It's the start of you're journey at the Click House. You're a well known Youtuber/Vloger. You have feelings towards another member in the crew. Maybe there's more to this story? Tons of drama and love triangles. Keep reading to find out. The story i...
It's the day after and I get ready for a full day of filming. I get up to go to the restroom taking my phone with me. I quickly check it and I have a text from Lannan.
>>good morning beautiful! I'll see you later today.
I love getting these morning text from him. I head to restroom to take a shower. For my outfit I chose a black croptop with ripped jeans and fishnets underneath. For shoes I pick my black converse that I haven't worn in a while.
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I head downstairs to meet everyone ready to film and getting all the equipment put up. Bazza comes up to me asking me if I wanted to go with him to run some errands for the video. I agree and we head out.
Bazz: you look beautiful!
Y/N: thank you! So what are these errands?
Bazz: not to much. Elliott asked if I could do these before we start (He hands me the list)
Y/N: 1 get a large bottle of Grey goose. 2. red cups and 3 grab extra camera batteries from click office. Okay we better hurry then it's 2:30 already
Bazz: we will make it
We get off at the liquor store and buy the bottle of Grey Goose. Then we head to go get the batteries from the click office since it's not far along. Time Skip
I get a text from lannan >>where the fuck are you? Liv told me you went with Bazz?
<< I came to run some quick errands with him. We are almost there
>> I can't believe you went with Bazz after you know the way I feel about him!
I didn't reply back. I knew he was upset and by me replying back wouldn't help anything. I didn't mention anything to Bazz but he could tell something was up with me.
Bazz: what's wrong? Your mood changed.
Y/N: oh it's nothing just want to get there already.
I was so nervous when we parked. I knew I was about to get looks from Lannan. I wish he wouldn't be so jealous sometimes. When we got to the door Elliott greeted us
Elliot: there you are! Now we can start filming!
Bazz: sorry it took so long. There was bad traffic.
I walked right in and went to go stand next to Lannan. He distance himself from me I could feel the tension between us. I attempted to talk to him but he wasn't having it. He's so childish sometimes. We begin to film the introduction. I stood in the front by lufu with Cray behind us. I just put on my game face and acted normally. I can see Lannan did the same being silly. After filming the intro we take a quick 10 minutes to ourselves while the crew gets the beer pong table ready for us. I go up to Lannan attempting to talk to him agian.
Y/N: can I talk to you real quick privately?
Lannan: sure (I grab his hand and we go inside)
Y/N: your seriously upset that I went with Bazz?
Lannan: hell yes! I don't trust him! I know how he has feelings for you.
Y/N: but you trust me right?
Lannan: of course I do! But..
Y/N: but nothing! You don't have anything to worry about. It's me your talking to! I would never do anything in that sense to you!
Lannan: your right I'm sorry I overreacted. Forgive me?
Y/N: of course love! (He gives me a big kiss and we head out back)
I hope that put some sense in him. We continue on filming. We are placed in teams of 2. Elliott puts Lannan and Marcus together. Lufu and cray together leaving Bazz & I partnered up. Damn I didn't want to say anything but I can already see Lannan's attitude changing. We begin to play the game. Each time we miss we take a shot. It was harsh but the fans wanted to see it. We were halfway through the game and I can say I'm already pretty buzzed. Bazz and I are failing in dead last. It's my turn to throw the ball and in a second I made it! I'm so happy everyone is cheering us on. Bazz gets a bit to excited and picks me up and spins me around. I hear Lannan voice say "that's enough put her down!". It gets a bit akward but Cray breaks the silence by just being silly. It's now Lannan's turn and he's a bit tipsy as you can tell the way he's standing. He makes the winning shot and everyone cheers for him. He comes up to me grabbing me and giving me a peak on my cheek. We film the outro, and once done we sit and have a dinner. The crew had been doing a bbq while filming.