It's the start of you're journey at the Click House. You're a well known Youtuber/Vloger. You have feelings towards another member in the crew. Maybe there's more to this story? Tons of drama and love triangles. Keep reading to find out. The story i...
I'm in my room uploading the footage that I've taken with my camera onto my PC. Once it's done I start to edit it making sure to leave a blank space for Elliott's part. I've been editing for so long it's like second nature to me. I'm still so undecisive if I should call Lannan or even send him a text. Ughh why am I like this with him? Why can't it just come naturally? I chickened out. I've made the decision not to put him in the video. It's been several days since we talked. He could have easily asked for my number, but he didn't. There's a knock on my door. "Come in" I say softly. It's Elliot. Elliot: hey you! Y/N: hey what's up? Elliot: ready for my close up! (He puts the palm of his hand on his chin) Y/N: oh crap I totally forgot. Let me just do this real quick and then I'll head over. Elliott: forsure! What's ah wrong? You seem a bit bothered? Y/N: can you keep a secret? Elliot: of course I can. (He walks towards me and sits on my vanity chair) Y/N: well Ilike somebody in the house. Actually not in the house apart of the click crew. It's Lannan. Elliot: wow. I had no idea. (Making a surprised face) Y/N: the reason I'm upset is because I feel like I'm getting mixed signals from him. When we talk I'm not sure if we're flirting or ifwe're juston the path of goodfriendship. Elliott: well in my opinion you should just go forit! Instead of waiting.By the time you say something it may be too late. Y/N: your right! Next time I see him I'm telling him. (Easily convinced) Elliott: well good and perfect timing too. On Saturday we will be filming another Click video at the mall. I'll give you the details then.
Finished with the conversation I follow him back to his room. We finished the video with in 10 minutes. "Thank you Elliot" I say while closing his door. I head back into my room. Sitting back down at my computer. It takes me about an hour or so to finish editing the video. While it's uploading I get on my phone. I sit back on my chair and get on Instagram. Of course I would see Lannan on the top of my newsfeed.
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He's so handsome. That's must be Willeh. (I laughed to myself remembering when we filmed my introduction video). It's about 11 p.m and I'm nowhere near sleepy. I've decided not to stream afterall. I send out a tweet to my viewers apologizing. Saying also that I'll make it up to them by uploading my video tonight instead of tomorrow. I head down to the common area to see what's everyone up to. Marcus and Cray are sitting at the bar enjoying a few beers. I say "whats up?" Helping myself to one. "Don't mind if I do." Cray laughs and says "sure, sure grab them all." I laugh and drink a sip of it saying "ahhhhh" Cray: no stream tonight? Y/N: noo with all this rain and lighting I'm not sure if I trust the power. Marcus: yeah same here! (He says while stretching his arms up)
Bazz walks in. He's wearing a red hat with a hoodie and grey joggers.
Y/N: looking comfy there Bazz. Cray: yeah Bazz! (I laugh) Y/N: are you joining the club of no streaming? (We all turn and look at him) Bazz: yeah it's to ugly outside. Cray: that's my boy Bazz!!
We all ended up in the living room talking amongst ourselves. Liv, Kath and I are sitting on the couch talking about how we should plan a new year's party. Sure It's quite some time away but you can never be to prepared. The boys are all by the bar being loud as usual. You mostly hear Cray and Elliot screaming. Occasionally hearing Cray saying "Bazzzzzzzzz". I about 4 bevvs in. I'm feeling a bit lose then usual. Kath and Liv are also a bit tipsy. We've decided to play Just Dance agian. We absolutely love this game! We're all 3 dancing along. The guys are just watching cheering us on. It's hilarious. Cray gets in the middle of Kath and I saying "this is how it's done girls". I've never seen him so pumped before it's absolutely the best thing I've ever seen. Getting tired I hand my controller to Cary. "Carry on" I say. I sit in the chair next to Bazz.
Y/N: how ya feeling? Bazz: a bit tipsy aye. Y/N: same here (Dancing along in the chair trying to get Bazz to loosen up ah bit) Bazz: Ok I see you got moves! Y/N: I want to see your moves! Bazz: you do huh?
Bazz gets up grabbing the controller from Kath. Doing the dance as cute as ever! I'm cracking up clapping my hands. "Get it Bazzz!" I cheer for him. Cray grabs into his pocket and grabs his inhaler he takes two big puffs and continues to dance. The song ends and Liv and Kath plop theirselves on the couch. Exhausted from dancing. Marcus goes up to Kath and whispers in her ear. Kath gets up and yells "last one there is a rotten egg!!" They both run to their room. Everyone starts heading upstairs to go to sleep. Saying their good nights. Bazz and I are left behind. I begin to pick up the empty beer bottles throwing them in the trash. Bazz helps me. For a while it's silent. I turn around to pick up the last beer bottle and we bump into each other. "I'm sorry" I say softly. Bazz puts his hand on my shoulder and looks at me. For a second I thought he was going to kiss me but I was mistaken. He says "it's okay". I thought to myself "Bazz being Bazz". We say good night and head to our rooms. Turning off the lights while on the way there.