Busy Day

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I'm still in shock after being with Lannan. The Passion we shared was amazing. I woke up confused because Lannan wasn't next to me. I got up and threw on his hoodie and went to the kitchen. I saw Lannan shirtless with just pajama pants on. He looked so good. Here I am all messy in just a hoodie.

Lannan: good morning beautiful! (He comes over and kisses me)

Y/N: good morning. Your up early.

Lannan: yeah I'd thought I'd make you some tea and me some coffee (he glances at me smiling while pouring the tea) I didn't want to wake you up. You looked so peaceful sleeping.

Y/N: I was... I slept amazing.

Lannan: same here you put me right to sleep (he looks at me and winks)

Y/N: Tanner?

Lannan: she had to go run some errands but she told me she loved meeting you!

Y/N: yeah we really hit it off

Lannan: I'm glad! Well for today I was thinking we could film a little couples video

Y/N: what did you have in mind?

Lannan: I'm thinking just some Q&A's I've been doing alot of gaming video's I need some different content. You will definitely get me views (we both laugh hysterically)

Y/N: so is that what I am? Views?

Lannan: yes, definitely (he says sarcastically)

And also because I really like you!

We go into his room and I start getting dressed. I put on a white hoodie with jeans

 It was so much fun filming with Lannan, I could really see myself with him

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It was so much fun filming with Lannan, I could really see myself with him. Afterwards I asked Lannan if he could drop me off home. I needed to edit and film myself. Also to get ready for our filming tomorrow for the Click channel. I Pack up my things and we head to the car.

Lannan: we have a busy week ahead

Y/N: yessss all this filming

Lannan: well next weekend my parents want Tanna and I to go home for a couple of days. I was wondering if you could join us? My dad and mum would love to meet you!

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