Rainy Day

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I wake up early in the morning once again. I'm not much of a sleeping in type of girl. I get up off my bed and get ready for my day. I take a soothing warm shower. Once I'm out I go into my closet and choose my outfit. I chose a gray sweat suit with another pair of black Vans I have. I crunch my hair then throw it into a messy bun. A quick and simple make up look should do.

 A quick and simple make up look should do

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It's a bit chilly today as fall approaches

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It's a bit chilly today as fall approaches. Also it's been raining all morning. There's no sun out just thick clouds. I enjoy this weather though so I'm not complaining. After I am done getting dressed I head to the kitchen and make myself some tea. I walk in and see Bazz doing the exact same.
Bazz: g'd morning!
Y/N: morning. Your up early.
Bazz: yeah I have alot of editing to do so I thought I'd get a early start on it.
Y/N: you read my mind. I also might do some streaming later today since there's a Fortnite update coming this afternoon.
Bazz: same here. Maybe we should do a collab soon?
Y/N: I'd like that very much.

I like Bazz. I can't get over on how adorable he is. He sits on the bar watching me while I make my tea. All while conversating with me. It feels so easy talking to him. Once I've finished making my tea I sit down next to him. The curtains that cover the balcony are open. The boats on the water catch our eyes.

Bazz: I absolutely love this weather!
Y/N: I couldn't agree anymore. It's so calm and soothing.
Bazz: on days like this the crew usually just stays home and is editing or streaming all day. It's peaceful.
Y/N: Nice we will get some work done then.
(We laugh)
Bazza: can I ask you something?
Y/N: go for it!
Bazza: are you attrac...
(Walks in cray)
Cray: g'ddddddd morning!
(He says in an upbeat tone)
Y/N: good morning
(I smile and take a sip of my tea)
Cray: tea? No coffee?
Y/N: yuck gross. The taste of coffee is horrendous.
Cray: whaaaattt. Your missing out! (All while making his)

I just remembered Bazz was just about to ask me something.
Y/N: Bazz what were you about to ask me?
(Cray looks at us while pooring his coffee)
Bazz: oh it was nothing. Forget it.
Y/N: you sure?
Bazz: yeah it was just about the collab.
Y/N: oh yeah whenever you'd like to do it I'll clear my scedule.

Finished with this conversation. I go up to my room. I do a quick tidy up making sure its presentable. Today i'll give my viewers a small tour of my room. I set up my camera and begin the video.

Hello everyone it's your girl Y/N!
I'm sorry if I've been a little bit late on posting but I will get back on track once I get a bit more settled in. It's been an amazing first couple days let me start by that. I have met some really amazing people.

I continue to make my video. Needing some more content I go to my roommates rooms and see if they can do a quick introduction. I see Elliott is busy streaming so I don't bother him. I can edit his in later on. Then I headed to Cray's room. I do a light knock and ask if I can come in. He says "of course". I asked him if he can introduce himself to my audience. I caught him just in time as he was just about to start streaming.

Cray: hey what's up guys it's Cray! This is my room. Quite simple ya But the best part of my room
(Points towards pc)
Y/N: amazing!

I ended the video and say a quick thanks. As I'm heading out the door I hear a quick "hey y/n". "Yesss" I reply. "How do you feel about my tall mate bazz?"
Y/N: he's pretty cool. I enjoy talking to him. Whyyyyy?
Cray: ohhhh just asking
(He gives me a quick smile then starts his stream)

Well that was unexpected. I don't think twice about it. I bump into Marcus and Kath in the 3rd floor. I asked if they could do a quick introduction. We proceed to do a fast segment.
After done with that I hear my phone ringing in my room. I run quickly to it grabbing it. It's JJ! My brother.
Y/N: hey baby boy!
(My nickname for him)
JJ: hey how's it going is?
Y/N: it's going great I love it here. How are you doing? How's mom?
JJ: we're doing good! School has Been a drag but I'm getting it done. Mom's good same as always.
Y/N: that's good I'm happy for you keep up the good work. It will all be for your future. Soon maybe one day you'll be here with me.
JJ: that would be amazing.

I ended the phone call so that I can proceed with my video. So much to do in such little time. And then head to Bazz's room. I do a soft knock and say "it's Y/N, can I come in?" I hear something fall then quick footsteps to the door. There he's standing his head's almost reaching the door.
Y/N: damn Bazz your so tall!
(He laughs awkwardly)
Bazz: yeah I know.

I feel so comfortable around him I don't even wait for him to invite me in. I go past him and sit on his bed.

Bazz: what's up!
Y/N: I was wondering if you could do a quick introduction and a small tour of your room for my audience?
Bazz: of course!

While were filming the the video it's filled with so much laughter. I love it! His part was probably my favorite!

Y/N: hey bazz do you happen to have Lannan's phone number?
Bazz: yesssss for?
Y/N: I wanted to see if he wanted to be in my video.
Bazz: (slowly pulling out his phone he writes it on a sticky note for me) here ya go!
Y/N: Thanks your the best!
(I give him a wink)

As I'm walking to my room holding my camera in one hand and looking at the sticky note and the other. Am I really going to call him? Should I even call him? I'm to nervous to do so. We shall see.

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