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Mirae's POV

               "Urgh. I hate History." i groaned. "Haha. It wasn't that hard." Luhan chuckled. "Yeah that's because it's easy for you." i said as i narrowed my eyes on Luhan. He just laughed a little while shaking his head. We just took the History exam and it was difficult for me as i wasn't really prepared for it and i couldn't even understand a single thing in this subject right from the beginning of chapter 1. Too much war content and i hate it. The only thing i've learnt from History is, "History is history." Full stop.

               "Yah, Rae rae. It's lunch time. Let's go." i turned to my side and see Luhan already standing up from his seat. I stood up too and we both went to the cafeteria for lunch. After eating lunch, we still had time left before the next class so we decided to go up to the roof. "Haaa. Fresh air." i said as i opened my arms wide and smelt the air. It feels so peaceful here. Suddenly, Luhan back hugged me and re-enacted the popular scene from 'Titanic'. I laughed and turned around to face him. "Aigoo, you're so funny." i giggled as i pinched his cheeks. Luhan smiled then pulled me to sit on the bench.

               "Hey, Lulu. Sing for me. It's been long since i last hear you sing." i asked as i rested my head on his shoulder. "Hmm, what song do you want me to sing for you?" he asked as he stroked my hair gently. "I don't know? Any song." i smiled. "Hmm, ok then." he said as he got ready to sing.

A bit of light jumps on the water left after the rain

Make your wish on this shore of eternity

I will hug you and leave the freezing point

I'll cross over the barrier

I'll always be by your side

I'll write on your palms the beliefs I'll one day say to you

Towards our dream

Take the first step

That little bit, just a little bit, the focus of my soul

In my ear, leave only the sound of your voice

This day, every day, even ordinary time leaves memories

Every time I can smell the scent of heaven from your gaze

In my dreams I am holding your hand, flying over a moonlight-covered ground

Yes, You Are My Baby Baby Baby, Baby Baby Baby

I can't stop, I summoned the courage to love, I just want to look at you

               "There." he said as he stopped singing. "Yah, you should've sang the whole song though. I was already immersed in your singing. Tsk." i looked up and pouted. "Hahaha. I'll sing for your the whole song next time." he smiled and ruffled my hair. "We should get going. Class's starting soon." he said as he stood up slowly. "Kaja." he smiled down as he extended his hand out for me. I took his hand happily and we went down for class.

Luhan's POV

               Time passed by and we were soon dismissed from school. "School is so tiring." Mirae groaned for the i-don't-know-how-many-times already. "You shouldn't really need to dread about school that much. It isn't really that dreadful, Rae rae." i chuckled. "I know but i think i'm still worn out from Saturday's practice. Urgh." she said as she hunched her back. "Yah, don't hunch like that unless you want to look like an old lady." i teased. She narrowed her eyes on me but straightened her back anyways. We were nearly reaching her house when i saw someone familiar in front of us.

               "Hello, lovebirds." Myungsoo said with a chuckle. "Hello, L oppa. What are you doing out here?" Mirae said. *"L oppa". Its ok, Luhan. Don't need to get jealous.* i thought as i calmed myself down. However, what he said next shocked me. "Well, i was just worried if that man would harass you again." *What is he talking about?* "What man? Harass?" i looked at Mirae. I noticed she looked a bit disturbed before turning to look at me. "Oh? You didn't tell him about it?" he said, a little surprised. "Tell me what, Mirae?" i intensified my gaze on her. "W-well..." Mirae stuttered as she answered nervously.

               "She was physically harassed while she was on the way home last Saturday." Myungsoo answered for her.*What ?! She was physically harassed and she didn't tell me about it?* "Why didn't you tell me, Mirae?" i asked as i hung my head low in disappointment. "L-Luhan i-" "Its ok. You don't have to tell me. You'll be fine from here right? I'll leave now. See you tomorrow." i said and left. I didn't let her explain herself as i was really disappointed and i didn't feel like talking right now.

               *Mirae, i'm really starting to doubt our relationship right now..*

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