It's the start of you're journey at the Click House. You're a well known Youtuber/Vloger. You have feelings towards another member in the crew. Maybe there's more to this story? Tons of drama and love triangles. Keep reading to find out. The story i...
A couple of day have passed here at the Click house. It's now Friday. It's been great here. I've gotten so close with everyone already. We don't see Lannan much as he doesn't live here. Elliot has called a house meeting later on in the afternoon. It's noon and I'm just waking up. I can't believe I slept in today. Oh well I've been working so hard I deserve it. I get up and head to my bathroom. I look in the mirror and see that it looks like I've put on some weight. I'm going for a run. I need some exercise. I really haven't left the house that much since I've been here. I change real quick to my running clothes. I choose a simple black set with a wind breaker on top. Throwing my hair in a messy bun.
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As I'm heading out the door I see Bazz coming out of his room.
Bazz: are you going to the gym? Y/N: no I thought I'd go out for a run by the coast. It feels amazing out. Bazz: well wait for me so I can go with! Let me change real quick. Y/N: okay I'll be down stairs waiting.
Bazz goes back to his room closing the door behind him. I head to the kitchen to grab my backpack as I've left it there yesterday. I fill up my water bottle and grab my camera. Maybe I can vlog while out. Several minutes pass and Bazz comes out. He's wearing some black shorts with a "drink more water shirt". He has his hat backwards and his sunglasses on.
Bazz: ready? We can go in my car. Y/N: dangggg low key flex on me not having a car. Bazz: what no no no Y/N: I'm kidding (I laugh out loud)
We go into the garage and drive off. It's a bit messy in here. Seeing all the empty water bottles in the back seat. Y/N: water much? Bazz: drink plenty! I mess with the raido putting it on a random station. Once we arrive I pull out my camera and do a quick video showing my surrounding. Bazz pulls out his camera doing the same. After were done he gets his out his phone. Bazz: let's take a picture togther! We look fit haha. Y/N: here take of of me 1st. (I stand making a cute pose) okay now one of us! He takes several pictures of us. We look over at them laughing. "Okay ready!" I say as I take off running turning back looking at him. We do about a 45 min run/jog. I meet him back at his car. Y/N: what time is it? Bazz: (takes out his phone to check the time)ohhhh crap we need to go! We get in the car and head stright home. Once we arrive everyone is in the living room about to have the meeting. Elliott: alright guys tomorrow afternoon were heading to the mall to film! Were going to do a overnight challenge there. (Everyone looks around in ahh) Marcus: do we bring anything? Elliot: you must bring a sleeping bag and pajamas. Kath: do onezies count? Elliott: only allowed if it has rubber ducks. (We all laugh) Okay guys be ready tomorrow by 5pm!
Once were done with the meeting. I head up to my bedroom to take a shower. I smell like the beach and sweat! Afterwards I put on a black and red suit with my old Vans.
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I sit back down at my desk and upload the footage I took today. Today was simple yet fun. I suddenly realize tomorrow I'll be seeing Lannan. Crap. I need to just tell him how I feel. I can do this! I mean what's the worst that can happen? He could say he doesn't feel the same way and we'd move on. Simple. I'm editing today's vlog and rewatching all the good moments Bazz and I had today. I send out a quick tweet letting my audience know I'm posting a quick vlog ft. Bazza Gazza. I'm sure he would like for me to tag him in it. As soon as I was about to hit send I get a notification from Instagram. Letting me know I've been tagged in a photo. I click on it. It's from Bazz. It read "todays shenanigans ❤" It was a couple of pictures of us then the very last one being the photo I took by myself. "Awwww how sweet" I thought to myself. I liked the photo and locked my phone. Even though I woke up late I'm still sleepy. I turn off all the lights and head to bed.