Lovely Day

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Mirae's POV

               "Well, it's none of your business, boy. Get lost." the man said to the person whom i can't figure out who as it was dark.The next thing happened so fast, the next thing i knew, i was released from the man's grip and he was already kissing the ground. "Gwenchana? You're not hurt right?" L oppa asked with worry. I could only manage to nod my head as i was too shaken by the incident. L took one last glance at the man before pulling me away.

               "Here we are." L smiled when we arrived in front of my gate. "Thank you for saving me back there. I don't know what would've happened if it wasn't for you..." i said while looking at the ground. "Nah, it's nothing. You're lucky my mum told me to throw out the rubbish. If not, i wouldn't have heard you." he chuckled and i giggled. "Well then. Goodnight." i said as i entered my house compound. He waved as he turned and went back home.

               "I'm home~" i greeted as i plopped myself down on the sofa. "What took you so long? Did something happen?" mum asked as she entered the living room. "Oh? Aniyo. Nothing happened. I was just walking slowly since my body's aching." i smiled as i scratched my head awkwardly. "Hmm... Araso. Go take your shower while i prepare your dinner." mum instructed. After dinner, i helped mum wash the dishes and went up to my room.

               "Urgh, so tired~~" i groaned as i lay on my bed. *I wonder what's Luhan doing.* i thought as i sat up to take my phone. "Omo! So many texts and missed calls. Aigoo, this boy." i shook my head in amusement. I then opened up the latest message.

Luhan <3: Call me immediately when you read this message. -3-

               I chuckled at his text as i dialed his phone number. The phone tone was just about to ring but Luhan had already picked up the call in the speed of light. "RAE RAE WHERE WERE YOU? WHY DIDN'T YOU REPLY MY MESSAGES AND ANSWER MY CALLS? DO YOU KNOW HOW WORRIED I WAS???? I THOUGHT SOMETHING BAD HAPPENED TO YOU. OMG." Luhan was literally shouting through the phone call and i had to calm him down cause my ear drums could burst anytime and i would go deaf. "Omg, calm down Luhan." i said in a soft tone to calm him down. There was a short pause when Luhan started speaking again.

               "Where were you?" he asked in a more calm voice. "I just reached home not long ago and i was having my dinner when you spammed me with your messages and phone calls." i chuckled. "I see. Sorry, i just got so worried cause i felt like something bad happened to you..." he said and i could tell he was pouting right now. "Nothing bad happened, Luhan." i lied. Well, i didn't want to tell him what happened just now cause that'd only make him worry more and secondly, i didn't want to mention L oppa to him to prevent any misunderstanding from happening again.

               "Hmm, ok. Well, you should get some rest. I bet you're probably half dead during training." he teased. "Yah! Don't tease me. Tsk." i pouted. "Araso araso. Stop pouting." he chuckled. *Aish this guy.* "Ok, hang up now. Goodnight, my cheonsa." he said. "Goodnight, oppa." i giggled. After that we both hung up.

               "Rae rae ah!" i turned to see Luhan waving at me from behind. "Oppa!" i quuickly ran to him with my arms open. Luhan opened his arms and accepted my hug. "I really love your hug." i smile as i burried my face into his chest, taking in his scent. "So you don't love me?" Luhan said as i lifted my head to find him pouting his lips. "Aigoo. I love your hug but i love you more." i smiled as i pecked his pouting lip. "I love you too, Mirae." he smiled. We stared into each other's eyes as Luhan started leaning forward for a kiss.

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