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Mirae's POV

               "Omgggg. My legs." I groaned as i suffered every steps i took. "My goodness. What's wrong with you, darling?" mum asked as i went down the stairs like an old woman. "This is all because of training. Urgh." i frowned as i plopped down on the sofa beside mum. "Aigoo. You don't have to exaggerate though." mum said as she slapped my thighs. "Ah, eomma!" i shrieked in pain as mum laughed. Suddenly, the phone rang.

                 "Yoboseyo? Ah, yeobo! Araso!" mum ended the call excitedly and went over to me. "Why are you so excited? Who was that?" i asked as i looked at her in a weird manner. "Appa's coming back home!" she stated happily. "Jinjja?!" I exclaimed as my eyes widened. "He'll arrive at the airport tonight!" mum added. Wow. My dad's coming home. The last time i saw him was at the airport in China. I miss him so much!

               "Boa ah! Appa's coming home tonight! Yay!" I said to Boa excitedly as i picked her up. Boa meowed happily as though she was also excited with his return. *I should tell Luhan about this.* I thought as i picked up my phone to send him a text but only to stop half way as I remember our current situation. "Ah right, how am I supposed to him right now?" I pouted as i deleted the text.

Luhan's POV

               I was eating my breakfast when mum returned to the dining room from answering a phone call. "Luhan ah. Your father's coming here tonight." she informed with a smile across her face. "Really?" I asked with an eyebrow raised. "Mhmm. He said he'll arrive tonight. He's coming from China along with Mr Jang." my ears perked up when she mentioned Mirae's father. "Is that so? I see." I said as I nodded. *Mirae must be excited to see her father again.* I smiled at the thought. "Why are you smiling? Thinking of Mirae?" mum asked with a teasing smile. I could only blush as i continued eating.

               It's currently 7:10pm right now and dad should be arriving at any moment. Just then, the doorbell rang. *That must be dad* I thought as i went down the stairs. "Baobei!!" dad greeted as soon as mum opened the door and gave her a hug with a kiss on the cheek. "Ah, my son." he smiled when he saw me and gave me a warm hug. I then carried his luggage and helped him settle in.

               "So how's school?" dad as as we were sitting in the living room. "It's good. I'm coping well." I answered. Dad nodded as he pat my shoulder. "Ah, that's right. Go and get ready. We're going out for dinner." dad informed. "Where are we going?" mum asked. "A restaurant. I heard the foods here's delicious." he said. "Oh and the Jang family is joining us as well. Mr Jang and I planned to have dinner together." he added with a smile. "Really? That's great then. I'll go get ready. Luhan, you should get ready too." mum gestured me to go.

               My family and I are already at the restaurant waiting for Mirae and her parents arrival. I took a bit of effort while dressing up since i'll be seeing Mirae. I have to look good ya know. A few minutes later, they arrived. I looked up and saw Mirae in a dress. She looked pretty as always. How i wished i could hug her right now. Sigh.

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Mirae's POV

               "It's been long since we had dinner together like this." dad said. "Yes yes. It's really nice to able to do this again." said Mirae's father. Our parents then had their own conversations as Luhan and I stayed quiet as we glanced at each other from time to time. He looked really good tonight.

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               "Why aren't you two talking?" Mrs Lu asked which made my parents and Luhan's father look at us. "That's right. Why are you two so quiet? Aren't you two a couple already?" Mr Lu asked. Both Luhan and i tensed up. "Did something happen between you two?" he added. *That's right, they didn't know we're not in good terms right now. Oh no.* "No, it's not like that. We're just a little awkward since all of are present. Right?" Luhan said and looked at me. "That's right." I said as i got the message to play along. "I see. We'll don't be awkward with us around just act as you normally do." said Mr Lu with a teasing smile.

               Then the waiter arrived and food was served. *The food came in just in time. Whew.* Then all of started started eating with occasional conversation here and there. As i was eating, i sensed that someone was staring at me. I looked up to see Luhan looking at me. I then raised both eyebrows in a 'what' manner. Suddenly he reached for my face and wiped the corner of my lips. He then showed his thumb and there was sauce on it.

               "Aigoo. That was sweet of you Luhan. Darling, how could you eat messily?" mum said as she frowned at me teasingly causing me to blush. I looked down in embarrassment as mum and Mrs Lu giggled. I glanced up and saw Luhan blushing as well.

               "We should go out together again sometime." Mr Lu suggested. "Yes yes, that's a nice idea." dad agreed with a smile. "Well then. I guess we'll get going now." Mr Lu said and shook hands with dad. Then we went to the cars. Before i got into the car, Luhan grab my wrist. "Yes?" i said as i turned around. Luhan looked a bit hesitant before he finally opened his mouth. "Goodnight." He smiled and gently ruffled my bangs. After that he quickly got into the car. 

               *Has he forgiven me already?*

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