It's the start of you're journey at the Click House. You're a well known Youtuber/Vloger. You have feelings towards another member in the crew. Maybe there's more to this story? Tons of drama and love triangles. Keep reading to find out. The story i...
I woke up today in a great mood. On top of that I got a good morning text from Lannan. I quickly reply then I head to my restroom to brush my teeth. Once I'm done I go down to the kitchen as usual and make my breakfast tea. Seems like everyone is still asleep. We all stayed up pretty late last night except Bazz. When I pass by his door it was still closed but I could see the light on from the bottom of the door. I need to talk to him at some point today. Whether he wants to or not. I'm going to set things back to the way they were. I know it's going to be difficult but it can be done. As I'm heading back to my room I take my time walking through the hall to see maybe if Bazz would come out, but nothing. I begin to edit some of my videos that needed to be done and posted already. My followers will love everything I'm putting out. I'm almost near 7 million subscribers. It's only up from here in my career. While attending to my videos I think to myself that I've lost contact with my family back at home I need to call them. I pick up my phone calling my brother Y/N: hey baby boy! JJ: hey stranger! Y/N: I know I know it's just been a hectic week. JJ: somebody gets a boyfriend and forgets about Mom and I. Y/N: how did you know? (I laugh) JJ: I follow him on IG duuhhhh. I can't believe your dating Lazarbeam. When I was scrolling on my newsfeed and saw the picture he posted I was like wtf is that my sister? Y/N: crazy huh who would've ever known. Does Mom know? JJ: I don't think so but she does watch your videos on YouTube. Y/N: I know that's whyItry tokeep them PG-13. ( I laugh) Y/N: how's school? JJ: it's going good I'm almost done! Y/N: I'm so proud of you! Keep up the good work! Is mom around? JJ: yeah let me call her. AMMMA!!! It's Y/N. Mom: Hi baby! Y/N: Hi mom I'm sorry I haven't called Mom: it's okay I understand you've been busy. I watch your videos so I feel like I talk to you daily. Y/N: thanks mom for understanding After were done on talking on the phone I head to my closet to find a outfit for the day.
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For my hair I crunch it with moose then putting it in a bun. For my make up I do a simple winged eyeliner and colored in my eyebrows. I then put on a smidge of my favorite perfume. I hear talking downstairs so I'm wondering if Bazz is up already. I walk down the stairs to find Kath and Marcus with Liv. Y/N: hey guys! G'd day. Has Bazz came out yet? Kath: he came down earlier to get water. He looked okay. Y/N: did he go back to his room? Liv: I believe so I start making him a tea. I'm sure he would appreciate it. I pour it in his favorite mug and head up to his room. I'm standing at his door building the courage to knock. I finally find some and knock. Bazz: come in! Y/N: hey you! I've made you some tea Bazz: thanks I appreciate it! (He says taking it carefully from my hands) Y/N: I was hoping torun intoyou last nightbutI'mguessing you went to sleep early. Bazz: I did I was exausted. (Taking off his hat) Y/N: you got hat hair haha (I get up and scruff his hair) Things got a little serious when we catch eyes. Y/N: listenI wanted to talk more Bazz: nodon'tworry about it I'mfine. I completelyunderstandIwanttoremain friends with you. Y/N: I'm glad you understand (I smile at him) I didn't want this to change. It stopped being so akward between us. I'm glad we could get past this. Y/N: maybe we could stream together sometime this week today? Bazz: yes definitely! After Bazz and I stopped talking I went to my room. See that wasn't so bad I should have done this earlier. I was worried for absolutely nothing. I get a text from Lannan letting me know that he will be here in an hour. I decided I'll pack a bag just in case I do spend the night. I grabbed my brown backpack and put my Chargers camera and other important needs. Once I'm done I head down to the living room and put my bag by the door. Since I have an hour to kill I guess I'll just go bother Bazz some more. I spend the remaining hour in there watching him play the game. It's going great we had some good friendly conversation.