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               "Luhan?! What in the world are you doing here? Wait, am I dreaming?" I began pinching myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. "Hahaha! No, you're not dreaming, Rae rae." Luhan cupped my face and rubbed my cheeks. That made me jump and gave him a tight hug. "Woah! O..k.. Can't.. Can't breathe.. Rae rae.." Luhan struggled in the hug. "Opps! Sorry gege. Got a little too excited. Hehe!" I let go and smiled cheekily. However, Luhan pulled me back and hugged me gently. "There, that's better." He said while stroking my long locks slowly.

               After a few seconds, he finally let go. "Oh, you asked why I'm here? Weren't you the one who told me to visit you here? Now that I'm here, you're telling me to go back to Beijing?" Luhan pouted. "No! That's not what I meant! I was just surprised by your sudden appearance. That's all." I smiled. Then I noticed that he was wearing the same school uniform as me.

               "Are you attending the same school as me?" I asked. "Yeap! Hehe!" Luhan smiled widely. "You know, we're gonna be late if we don't get going." Luhan said while looking at his watch. "Oh, you're right. Let's go then." I started walking and Luhan walked beside me. "So, how's life here?" Luhan asked while glancing at me. "Hmm... It's fine. Only needed a little more time to get use to everything." Luhan just nodded. "You know... I actually have another reason why I came here." Luhan said while looking at the ground. "Really? What's the other reason then?" I asked as I looked at him. A few seconds of silence passed by when he finally spoke. "I missed you." He said softly as if he was shy about it. "Aish. Hahaha. Well, I missed you too, gege." I chuckled as I punched him playfully on the shoulder. Luhan just chuckled in reply.

               After a few minutes, we finally reached our destination. *Wow, is this a school or a castle? It's freaking big! I'm gonna get lost in here.* "I know right? I'd surely get lost in there too." Luhan sighed. "Pfft. I forgot we could "read" each other's mind." I chuckled. Luhan just smirked in reply. We then entered the school and looked for the school's office which of course, was a difficult task. With the help from various students, we managed to find the office. "Oh, the two of you must be the new students." A female teacher approached us as we entered the office. "Names?" She asked with a pen in her hand. "Luhan" "Jang Mirae" We both gave her our names. "Ok, here's both of your schedule." The female teacher handed us a piece of paper and both bowed and left.

               "Ok, so now we have to find this class... 3A." I said as I scanned the schedule. "Guess we have to ask around for directions again." Luhan sighed. I gave him a pitiful face and patted him on the shoulders. After asking around for directions, we finally found the class and was just in time as the school bell rings. *Knock knock* Luhan knocked on the door and we were greeted by the teacher inside. "Oh, hello there. You two must the new students. Come come." The teacher opened the door wide enough for both of us to enter.

               As soon as we entered, all eyes were on us. "Ok, class. Today we have two new students who will be joining us. Go ahead and introduced yourself." The teacher gestured for us to move to the front. "Annyeonghaseyo, Jang Mirae imnida." I said my name and bowed. I was about to introduce Luhan to the class when he suddenly spoke. "Annyeonghaseyo, Luhan imnida." He introduced himself and bowed politely. I think all the females in the class were charmed by him as they were all looking at him dreamily.

               "Ok, good. Now let's help them feel welcomed ok? I am Mr Song by the way." The teacher smiled and pointed to the two empty desks at the back of the class. Both of us bowed once more and quickly sat at out seats. "Hey, since when did you know how to speak Korean?" I asked Luhan as soon as he sat on his chair which is next to mine. "Let's just say I picked up Korean a long time ago." He smirked and paid attention to the lesson. I just chuckled and did the same. After an hour, the lesson finally ended. When Mr Song left, everyone immediately flocked around us.

               *Woah, what's happening?* I thought as everyone stared at both of us. "You said your name is Luhan right? You're not Korean right?" a girl with long wavy hair asked. "No, I'm not." Luhan smiled. The girls all melted at the sight of it. *Pfft.* I secretly rolled my eyes. Then I noticed that the guys were all staring at me. I then smiled at them. "Uwah... I think I've finally found my beauty.." One of the guys said dramatically. I just giggled at his ridiculousness. "Where do you live?" "What your favourite colour?" "Do you wanna have lunch together?" I was suddenly attacked with various questions. Another guy was about to say something when Luhan suddenly interrupted. "I'm sorry, but I think it's best if you save all those questions later." Luhan smiled. The guys all sneered and mumbled things as they returned back to their seats.

               "What's that for? One of the guys was about to say something. Tsk." I said grumpily. "Well, they were being annoying." Luhan shrugged. "Mhmm. As the same goes to the girls too." I rolled my eyes. "Were you jealous then?" Luhan smirked. "No, I wasn't. What about you? Did you interrupt because YOU were jealous?" I countered back. Luhan became silent and scribbled something in his notebook. I just chuckled and looked outside the window beside me. *Was he really jealous?*

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