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I woke up and I'm still in the same clothes I feel so hungover and my foot is still throbbing in pain. I look over at my phone at it's about 5pm. I can't believe I've slept this much. I don't have any notifications from anyone only because my phone was on airplane mode. I'm kinda scared to turn it off. I get up and get some comfy chlothes to shower. I'm struggling with my foot in pain hopping all over my damn room. I finally help myself into the shower trying not to get my bandage wet so water or soap won't touch it. Afterwards I dry myself up and get changed.  I started brushing my hair sitting down on my bed. I reach for my phone and finally get the courage to take it off of airplane mode. My phone goes crazy with notifications the normal from YouTube and a missed call from my brother. I have so many missed messages and calls from Lannon it's insane. Before I even get to click on his messages to read them my phone starts ringing with a phone call. It's Lachlan.

Lachlan: hey beautiful I've been trying to contact you all today and your phone was off everything okay.

Y/N:  everything's fine I went to the ER last night. I stepped on a glass Shard after coming inside and I cut my foot pretty bad.

Lachlan: yeah Lannan called me to ask me what happened and said he wasn't able to get to you.

Y/N: omg what did you say?

Lachlan: don't worry I didn't say anything I just told him that I dropped you off last night and I was the last time I heard from you.

Y/N: good
(I sigh of relief)

Lachlan: so what else happened why haven't you talked to him?

Y/N: well he called me in the morning early and asked why I wasn't next to him then I had to explain the whole thing to him that I stepped on glass and bazza had to take him to the ER.  so he started with his jealousy with the Bazza!

Lachlan: wait, he's jealous of Bazz!?
(He laughed)

Y/N:  Yes what's so funny?

Lachlan: nothing I'm just a entertained by the idea that he is jealous of Bazz. I mean he's just a sucker.

Y/N: I would like to actually let you know that bazz isn't a sucker he's a really good guy with a big heart and really takes care of me well.

Lachlan: well shit now I'm jealous. Do you talk about me like that?

Y/N: Lachlan don't start! I was so upset with Lannan that I actually broke things off with him.

Lachlan: really? So does that mean?..

Y/N: what it means is that I really need some space including you. I just need to get my mind straight.

Lachlan: I completely understand. It's a lot. Can we still talk?

Y/N: hey is it okay if I call you back? Someone is at my door.

Lachlan: okay beautiful don't forget to call me.

Y/N: I won't. Bye.

I get up from my bed grabbing my crutches. I limp over and unlock my door. It's Lannan.

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