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Mirae's POV

               Today is the worse day ever. Why? Well, i woke up with aches all over. I seriously felt like an old lady. Aigoo. The aches were so bad that i just decided to lay in bed until i get hungry or if i needed to use the toilet. *Knock knock knock* "Mirae ah?" I heard mum's voice from the door. "Mirae, are you still sleeping?" She knocks again. "Ani, eomma. I'm just aching so badly." I informed her. The door then opened. "Aigoo. I didn't know i was raising an old woman. Ireona." *Smack smack* "Ah! Eomma! That's painful! Aish, jinjja!" I groaned in pain as mum slapped my legs. Soon enough, i got out of bed.

               The rest of the day was hard. I could hardly stand or walk around. I was resting on the sofa when mum suddenly told me she needed to attend another meeting. *There she goes, leaving me in this state. Tsk.* After she left, i was left alone. So all i could do now is watch tv. Suddenly, i got thirsty. *Man. This ache is really... Urgh.* Then an idea came into mind.

               "Who do you think i am? Your servant?" Luhan was obviously annoyed that i called him over just to help me get a glass of water from the kitchen. I'm being mean, i know. But i'm having bad aches... Kindly understand my situation. Kamsahamnida.

               "Luhan~ Just this once, please? My body is aching really badly." I pleaded with aegyo. "Aigoo... You really... Aish. Fine fine." Luhan finally gave in. I grinned in victory. "Here's your drink, missy." He said as he served a glass of water on the coffee table. "Why, thank you kind servant." I smiled cheekily as i drank. "Tch. Servant huh? Just for today." Luhan warned sternly. "Ok." I nodded in agreement. Luhan then plopped himself beside me. "Hey, massage my legs. They feel awful." I commanded as i lifted my legs up to Luhan's lap. Luhan wanted to say something but decided to just glare at me. Then, he started massaging my legs. I must say, he's quite skilled at this. Hmhmm.

               "There. Better now?" said Luhan after massaging for about 5 minutes. "Hmm, yeah. Much better." I smiled widely which made him to scoff. "However... My shoulders and back feel kinda stiff as well..." I said as i moved my shoulders. "Are you implying that you want me to massage your shoulders too?" Luhan said as his eyes turned into slits. "Teehee." I smiled sheepishly. Luhan then gestured me to turn around so that he could massage my aching shoulders. *Duk duk duk duk* My heart started racing as soon as Luhan laid his hands on my shoulders. I then got butterflies when Luhan started massaging. His massaging skills was really awesome. Omg. I could already feel my shoulder loosen up and the aches going away. Luhan's massage was so good and relaxing that it actually made me drift off to sleep.

Luhan's POV

               I can't believe i'm actually giving Mirae a massage. I'm feeling so nervous right now. I wasn't annoyed that she called me over just for a glass of water. In fact, i was actually glad that she called me instead of her neighbor whose-name-i-do-not-wish-to-say. Which is why i agreed to be her servant only for today. While i was in the midst of massaging, i noticed Mirae's head was bobbing her head. *Is she a asleep?* I looked over and found her sleeping. *Guess she really likes my massage.* I smiled at my thoughts. Since she fell asleep, i decided to carry her up to her room so that she could sleep on her bed.

               "There." I said as i slowly laid her on the bed so as to not wake her up. *So angelic...* I thought as i gently stroke her cheek. Then, my eyes shifted to her lips. *So plum and pretty* I thought as i grazed my thumb over her lips. *Duk duk duk duk* My heart started racing.

               Suddenly, i felt my face move closer to hers. Our lips were a few centimeters apart when Mirae suddenly shifted in her sleep which made me quickly retreat. I then stood up to leave. "Luhan..." I quickly turned around when i heard Mirae say my name. I found that she was still asleep. *She must be sleep talking.* I smiled. I was about to walk away when Mirae suddenly grabbed my hands. "Don't go... Luhan." She talked with her eyes closed. Obviously she was sleeptalking. How cute. Kekeke. "I'm here... I won't leave you, my love." I spoke softly as i sat on the floor right beside the side of the bed Mirae was sleeping at. I then smiled at the sight of our hands that were interlocked.

               I tried letting go but Mirae would just tighten her grip. I decided to just let it be as i didn't mind and i liked it. I stared at her face as i stroked her hair repeatedly with my free hand. Not long after, i got tired and drifted off to sleep, resting my head on the bed.

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