Happy Holloween 2

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Waking up in Lannan's arms felt great. I woke up a bit earlier then him so I decided to go and make him breakfast. I tried my hardest not waking him up. I went to my restroom and threw on a hoodie and brushed my teeth. Afterwards I went to the kitchen and began to cook. I made him some waffles with bacon on the side. There wasn't much I had on my side of the fridge since I had been at Lannan's lately. Mental reminder I needed to go get groceries sometime this week. While cooking I noticed nobody was up yet. Well it is still early. I need to get back on track with my sleeping schedule. Being with Lannan it's all over the place. He's always filming late at night and I hate falling asleep without him so I usually just stay up. I also need to let Lannan know I won't be able to stay at his house as much. I need to get back on the roll with daily content. Especially now that YouTube is getting so strict. Once I'm done cooking I get everything and head up stairs. I avoid the elevator as much as I can but this time I definitely need to take it carrying all these items. I walk into my room and He's still sound asleep. He has no shirt on so his chest is exposed. I close the door with my foot accidentally slamming it to hard. He wakes up in a small panic.

Y/N: I'm sooo sorry baby I didn't mean to scare you (I say whispering)

Lannan: you scared the bloody hell out of me (he laughs while rubbing his eyes)

Y/N: I've made you some breakfast babe.

Lannan: aww babe you didn't have to

Y/N: I know but I wanted to

I take him the plate as he sits up in bed. I set his coffee on my little shelf next to him. As I walk away he grabs my hand pulling me back wanting a kiss from me. I sit at my Work space logging onto my computer.

Lannan: tell me your not going to work today?

Y/N: I'm not Love I'm going to just check my emails real quick.

Lannan: okay good! I want today to be a work free day.

Y/N: I'm super excited for today!

Lannan: yes same here. Have you ever meet Lachlan?

Y/N: no I haven't. I've streamed with him a couple of times but never in person.

Lannan: I invited him for today so I'm excited to see him. It's been awhile.

I remember before I came to Australia I had one of the biggest crushes on him. When we would stream together we definitely had chemistry but it was simple flirtation. I knew I could never pursue anything the distance we had between us, but those feelings are long gone on my side. I wonder if he ever felt that way towards me? But oh well I don't have anymore intrest. Lannan and I hear some talking down stairs. I went ahead and started getting dressed. Something simple since the party isn't till later and we still needed to decorate and run some errands. I just threw on some Jeans with a oversized tshirt.

While I was getting dressed Lannan was as well

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While I was getting dressed Lannan was as well.

After getting dressed we headed downstairs together

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After getting dressed we headed downstairs together. Elliott and Cray were talking about where some of the decor could go.

Cray: good morning! I was just telling Elliott it would be better if we had the party outside instead of in here.

Y/N: oh yeah definitely! We could have a little fire going on as well. It would be better so that the house doesn't get all messy.
(Cray turns to Elliott with his arms folded)

Elliott: okay okay your right then.
(Kath and Marcus join us after just waking up)

Lannan: I'm with the flow. Not my house! (He says being silly about it)

Elliott: Kath are you and Marcus still able to pick up the cake?

Marcus: yes we will

Elliott: great Make sure everyone you've invited it's BYOB (Bring your own beer/bottles)

Kath: were going to start decorating around 5pm so everyone make sure they are here or else!

Lannan: sooo 7 PM it is then.

Kath: I'm serious Lannan we need all the help!

Y/N: don't worry I'll make sure we are back here at that time. (I look at Lannan laughing)

Lannan needed to go the store to buy new ring lights since his old ones gave out. I as well needed to buy a new mic. My old one was well.... old. Then we needed to stop at a Liquor store to buy our bottles for the night. Lannan and I agreed we could both drink but we definitely needed to take it eaiser.

    Time skip>>>

We arrive at the house and Lannan tells me to go help inside. He would get everything off. I walk inside to Kath and Liv already decorating. I jump in and help. Midway of almost finished decorating I get a text from Tannar.

>>hey can you have Lannan call me I'm calling him and he's not answering. Ask him if he can pick me up?

I walk around the house looking for him and find him with Elliott in his room talking about Fortnite glitches.

Y/N: what's this? Working? (I say shaking my head sarcastically)

Lannan: I know babe I couldn't resist.
(Lannan says chuckling)

Y/N: Tannar texted me saying she was calling you. Can you go pick her up? I think she wants to get dressed here.

Lannan: okay I'll be on my way.

Y/N: okay hon I'm going to start getting dressed once we're done decorating.

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