It's the start of you're journey at the Click House. You're a well known Youtuber/Vloger. You have feelings towards another member in the crew. Maybe there's more to this story? Tons of drama and love triangles. Keep reading to find out. The story i...
I walked straight to my room thinking about this amazing date Lannan I just had. I told him I wanted to take things slow so that's why I'm guessing he dropped me off back at home. I checked the time on my phone it's 11:30 p.m. I went straight to my bathroom and took a quick shower. I throw on some pajamas with my slides.
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I brushed my hair leaving it down still wet. After I'm done I head down to the kitchen/living room. Everyone was up watching a movie. I noticed Bazz and Elliot weren't here though. Y/N: ouuuuu Avengers? Kath: Yassss girl Marcus: it's getting good! Cray: I'm damn near in tears! (He says making a sad face) Y/N: where's Elliot? Kath: Liv and him are in the room. (She says laughing) Y/N: get it girl haha and......Bazz? Cray: hey where is my mate Bazz? Kath: I asked him if hewanted to watch the movie and he said no that was hours ago. He seemed a bit off. Cray: hmmmm he's not streaming (He says checking his phone) He's probably editing or asleep already. I sit down on the floor next to Cray. I can barely pay attention to the movie. My head is consumed in Lannan, but then my thoughts flood with Bazz. I'm still so confused. I'm not confused on who I want to be with I just don't know what to say to him. I don't want to lose him as a friend. I want to keep him in my life. I snap out of it when I hear Kath call my name. Kath: ouuu whats this? (She flashes her phone towards me) Y/N: let me see! (I get up quickly and grab her phone) Lannan posted the picture of me with the prize he won me on IG. I look so akward, but it says "the real prize I won today". Kath: does this mean what I think it means? Cray: I want too bloody see!!! (He leans over my sholder) Y/N: he asked me to be his girlfriend! Marcus: so it's official? Kath: duh Marcus! Cray: ohhhhhhh crap. I'll be back (He says walking upstairs) Kath: what was that about? Y/N: well Ididn'twant to say anythingbut just when I was about to go with Lannan, Bazz told me how he felt about me. Kath: whattttt? I had no idea! Y/N: same here! Kath: what did you tell him? Y/N: I was upset at first I hadno ideawhat to say. I pretty muchsaid that this is something I needed to think about. Cray: I think my mate is asleep he's not answering his door. Kath: yeah just let him sleep it off. Y/N: wait you knew? (I look at Cray) Cray: yes of course he's been telling me. I told him manytimeshe needed to bestraight up but he never listen to me. I let everyone know I have too much on my mind so I'm going to bed. When passing Bazz's room the temptation is there to just go in and talk to him, but I know the time is not right. When entering my room I lay down on my bed and check my phone going to Instagram to look over the picture Lannan had posted. It already has so many likes and comments. My twitter and Instagram is blowing up. I don't like to hide anything from my viewers so I'm already thinking of a video Lannan and I can do. I noticed that I haven't gotten any calls or texts from Lannan letting me know that he got home. I go ahead and give him a call. Lannan: hey beautiful! I'm sorry I haven't called you I was talkingtoTanner. Y/N: oh okay I was just wondering what were you up to. Lannan: did you see my picture? Y/N: I did and I loved it. (I heard Tannar in the background) Lannan: my sister wants tomeetyou! Y/N: okay well just let me know when. Lannan: tomorrow? She said she would cook dinner for us. I can pick you up? I wanted you to see my kingdom anyways! (He says laughing) Y/N: that sounds like a plan! Lannan: you could sleepover too if you'd like? But okay sunshine. I'm going to bed already Ihave a lot of editing to do tomorrow morning. Y/N: same here hon I'll talk to you tomorrow. Wow that happened quickly. So tomorrow I'll be meeting Tanner and he wants me to spend the night. I'm sure everything will go fine but you know me. My nerves are at it's high right now. If I spend the night I know it will lead to certain things. I'm going to hold strong. I get up and turn off my lights but leaving my lava lamp on. I jumped back into bed and begin to drift off asleep.