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That's Boa in the pic <3

Mirae's POV

               I stormed out of my room and went into the living room. *Omg. What's wrong with Luhan? Our lips was just an inch apart but he... Urgh!* I punched the pillows on the sofa in frustration. *But why did he do that?* I thought as i lied down on the sofa and stared at the ceiling. "I hate you Luhan..." I covered my face with the pillow and mumbled against it. Suddenly, i heard someone enter.

               "Mirae...? There you are." Luhan said as he sat at the sofa. "Hey, Mirae... About just now, I.." Luhan paused. He seemed to be thinking of something to say. "Go away, Luhan." I said bluntly as i turned my back against him. "Mirae, i'm sorry. I didn't mean do that." Luhan apologised as he placed his hand on my right shoulder. I quickly shrugged it off. I heard him let out a sigh and left. After he left, i slowly sat up and let out a sigh. Then i got up and left the room.

               I looked around and Luhan was nowhere to be found. *He must've left*. I sighed once again and went up my room. I slowly laid down on my bed as i remembered the scenario that happened just now. Then, Boa jumped up onto the bed and snuggled beside me. "Aigoo, Boa ah. What am i supposed to do now?" I asked as i petted her fur. I got ignored by Boa as she went to sleep. *Aigoo... Luhan.* I sighed as i drifted off to sleep as well.

Luhan's POV

               I left the house as i didn't want to annoy Mirae any further. *Ah... What should i do now..?* I thought as i walked down the pavement. "Hey." Someone suddenly tapped me by the shoulder. I looked to see Myungsoo smirking. "Hey." I replied. "How come you look so down? Did you visit Mirae just now?" He asked. "Yeah." I sighed. "What happened?" Myungsoo looked at me. "Nothing. Just a some misunderstanding." I smiled sadly.

               "You like Mirae, don't you?" He smirked. I just looked up in surprise. *Is it too obvious?* "How do you..." My voice trailed off. "Pfft. Come on. I can see it by the way you look at her and all. I mean, i'm a guy too. So yeah." He chuckled. "Then i guess i can't deny it." I chuckled. "Does she know?" He asked. "Ani. I just don't dare to bring it up. I mean, our 10 years of friendship could be at risk." I sighed. "Don't you trust her enough to even tell her your true feelings? I mean, you can't expect to let this be a secret, you know." Myungsoo said as he slid his hands in his pockets. "I know. I'm gonna tell her one day just... Maybe not now." I sighed and looked down.

               "Well, good luck then." Myungsoo patted my shoulder. "Just don't be too slow. Someone else might beat you to it." He chuckled. "What do you mean?" I looked at him in confuse. "You're not the only one who has a crush on her." He smirked and left. I immediately understood his message.

               I've met my rival now.

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