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It's the morning after and it has been amazing. Lannan and I seem to be at the start of something. I don't see it being official though. The kiss in front of everyone didn't confirm that for me, but I'm just going with the flow being free. So in the early morning when we all left he finally did ask me for my number. As soon as we got home everyone went straight to bed as we didn't get much sleep during the night. Lannan left as soon as he got here. He said he was a bit exhausted and was going to go home and sleep more. I'm just laying in bed looking up at the ceiling. Suddenly there's a text coming in. "Hey! Just wanted to let you know I'm home and laying down". It's attached with a Selfie.

 It's attached with a Selfie

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I can't help but laugh. I text him back saying "same here hon I'll talk to you later". I lock my phone and put it to charge. I begin to drift into a deep sleep.
I wake up in a panic looking outside seeing that the sun is going down. Crap I can't believe I slept this long. I hear talking down stairs, but before I go down stairs I take a quick shower then putting on this outfit.

I leave my hair down still dripping wet and I throw on some white socks

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I leave my hair down still dripping wet and I throw on some white socks. I grab my phone checking it while heading out my door. There's a text from Lannan. "Hey how was your sleep?". I saw that he texted me that several hours ago. As I'm heading down the stairs replying to Lannan I miss the 2 last steps and fall onto my ankle. I let out a small cry grabbing everyone's attention. Bazz and Cray run to me as I'm laying on the floor.
Bazz: are you okay?
(He says a getting down on his knees)
Y/N: No I don't think I can get up.
Cray: let me see hon.
(He checks out my ankle)
Yeah that looks swollen already I don't think it's broken but you may have just sprained it.
Y/N: crap I'm sorry guys I should have been paying attention.
Bazz: don't apologize it was accidental.
I try and attempt to get up a second time unable to. Bazz picks me up and lays me on the sofa. Kath comes and places a bag with Ice on it.
Y/N: Bazz can you do me a favor?
Bazz: yes of course. Anything you need I'm here.
Y/N: the pain is kicking in and I have pain killers in my RR. Can you get them for me?
(Bazz runs to my room)
I'm looking at everyone as they are all dresed up.
Y/N: are you all going out?
Kath: yes I tried waking you up but you had your door locked. We were waiting a bit to see if you would wake up so you can come with us.
Y/N: oooh crap I'm so sorry
(Bazz comes back down handing me my medicine with a glass of water) you all go and have fun!
Kath: no you're hurt we will stay here with you
Y/N: no I would feel even worse! Please go I'll be fine.
Bazz: you guy's go I'll stay here with her.
Y/N: Bazz you don't have too. I dont want to ruin your night.
Bazz: ahhnoo I want to stay here with you!
(He puts his hand on my shoulder)
Everyone ask me agian if I'm sure I don't want them to stay. I reinsure them I'll be fine. Plus I have Bazzy to take care of me. They all leave telling us bye.
Y/N: I'm so sorry. I didn't want to ruin your night.
Bazz: please your not ruining my night if anything your making it way better. Do you need anything from up stairs? Im going to go grab some blankets and pillows.
Y/N: my feather pillow please.
Bazz goes back up stairs. I hear my phone buzz on the floor by where I fell. I'm sure it's Lannan but I'm in so much pain I don't want it. Bazz comes down several minutes later. I could barely see his face with all the pillows and blankets he's carrying. He plops them on the floor. He puts a pillow behind my back and one under my foot. I noticed he changed to some pajama pants and a plain white T-shirt. He sits down right next to me extending his feet out as well. He throws a blanket over us and he puts his arm over me. I burrow into his chest. He turns the TV on and puts on a movie.
Bazz: is this okay?
Y/N: yes thank you for staying here with me. (Squeezing him tighter)
I've never seen this side to him before. He's so caring and sweet. I feel protected with him like I have all I need here.
(Bazz's POV)
I feel so bad that she got hurt. I wish I could take her pain away. Best decision I've made was to stay here with her. I really enjoy being with her and I wish she felt the same way for me. I really haven't told her how I feel so how could she possibly know. I'm more than sure she's probably gotten the hints. She likes Lannan more than me I can tell. If only it wasn't this way. I feel her arms stretched over me and her head laying on my chest. If only I could just kiss her right now. I reckon she tastes sweet like candy. I rested my chin on her head. Her hair smells so good. It's still wet from the shower she had taken earlier. She slept most of the day but she still fell asleep on me. It must have been the pain medicine I had given her earlier. She looks so peaceful sleeping. Just as I'm about to nod off I hear a vibration on the floor. I look over her shoulder and I see the light to her phone turn on. I get up so softly not wanting to wake her up. I tiptoed to the phone and pick it up. It's Lannan Calling. I hesitate if I should pick up the call. "Fuck it!".
Bazz: hey mate what's up?
Lannan: Bazz?
Bazz: yes
Lannan: why do you have Y/N's phone? Kath called me and told me she got hurt?
Bazz: yeah she fell down the stairs missing the last couple of them. She hurt her ankle pretty bad.
Lannan: well where is she?
Bazz: she's asleep right now mate but don't worry I'll take care of her. I'll have her cal...
(Lannan hangs up the phone)
Fuck maybe I shouldn't have answered it. Well it's done now. I place her phone back where I found it. Once done I softly get back on the sofa with her trying not to wake her up.

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