It's the start of you're journey at the Click House. You're a well known Youtuber/Vloger. You have feelings towards another member in the crew. Maybe there's more to this story? Tons of drama and love triangles. Keep reading to find out. The story i...
We are about 6 to 7 beers in and 2 shots of tequila as well. We aren't drunk but we are feeling pretty buzzed. It's about 10pm and the night is still early. Our booth has been radiating of pure laughter and I think some flirtation definitely some flirtation! I can't stop staring into his blue eyes. They are just so incredibly fucking hot. His blonde hair and his scruffy face I can't get enough. Honestly don't get me wrong I feel guilty for being here I really do, but how could something so wrong feel so fucking right. You get me? Also I'm feeling a little bit hurt to that Lannan hasn't even texted me once to check up on me. Yes, hes probably sleeping but I know hes have to at least woken up once to go to the restroom or something. Now that the tequila has kicked in and I'm feeling confident enough to finally talk about the real reason I'm here.
Y/N: so are we now going to talk about the real reason I'm here
Lachlan: why'd you have to go and ruin a moment like that?
Y/N: so it's bad?
Lachlan: well for me yes but your fine
Y/N: you don't know that. Tell me!
Lachlan: I really fucking like you okay. You hurt me all those years ago when you just left me hanging. How do you think that made me feel?
I see the hurt in his eyes. The light from them was completely out. His eyes were beginning to water up. I felt so sad in that moment I started crying for him.
Y/N: well what did you expect me to do? The distance was not going to allow this to go anywhere. Plus there wasn't much feelings there (I wipe the tears from my eyes)
Lachlan: the distance? fuck that.... you know I don't care about that. Look at you now. Living not even 20 minutes from me. And don't fucking belittle me like that. You say there wasn't much between us but you and I know very much so there was! I hate that you think that way.
Y/N: how?
Lachlan: for such a smart and talented woman you can be so fucking dumb sometimes! I was falling for you!
Y/N: okay I was too! You don't think that shit didn't hurt me?
Lachlan: I hate that your that way. You know that. Once you feel a pinch of feelings towards someone or feel they have feelings towards you, you shut yourself down.
Y/N: it's all I know what to do.
Lachlan: apparently not! Lannan seems to be loving you just fine. (He crosses his arms) I don't hear from you in years after many times I've attempted to get in contact with you and I fucking find you on my best mate's IG. Like wtf? I felt so low.
Y/N: I'm sorry I really am. I didn't know it affected you this much.
Lachlan: I got over you or at least I thought, but seeing you at the holloween party let me know there's still some feelings there.
I'm regretting coming here afterall, because now my feelings are wrapped up in him. How am I going to go on with life as if this never happened. It's complete silence between Lachlan and I. I can hear a older couple in the front of the bar laughing. I look up at them.
Y/N: he's definitely getting some tonight. (I laugh)
Lachlan: definitely! (He laughs looking at me.)
We stare into each others eyes. Fuck, I know where this is going. Lachlan reached over the table caressing my right cheek. I could smell the beer off his breath. He was so close to my face.
Lachlan: you're so beautiful. (He whispers)
Y/N: oh stop your making me blush! (I look down at the table)
Lachlan: I'm serious. Look at me.
In that moment of looking into each others eyes Lachlan reached in and gave me a kiss. It was a slow 1st kiss. Within the second his tongue was down my throat. In that moment I felt so helpless. I didn't want it to stop and didn't feel the need to. Lannan was the last of my concerns. My heart was beating so fast and got faster when I felt his heavy breathing on my upper lip. About a couple of minutes what felt more like hours. He sat back in the booth. It was complete silence. I was lost for words. We look at each other eyes and I laugh. He's giving me this smirk.
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It was mesmerizing in a way.
Y/N: what? ( I laugh akwardly)
Lachlan: nothing..... I know you felt that too.
Y/N: well I felt something
There's a ding on my phone. I grab my phone from my purse. It's a text from Lannan.
>>Lannan: hey baby. I'm sorry I haven't texted you I'm just now waking up. I'm heading over there in a bit. Do you want anything from the store?
Y/N: fuckkkkkkkkI have to go!!!
Lachlan: what? What is it?
Y/N: Lannan is heading to the house!
Lachlan: ughh still with this? Do I get you a Uber?
Y/N: NO! There's no time. Take me home.
Lachlan: okay c'mon!
We get into the car and speed on out.
Lachlan: so what now?
Y/N: I don't know. Just keep going on like regular until I figure out what I'm going to do.
Lachlan: which is?
Y/N: I don't know okay. Just give me time.
We drive up to the house and I run out forgetting to close the car door. I run back.
Lachlan: soooo???
Y/N: I'll talk to you later okay
I give him one last kiss. It left him wanting more but I just couldn't.