. We agreed we should throw more parties like that. I asked Bazz who was sitting across from Lannan and I about Kim.
Y/N: So Bazz you have a girlfriend now?
Bazz: well I wouldn't call her a girlfriend per se. Maybe close friends?
If that was what you call close friends I don't have any then. When I asked bazz that question I felt Lannan's hand grip my knee hard. It gave me a little jump scare from how unexpected that it was. My other knee hit the table making the silverware on the table clink causing everyone to look in our direction. I looked around and smiled not wanting everyone to notice what just happened. I looked at Lannan and he immediately looked in the other direction. I honestly think he got upset from me just simply asking a question. If I'm not mistaken Bazz saw what just happened but I wasn't to worried. Bazz knows how he can get. After everything we went through with all this bullshit it still bothers him. Okay, yes I was a little jealous towards Kim but he didn't know that and I definitely didn't show it. Or did I? I didn't respond to Bazz anymore. I took a sip from my mimosa and when I looked up I caught eyes with Lachlan. Is it me that I keep staring at him? It can't be. There was no smile or anything he looked sincere. I think he just saw everything that happened between us. He looked worried for me. There wasn't anything to be worrisome about though. For a short second I actually thought about him and I. I wonder how he actually feels for me? Does he like me? Do I like him? Suddenly my body feels really hot. I felt so lightheaded and the loudness from everyone talking and laughing made things worsen. I take a sip of my cold water hoping that would help. Instead making it worse. I need to get out of here and fast. At least for some fresh air. I stood up as quick as I can. Not even thinking about how much attention I just drew to myself by how quickly I got up. When I stood up and I made it about 3 to 4 steps. I grabbed my head feeling even more lightheaded. My mind went completely blank. I lost my balance fell backwards and blacked out.