It's the start of you're journey at the Click House. You're a well known Youtuber/Vloger. You have feelings towards another member in the crew. Maybe there's more to this story? Tons of drama and love triangles. Keep reading to find out. The story i...
Elliot: what's up everybody an WelcometoThe Click channel! Today we have some special announcements! Introducing the oneand only Y/N!!! (Everyone claps) Y/N: hellllllooooo everyone. As you may or may not know I am now currently apart of theclickcrew! Well I'm excited to join the adventure! I'm not sure what took so long..... (Gives everyone a death stare) But I'm here now! Elliot: intoday's video weasked everyone to come up with some questions for a juicy Q&A for Y/N. And to make thingsmore interesting she will be blindfolded unknowing who is asking the questions!
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We continue recording the video as everyone gets a chance to come and ask me questions. Everyone's questions were pretty basic except two. The 1st person comes up and sits right in front of me. I can hear them breathing and everyone in the background holding in their laughs. I'm trying my best not to burst out laughing even though I can't see crap. The person talks by saying "hold up your right hand, and repeat after me. I swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth". I repeat the sentence laughing up a storm. Just buy the voice I can tell it's Lannan.
Lannan: so the questionthateveryonewants to know! (He gets close up to my face) Are you single? (The whole crew goes oooooooo) Y/N: welllllll I'm currently not talking to anyone. Lannan: okokok good answer! Second question!Would you like to meet my Willeh? Elliott: c'mon don't scare her! (He yells from behind the camera) Lannan: whaaaaattttt it's a sincere question its my dog! Y/N: I love dogs so if it's a dog yes!
We wrap up the questions with Lannan and now it's the other persons turn. I hear complete silence then I hear a awkward "hi". (Everyone busts out laughing) I can tell it's Bazz with his awkward self. He's so cute unknowingly.
Bazz: this is akward. Cray: well don't say it out loud! Bazz: I had to say something! Okay ummmm What's your shoe size? (Cray slaps his forhead while shaking his head) Y/N: I'm a 7. (I smile while I answered) Bazz: small foot. Cray: that's it I've had enough.
Cray ended the questions early not giving a explanation as to why. I mean it was awkward but I didn't mind. I enjoyed it quite entertaining actually. Elliott: well thereya haveitguys. That's the end of this video. Please don't forget to like, subscribe and comment. Stay tuned for more videos.
We all started to clean up and began to take all the cameras and lights down. After we are finished we all sat in the common area\kitchen. Everyone is talking over eachother. I could bearly hear anyone's voice alone. Cray starts handing out beers and Kath ask if anyone wants a mixed drink. I get a beer from Cray my preference. I'm sitting at the bar area enjoying my beer. Lannan comes up to me and starts talking to me about the video. Lannan: so how did ya like your first click video? Y/N: I enjoyed it a lot I could get used to making these And if they end like this even better. (Looks around room) Y/N: why don't you live here? Lannan: areyou kidding me I would not be able to take it. Elliot with his loud intros in the morning. I would go insane. Y\N: trueeeeee (we both laughed)
I feel my pocket vibrate so I take out my phone. Trying not to be rude I glanced over the text quickly. It reads "Hey Y/N! It's Matt from the airport. I was wondering if we can go grab a bite tomorrow?" I smiled while reading the text. I then placed it back in my pocket. Not replying. Lannan: ooooo I see. Y/N: what? Lannan: judging by the way you smiledat thattextI can see you'retalking to somebody. Y/N: no not even close. Imeansomeonedidask me for my number at the airport but I'd rather not. Lannan: soyou're not interested in dating anyone? Y/N: I mean I do have my eyes on somebody. ( regretted saying that instantly) Lannan: and who might that be? Y/N: I can't say I'm still trying to see if he'sinto me first. (Making it obvious it was him) Lannan: okay then. Playing hard to get then. I like it. (He says as he walk away throwing me a wink).
Should have I said that? Or did I go to far? Im so confused. Was he flirting with me? He didn't even ask me for my number? All these questions go through my head. I finished my beer then headed to my room. It's late and everyone is leaving now. I start getting ready for bed looking for my comfy clothes. There's a knock on my door. "Come in" I said. It's Lannan. Shit. Lannan:whttya doin? Y/N: I thought I'd get ready for bed everyone seems to beleavingalready. Lannan: who's everyone? I'm still here (he smirks). Y/N: your right. (I blush) Lannan: well I won't take any more of your time though. Maybe I'll see you soon? Y/N: yes of course!
He gets closer and gives me a hug. Just like a regular hug I didn't get any signs from it. I watch him as he walks out the door. I am now more confused than ever. I'm not sure if he's into me or if its all in my head?