It's the start of you're journey at the Click House. You're a well known Youtuber/Vloger. You have feelings towards another member in the crew. Maybe there's more to this story? Tons of drama and love triangles. Keep reading to find out. The story i...
I fix myself before walking in. I can hear everyone in the living room talking. The door is locked. Fuck. I grab my keys opening the door. Once I opened it everyone turns to look at me. I close the door softly behind me.
Y/N: heyyyy guys! (I tuck my hair behind my ear)
Cray: what are you doing out your suppose to be resting.
Bazza: yeah what he said! You should be in bed.
Y/N: my back was hurting from being in the hospital so I needed to get out of the house for a little. I went to get some food.
Kath: you could've told me! I would have went with you.
Y/N: sorry I just had a lot on my mind. I just wanted to be alone for a little.
Elliott: are you feeling okay?
Y/N: guys I'm just fine. No need to worry!
Kath: okay we just want to make sure you are all good.
Y/N: I'm good. I'm sleepy guys I'm going to bed already. When Lannan comes just tell him I'm up in my room.
I leave upstairs into my room. I look at my restroom mirror and I can't stop smiling at myself. I have butterflies fluttering in my stomach. Lachlan definitely took my mind off of Bazza. I jumped in the shower and brush my teeth while I'm in there. I don't want Lannan to smell the alcohol on my breath. When I'm out I thew on a sweatshirt and some stretchy pants.
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I brush my hair leaving it wet. I can feel my sweatshirt soaking in the excess water from my hair. I sit on my bed with my water bottle. As I'm about to click on YouTube my phone receives a text.
>>Lachlan: Hey beautiful! Just wanted to let you know I'm thinking of you.... talk to you tomorrow 🥰😘.
I don't bother replying back I'm worried that Lannan will walk through my door any minute now. I immediately delete the text message. I started watching YouTube clicking on a video we posted earlier this week. There's a knock on my door.
Y/N: come in!
Bazz: hey! Whatcha doing?
Y/N: nothing I'm just watching our last Click video. I didn't get a chance to watch it till now.
Bazz: I just wanted to come in and apologize to you about earlier today. (He sits down at the edge of my bed)
Y/N: oh don't worry I shouldn't have bothered you while you were fucking your girlfriend. (I say in a upset manner)
Bazz: she's not my girlfriend!
Y/N: okay sure. (I look back down at my laptop)
Bazz: I'm serious. Your not really upset right?
Y/N: no it's not like were together or anything.
Bazz: you don't have to say it like that! (He gets off my bed and walks around my room)
Y/N: well shouldn't you go call her or something. I'm sure she wouldn't like that your in my room.
Bazz: c'mon seriously?
I noticed bazz picked something off the floor but I kept my attention on my computer screen.
Bazz: so it's like that? (He's holding the bear up to me)
Y/N: well fuck. I didn't like what I saw. There happy?
Bazz: you are so confusing! Like what do you want me to do and I'll do it (He raises his voice)
Lannan stormed in.
Lannan: do what?
Bazz: nothing (Bazz leaves my room hitting Lannan's shoulder)
Lannan: TF is his problem? Is he bothering you again? Because I'll go tell him some shit!
Y/N: no he isn't he's just upset because of something with Kim. Hon I'm getting a headache I don't want to talk about that right now.
Lannan: okay babe I'm sorry. Just know I'd do anything for you.
Y/N: I know baby. Just come here and give me a kiss! (I open my arms for him)
Lannan takes off his shoes and gets into bed with me. You know laying here in bed with him felt like everything that happened today didn't. Yes, there's something in me that feels extremely guilty, but I'm so mentally and physically exhausted I can't even deal with it.
Y/N: did you get to rest enough today?
Lannan: I did and I feel much better now.
Y/N: I'm happy you did baby. Thank you for all you do for me I really appreciate it.
Lannan: no need to thank me love.
The more we talk and just being together in general makes me really think if I want this end. I don't want to lose Lannan. I really don't. This is a huge decision I'd have to make. I'm just not ready for that yet. I don't want to hurt him. I mean Lachlan and I haven't even talked if we wanted to actually be together or what the future could hold? If I end things with Lannan could Lachlan and I be a couple? It would look so bad. Lannan would feel terrible. Shit I'd feel like such a terrible person. I need to talk to Lachlan more. All I know right now that in this moment being here with Lannan I wouldn't change it for anything....... fuck or would I?......